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Dentist. Educator. StoryTeller @Penn Ivy League. Cricket. American Football. Pune. Philadelphia. Princeton. Deccan Gymkhana. Tennis. Chitale. Vaishali.

Jun 13, 2023, 14 tweets

Back in the 90’s, the Palkhi was basically an unexpected unplanned holiday from school and a LOT of people walking on FC Road!

Move to 2023 and it means so much more!

Reverence, respect, dedication, perseverance and better understanding of our culture!

#Pune #Palkhi2023

I had the distinct pleasure of walking on FC road just as the warkaris started coming and ended up getting a Darshan close up of both the Tukaram and the Dnyaneshwar Palkhis towards the end with some friends.

I won’t write too much right now but here are some pictures!

As always the welcome Rangolis and the first group making its way up FC Road.

Some interesting personalities……

and some really cute children in traditional atire!!!!

(All photos taken and being shared with the express permission of their parents)

The highlight had to be the amazing Rangoli designs!

The artists were drawing them so fast and yet so accurately!

some more…….

But this one was clearly the overwhelming favourite!

Can’t not take Darshan of “Bappa” and then enjoy a walk on an empty Laxmi Road!

As the sun was going down….

The crowds started gathering……

The warkaris started growing in number as well as the number of photos being taken!

The police were doing an excellent job of managing the large pool of people, participating in the Palkhi and get captured by their colleagues!

The Tukaram Palkhi was the first one…….

with the Dnyaneshwar Palkhi being the last with some mini groups in between.

I was there a total of 4.5 hours approximately.

It was a blissful experience to take it in.

I hope to walk from Alandi to Pune sometime, and then Pune to Saswad after that!

A lot of people complain about the “disturbance and inconvenience”

To them, I say “Mauli Mauli”


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