Dip 𐤊∆₹m∆𐤊∆₹ (Ø,G) ∑: Profile picture
Full time web3 gamoooor! • Busy with: @web3_viper

Jun 14, 2023, 8 tweets

🤑Want an easy $10K from #LayerZero Try this hidden strategy🤑

45 transactions on @LayerZero_Labs for just $1.6 in fees!🫡

#LayerZero #Airdrop

Lets Begin🧵👇

For this strategy we use @DeFiKingdoms chain and generate 45 transactions at minimal fees!

#LayerZero Also confirmed they supports DeFiKingdoms bridge

Visit: synapseprotocol.com/?inputCurrency…

Bridge USDC worth of $1.6 from Polygon to DFK Chain

Note: Slippage is quite high

Go to: game.defikingdoms.com/#/

Then, Connect your wallet and select "Enter Crystalwale"
- Add DFK Chain popup comes automatically
- You will recieve 0.01 Jewel for free (Wait 2 min) to pay network fees
- Select Marketplace by clicking on ☰

Steps to get DFKGold

- Select trader Option
- Swap all of your Usdc to jewel
- Now, Swap "1" Jewel to DFKGold

Lets bridge DFKGold using #LayerZero to qualify #Airdrop

- Go to Inventory
- Click on the Gold then select Bridge option
- Approve token and bridge Gold token
- Repeat untill you Jewel become 0

Note- Always select random amount of Gold between 100-170

Lets check the transaction on LayerZero

- Put your address and Copy hash of your recent transaction from
- Paste this hash on
- Check status

Congrats mission completed 🎉🎉

👋 Thanks for reading this thread on LayerZero $1.6 strategy and don't forget to follow @0xdipkarmakar and my mentor @hmalviya9

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