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Host of Be Reasonable: with Your Moderator, Chris Paul on most podcast platforms. Writer. Hollywood refugee. Badlands Media. If I’m not tweeting, I’m suspended.

Jun 14, 2023, 37 tweets

Halderman report.

“There is no realistic mechanism to fully secure vote casting and tabulation computer systems from cyber threats.”

"Many of the attacks I successfully implemented could be effectuated by malicious actors with very limited time and access to the machines, as……

"Attackers can alter the QR codes on printed ballots to modify voters’ selections."

"The software update that Georgia installed in October 2020 left Georgia’s BMDs in a state where anyone can install malware with only brief physical access to the machines. I show that this problem can potentially be exploited in the polling place even by non-technical voters."…

"Without needing any secret information, I created a counterfeit technician card that can unlock any ICX in Georgia."

Everyone who has paid attention to the election fraud issue knows that these machines are wide-open to manipulation through obvious vulnerabilities and that they cannot produce reliable results.

Dominion's own discovery documentation in the Fox/Dominion lawsuit said it as well.

Lulz. Halderman worries that the people trying to secure our elections in Georgia will now know how to exploit the machines simply by having access to similar machines.

That would mean anyone with access to similar machines could exploit them.

It also means it's GOOD that……

This alone is absolutely damning, and we've been making this argument for 2.5 years.

"Despite the addition of a paper trail, ICX malware can still change individual votes and most election outcomes without detection. Election results are determined from ballot QR codes, which……

Your elections are not secure. They haven't been in a very long time, if ever. (p6-7)

"Although outcome-changing fraud conducted in this manner could be detected by a risk-limiting audit, Georgia requires a risk-limiting audit of only one contest every two years, so the vast……

Every sentence of this report should provoke only one reaction: The machines must be completely eliminated, immediately.

Everyone in office knows this is how our elections are run. Every single one.

"The ICX’s vulnerabilities also make it possible for an attacker to compromise……

"This means that in a close contest, ICX malware could manipulate enough ballots to change the election outcome with low probability of detection. In contrast, risk-limiting audits of hand-marked paper ballots, when used with appropriate procedural precautions, provide high……

"Using vulnerable ICX BMDs for all in-person voters, as Georgia does, greatly magnifies the security risks compared to jurisdictions that use hand-marked paper ballots"

Every word of this is absolutely damning.

"Likewise, previous security testing efforts as part of federal and state certification processes appear not to have uncovered the critical problems I found. This suggests that either the ICX’s vulnerabilities run deep or that earlier……

Can't we PLEASE just stop pretending?

"My technical findings leave Georgia voters with greatly diminished grounds to be confident that the votes they cast on the ICX BMD are secured, that their votes will be counted correctly, or that any future elections conducted using……

One of the threats to Georgia elections is dishonest election insiders.

I wonder why the TV was constantly telling us that elections were safe according to "election officials" and "state officials" as if neither of those two groups could ever be participating in the fraud,……

In case anyone is concerned, these are J. Alex Halderman's qualifications.

Later in the report, there are significant redactions.

Gotta wonder why.

Probably "national security" or "sources and methods" kek.

From Halderman's blog about the report:

"Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has been aware of our findings for nearly two years, but—astonishingly—he recently announced that the state will not install Dominion’s security update until after the 2024 Presidential……

People think it's conspiratorial to claim this, but it's not, it's just an understanding of human frailty, corruption, and evil.

This is the truth:

Our election systems are designed to allow the Regime to select the winners and ensure they're never caught.


We must stop pretending that our government cares about us and wants good things for us. Our government exists to enslave and exploit us. Nothing else.

"Ignoring advice from election security experts, including the lone cybersecurity expert on the Governor’s commission to……

All it takes is an election worker inserting a USB stick and the entirely election can be compromised.

There is no justification for the machines. They're less secure, more expensive, and lack any form of transparency. They're not even faster. It's been 2.5+ years and we still……

Think about this every time you hear someone claim that MAGA candidates can't win.

They know the election systems are like this and they say it anyway.

Your vote is the QR code and only the QR code.

Those words you can read? Those are for you to know that you pushed the buttons you meant to push, nothing more. That's not your vote, the QR code is.

And you have no way of knowing whether or not that contains the printed……

Very safe, very secure.

"The change might be detected in a manual recount or a risk-limiting audit (RLA) based on a review of the printed text, but that is unlikely given Georgia’s weak audit requirements, which have recently been further diluted."…

They have convinced you that machines are not only smarter than you are, but that they are objective and trustworthy.

We assume they're automatically correct and that if they're not, it's probably just a super rare, random occurrence.

And we're told that voting is the most……

People remain convinced that stealing elections is hard to do. They think everyone would notice. They think it could be easily "proven".

They create the system this way for a reason. It didn't end up this way by mistake.

They changed election processes and laws. They waged……

It could be worse but they weren't allowed to check.

We're told it has been fixed by the same people who told us there was never a problem in the first place.

Very safe, very secure.

He describes how, under his predecessor, the county’s Dominion equipment was “stored in a room with an unlocked door to the outside of the building, a leaking roof, and walls with sunlight streaming through crevices.”

"Although Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has had access to our findings for nearly two years, we are unaware of any effective steps the Secretary’s Office has taken to address the vulnerabilities."

"Announcing this is worse than doing nothing at all, since it puts would-be adversaries on notice that the state will conduct the presidential election with this particular version of software with known vulnerabilities, giving them nearly 18 months to prepare and deploy……

The News told you that these tests showed Dominion systems were very safe and secure.

"In March 2022, Dominion hired MITRE to respond to our report. Dominion did not give MITRE access to the voting equipment or software, so, unlike us, they couldn’t perform any actual security……

Repeat the Slogan: Very Safe, Very Secure

"the Georgia ICX software has already been stolen and widely distributed and that election equipment in at least one Georgia county was repeatedly improperly accessed. It is not credible to expect that Georgia will perfectly protect its……

"current U.S. election system testing and certification does not produce adequately secure technology."

"EAC has stated that none of the vulnerabilities we reported—including the arbitrary-code-execution flaw—violate the applicable certification requirements!"

Two beneficiaries of the Regime's wholly fake election process are going to enact new laws to fix it.

In a bipartisan fashion! And that means it's good, right?…

The fact that it would be the easiest thing in the world to steal elections via the totally vulnerable and compromised machines is not evidence that the elections are stolen. Always important to remember this.

Everyone involved in politics knows it's possible, but thank goodness……

"Our findings in Georgia demonstrate that elections face ongoing security risks that call for continued vigilance from policymakers, technologists, and the public. In light of these risks, the best way for officials to uphold voter confidence is to further improve security, not……

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