Chris Paul Profile picture
Host of Be Reasonable: with Your Moderator, Chris Paul on most podcast platforms. Writer. Hollywood refugee. Badlands Media. If I’m not tweeting, I’m suspended.
R. Chitwood 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Profile picture be like water Profile picture Judith Wareham Profile picture janiveer Profile picture 🌷Eric Jensen: Saved thru God’s Gift of Faith! Profile picture 11 subscribed
Sep 2, 2023 26 tweets 11 min read
This Trump testimony is fun. They ask him a question and he goes into elaborate stories. It's like reading The Art of the Deal.…
Image Peekaboo James is not looking good. Image
Jul 18, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, who was in that role on J6, appeared on @LouDobbs this morning. The interview is a necessary listen.

Here he says that @TimRyan @RepTimRyan was screaming at him demanding to know why they did not “open fire” on J6 attendees.

Thread… This is how that incident was reported in the ONLY tweet on Twitter that comes up in search when I enter “tim ryan open fire”.

It’s from deep state media asset @KenDilanianNBC.
Jun 14, 2023 37 tweets 17 min read
Halderman report.

“There is no realistic mechanism to fully secure vote casting and tabulation computer systems from cyber threats.”

"Many of the attacks I successfully implemented could be effectuated by malicious actors with very limited time and access to the machines, as…… Image "Attackers can alter the QR codes on printed ballots to modify voters’ selections." Image
Feb 14, 2023 28 tweets 11 min read
Speaking of Donald Trump and the death penalty, it looks like we have the makings of a pretty extensive little info op of narrative seeding happening.'

It's gone wide today with this shrieking article from @rollingstone @swin24… But it started a month ago.

"Inaction, if it continues, will result in executions."

Biden is once again unable to act.

(Re-published from AP)…
Feb 10, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Here's the thing, if you understand there's a problem, and you need to spend months gathering data to decide what to do about the problem, while failing to realize that the only problem that exists is the one you created AND while people are dying from the problem you created... ... you're only collecting data to justify the wrong (or evil) decisions you're making.

Proper decisions solve problems. If the problems aren't solved, and you say "the data" supports the decisions you've been making, either you're lying or the data is worthless.
Feb 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
It's weird that we have come to define intelligence as the ability to fully memorize and recite many parts of the Central Narrative, be perceived as successful in terms of the Central Narrative, and profess to having a "high IQ." It should be seen as the ability to reliably discern what's real and what's relevant and then be consistently on the right side of every relevant decision point.

If you can memorize the entire Central Narrative along each vertical but you're still pretending masks worked?
Feb 9, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
Under what authority did the fake president commit this act of war?

Putin's brutal aggression? This isn't only an attack on energy infrastructure in service of energy control by a "president" who's destroying domestic energy. It's an attack on the people of Russia and Europe... ... who shouldn't have to spend their savings on not freezing to death on the European side or suffering through the economic impacts on either side.

What does it say about Putin that he has not responded in kind to this obvious unprovoked act of war?
Jan 31, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
Trump lawsuit against Bob Woodward and Simon & Schuster.

Let's see what we've got!

(thread incoming)…
Jan 31, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
A list of attempted coups/takedowns against President Trump:

1. Russiagate
2. Fake media scandals
3. 2016 election manipulation
4. The setup of @GenFlynn
5. False sexual allegations
6. BLM/Antifa
7. 2018 election manipulation
8. Ukraine fake impeachment
9. Covid

cont... 10. Censorship of American citizens
11. 2020 election manipulation
12. Very Violent Insurrection
13. Fake J6 impeachment
14. 2022 election manipulation

Even with Trump 'out of office' the efforts continue - J6 committee, DOJ persecution of political opponents, etc...
Jan 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
ConInc media/influencers have tried to convince us for WEEKS that the most important thing to do is get Harmeet in as RNC chair. Lord DeSantis himself even joined in. They wanted to “upset the establishment” and “win.”

The most popular candidate was @realMikeLindell… 1/- 2 …who they ignored completely. Why? Because they wanted to make it a two person showdown to remove the candidate most popular with the people.

Why is @realMikeLindell most popular with the people? Because he cares about our stolen elections.
Jan 25, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Remember how Very Serious Intellectuals on Twitter were pearl-clutching, telling us how it was "irresponsible" to make jokes about Paul Pelosi's hammer time or discussing how the whole thing was obviously faked. Ohhh, that poor man was attacked!

We were right. Before everyone. We weren't right in some small way. We were right in every aspect the whole time. They were lying. It was fake. Even the FBI affidavit didn't hold up.

They were calling us conspiracy theorists and saying it was "MAGA extremist violence." Nope. We just blew their story up.
Jan 21, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
Another one bites the dust.

New York Times running the cover op. Add this to his decision on whether or not to "run for president" as events happening after his February 7th "State of the Union." What's special about that event?
Jan 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
It's so precious that the child-brains out there think all their social movements are grass-roots efforts to save marginalized people and not Live Action Role-Playing marketing strategies that come from the top down.

"The corporations support us because they really care!!" Ah, yeah. Sure they do.

Hi, we're Pfizer. Our products kill you, but boy do we care about environmental justice!

Hi, we're McDonald's. Our food will make you fat and sick, but we're making sure George Floyd will NEVER BE MURDERED AGAIN.
Jan 21, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
DeSantis Simps and whatever remains of ConInc and the GOPe are all just The Lincoln Project waiting to happen again.

MAGA isn’t ready to back DeSantis, but we’re not insulting him.

We’re insulting DeSantis Simps because it’s obvious what they’re doing. They’re never-Trump for clout at the Intellectual Kids Table on Twitter, and with the communists in their lives, so they can be welcomed into their faux-elite “spaces.” They share the same cultural sensibilities and all hate Trump for the same reasons.
Jan 14, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Let's have some fun with the Donald Trump deposition in E Jean Carroll's rape-hoax case.

It's absolutely hilarious. @realDonaldTrump is guns-blazing the entire time.

The whole thing really was a lie. What does "connected" mean here? Why would it be hard to get so much time with Trump for a very real trial about a very fake case?
Dec 31, 2022 93 tweets 37 min read
Apparently they did end up posting @Kash's testimony to the sham J6 committee. h/t Nevs on TG

Will go through a bit of this tonight and then continue this weekend.… Why in the world does the unselect committee redact the names of the people on their side and expose the names of @Kash's people?
Dec 30, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
It's worth knowing that by denying Balenciaga, she denies pedophilic elites that absolutely do exist. She's literally covering for elite pedophiles and calling other people extremists. She says QAnon's motivation for wanting to rid the government of corruption and hold people accountable is anti-semitism and "election denial."

While covering up elite pedophilia everyone can see with their own eyes.

And hey, who were Ghislaine's clients?
Dec 30, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Panicky, for sure, but I'm also thinking about what it means for a company to be "overvalued."

The way these media figures refer to companies as "overvalued" almost sounds like it's packed with an implicit threat, especially when we consider how stock values are manipulated. Can a "free" market overvalue something when the market determines value? Is the claim that people thought Tesla was really great and now they realize TESLA isn't as great... because of Elon reducing some elements of censorship on the platform and exposing old Twitter?
Dec 20, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
How come no one in the "Intellectual Dark Web" (a preposterous LARP) has figured @realdonaldtrump out yet?

(No, Very Charitable Columnists, not a story about his supporters that finally admits they're not evil racists.)

They haven't figured out who Trump is or what he's doing. Like, not at all. They all think he's just an ultimately inferior person in relation to themselves, or at least the people they imagine themselves to be if only they were better. They attempt to bully him and get mad that he's willing to bully the bullies and happy to do so.
Dec 18, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Vaxxies, here's what you need to understand. We don't care that your stats show the side effects are rare or 'not that bad.' They're real and widespread. The thing is, the people who made the virus made the vaccine and lied about everything the whole time. It's DESIGNED this way. The stillbirths and reproductive issues aren't an accident. The cancers aren't an accident. The 'died suddenly' aren't an accident. They knew the whole time and lied. That indicates that the purpose of the vaccine is to create the side effects.
Dec 15, 2022 27 tweets 19 min read
"the voting strength of residents of Mohave County, Arizona, was diluted and their Constitutional rights were violated"… A private company can do whatever it wants! 🤦‍♂️

"delegating to a private corporation and its software the crucial job of assessing the veracity of signatures on approximately 1.3 million mail-in ballots and presumably ballots retrieved from drop boxes"…