Max Blumenthal Profile picture
Editor, @TheGrayzoneNews

Jun 15, 2023, 10 tweets

Radio New Zealand has initiated an editorial audit over supposed "pro-Russian" editing of 22 stories which contain language that does not comport with US State Department-approved talking points

One article removed a reference to Maidan as a coup…

Another RNZ article is under review because it failed to adequately justify the Ukrainian government's raid on an Orthodox church and arrest of a priest for speech crimes…

This article contained a reference to undisputed truth and threatened to leave readers unacceptably pilled about "Maiden." We apologize for the error.…

There are no state-backed neo-Nazis in Ukraine. Those patches they wear display Hindu symbols of wisdom. We apologize to our readers.…

Russia did not annex Crimea after a popular referendum. This never happened. We apologize for even mentioning it.…

We are extremely concerned that a "pro-Russian" editor mentioned that the US was stocking Taiwan up on its weapons. You must not know that this is happening. We apologize for the unacceptable context.…

The US may not be fanning the flames of war by sending arms to Ukraine, it is merely a Chinese allegation. We apologize for the inappropriate statement.…

This article failed to adequately justify Israel's killing of 10 Palestinians. We apologize to Benjamin Netanyahu for the "pro-Russian" editorial error.…

RNZ is extremely concerned that this article failed to sufficiently demonize Palestinians as terrorists and justify the logic behind Israel's military dictatorship in the occupied West Bank. We take this matter extremely seriously.…

We apologize for citing international law on the illegality of Israeli settlements. We are also concerned Netanyahu was called "hard right" instead of "far right."

We take this very seriously and have introduced appropriately convoluted language instead.…

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