Jon Herold Profile picture
Founder of @badlandsmedia_ Author of the Devolution Series.

Jun 15, 2023, 10 tweets


I want to show you a connection between the newly released Halderman report and what Trump was doing to set up Dev/COG.

It has to do with the "Draft Executive Order" that was leaked dated December 16th, 2020 - the one calling for military interdiction in the election.

The Draft EO says there is evidence of "foreign interference." He directly mentions Dominion Voting Systems multiple times.

"The Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results."

It stated that the systems had "crucial code "features" and defects that allowed the same outside and foreign interference in our election, in which there is probable cause to find votes were in fact altered and manipulated contrary to the will of the voters."

"Multiple expert witnesses and cyber experts identified acts of foreign interference in the election prior to November 3, 2020 and continued in the following weeks."

It then went on to call for Military "interdiction."

Here is where it connects to the Halderman report.

The report was under seal in a court case in GA. Judge Amy Totenberg just ordered the unsealing on Jun 7th.

What fascinates me, is that Donald Trump's Draft EO actually quoted one of Judge Totenberg's orders "denying 785 Motion for Preliminary Injunction."


In Trump's Draft EO, he quoted one of the Judge's order from the same exact case we just got the Halderman report from...

See for yourself...

Order quoted in Draft EO:…

Halderman Report:…

The Draft EO happens to cite the one court case, out of maybe 100s or 1000s of court cases surrounding election fraud, that years later unseals a report detailing that Dominion machines could allow manipulation of votes without detection, just as the EO stated.


Oh and I wrote about the Draft EO in my Addendum 4 found at

You could also find the actual Draft EO here:…

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