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Jun 16, 2023, 17 tweets

THREAD: The Spike Protein is the Bioweapon

This thread discusses the COVID-19 spike protein.

It was engineered through gain-of-function experiments in a Cabal biolab.

There are two delivery vectors for the spike protein bioweapon.

The virus. And the more deadly injection.

A bat coronavirus spike protein was weaponized by the Cabal.

It contains a genetic sequence patented by Moderna three years before the plandemic.

Researchers say there’s a one in 3 trillion chance the sequence developed naturally.…

Here’s the CEO of Moderna discussing the COVID genetic sequence patented by his organization three years before the COVID plandemic was unleashed.

The spike protein may also include elements of HIV.

An Australian vaccine that used the spike protein was abandoned because the vaccine generated HIV antibodies in recipients.…

Research from India found a similarity between HIV and unique inserts in the spike protein.

"Amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag ... unlikely to be fortuitous in nature"…

A CDC study found vaccinated individuals in Massachusetts had a HIV positivity rate 17X higher than average.

"Analysis matching cluster-associated COVID-19 cases with the state HIV case surveillance data identified 6% cases with verified HIV infection.”…

Professor Luc Montagnier, the scientist who discovered HIV, says COVID-19 contains genetic elements of HIV.

"French scientist who shared the 2008 Nobel Prize for discovery of HIV insisted its characteristics could not have arisen naturally."…

COVID-19 has a HIV-like mutation according to research by scientists in China and Europe.

Nankai University shows the virus has a mutated gene similar to those in HIV that means its ability to bind with human cells could be 1000 times as strong as SARS.…

The virus was the original delivery vector. It has a diameter of ~100nm and can’t pass through blood barriers. Airborne viruses are typically dealt with by the respiratory system (nose/throat/lungs). They rarely enter the bloodstream. So the virus was less deadly than they hoped.

The COVID virus has 29 proteins.

When you catch the virus, your body learns how to defend against all 29 proteins.

If you later catch a new strain, where some proteins have mutated, your body still recognizes most of the proteins and knows how to produce the right antibodies.

The secondary delivery vector is the injection, which isolates the spike protein from the virus.

The spike protein has a diameter of ~10nm. It passes through blood barriers, evading the protection of the respiratory system, and attacks the heart, brain, reproductive system etc.

The injections only teach the body how to defend against that spike protein. Not the other 20+ proteins in the virus.

So when you catch a new strain of the virus, with a mutated spike protein, the injection is useless.

Injected people still catch, spread and get ill with COVID.

Blood cells normally flow smoothly past each other.

But the spike protein, isolated from the rest of the virus, is free to attach to blood cells.

This causes cells to stick together, creating clots.

Clots that move into the brain or heart can cause strokes or heart attacks.

If you're going to get the HIV spike protein, it's better to catch the viral form.

This allows your respiratory system to deal with it, and your body to build immunity to all 29 proteins, without the toxic spike protein entering your bloodstream and accumulating in your organs.

Why President Trump Pushed the "Vaccine"

This excellent video by MrTruthBomb provides additional context to the points raised in this thread.

It incorporates content from Clif High, X22 Report, AndWeKnow, and Patel Patriot.

@clif_high @andweknow @patel_patriot @SacredGeoInt…

Further to the Spike Protein and HIV connections covered at the beginning of this thread, here's a video that aired on BBC discussing how HIV was added to the COVID "vaccine".

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