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A Digital #NFT Trading Card Game. For #MAGA #TRUMP #Patriots 🇺🇸 War rages in another world. Army of Light battles a Dark Cabal. Minting is open on #Polygon.
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May 30 10 tweets 7 min read

1. Presidents and Former Presidents can be impeached
2. Presidents and Former Presidents can be forced to reveal tax and business records
3. Presidents and Former Presidents lose executive privilege
4. Presidents and Former Presidents lose attorney-client privilege
5. Presidents and Former Presidents can be forced to release private phone records and text messages
6. Presidents and Former Presidents can have their homes raided by the FBI
7. Presidents and Former Presidents can be subpoenaed by partisan committees
8. Presidents and Former Presidents can be repeatedly indicted and arrested
9. Presidents and Former Presidents lose their First Amendment right to free speech
10. Presidents and Former Presidents lose the right to a jury trial
11. VP no longer has authority to question validity of disputed electoral votes
12. The losing party no longer has authority to submit contingent electors when results are disputed
13. Presidents and Former Presidents don't have Presidential Immunity

BOOMERANGImage The Seal is Broken. Pandora's Box is Open.

May 13 11 tweets 4 min read
Ashley Biden, in official court filing, admits the diary is real, and contains her writing. She doesn't say any of the published content is fake.

Another "conspiracy theory" proved true. Joe had inappropriate showers with his daughter. Mainstream media silent. Image Following the release of the letter, Snopes has reversed their previous "fact check" and admitted the diary and its contents are TRUE.…
Jan 6 12 tweets 5 min read
President Trump's Relationship with Epstein Exposed!


Leftists are furious that the Epstein docs completely exonerate President Trump while exposing their favorite Deep State pedos like Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Hollywood Cabal.Image Democrats are now saying "Trump was mentioned 20 times".

But each of those "mentions" was the interviewer asking if Trump was involved, and the witness/victim saying, no, they never saw Trump on the island or in Epstein's home, or doing anything inappropriate.
Aug 17, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
🧵 Nazis are Socialists, Antifa are Fascists

Nazism = National Socialism

Hitler believed in a police state, socialised health care, guaranteed jobs, wealth confiscation, censorship, abortion, confiscating guns, total state authority. Image Hitler called himself a socialist and he enacted socialist policies.

Hitler despised right-wing free-market capitalism.

He waged war against capitalist countries like the UK and USA. Image
Aug 13, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
🧵 Joe Biden Did NOT Receive a 21-Gun Salute

The 21-gun presidential salute is performed when a president is inaugurated as Commander in Chief.

This is strict military protocol.

The video below shows the 21-gun salute for Clinton. The 21-gun salute is always performed with the following protocol:

- 3 Guns Firing (plus usually one backup gun)
- 3 Second Interval
- 21 Shots
- At The Capitol
- Immediately After Inauguration

The video below shows the 21-gun salute for Bush.
Aug 8, 2023 16 tweets 7 min read
🧵Why President Trump Pushed the "Vaccine"

President Trump used Operation Warp Speed to force the Deep State Cabal to deploy their spike protein bioweapon injections before they were fully prepared.

If he hadn't, this is what would have happened: He would have been further demonized by the Democrats and fake news media.

They would have impeached him again and called him enemy of the people for not providing a "vaccine”.

Pelosi refers to this as a "wrap-up smear".
Jul 20, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: The 16-Year Plan to Destroy America

The Cabal devised a plan to take over the USA.

This was essential to their One World Government agenda.

The plan involved 8 years of Renegade weakening the country, followed by 8 years of Crooked leading us into a war we would lose. Image Renegade Objectives A:

- Install Deep State Operators in Government

- Remove Patriots from Military and Government

- Fund Terrorism (Antifa / BLM MS13 / ISIS)

- Leak Military Intel to China, Russia Iran, North Korea

- Special Access Program Sell-off (HRC Servers) Image
Jul 10, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
THREAD: The 6000-Year-Old Enemy of All Mankind

1. The Book of Genesis names three of Adam and Eve's male children, Cain, Abel, and Seth.

It is assumed that Adam and Eve had many other sons and daughters who aren't named in the Bible. Cain killed Abel, so God punished him with the Mark of Cain, which is passed down through Cain's lineage.

The Mark allows Cain and his descendants to rule any people of the world who choose the path of evil.

The article below has more info on the mark.…
Jul 9, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read

President Trump and the Plan to Save the World

A series of videos by Joe M

Jun 21, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
"The Veiled Shadows of Twin Tower City"

In the enshrouded night of Twin Tower City, darkness cast its suffocating veil upon the land. Concealed behind tempestuous clouds, the stars withheld their luminous presence, leaving the city engulfed in a sinister gloom. Dim flashes of…… Image Beneath the city's surface, in the depths of a subterranean military abode, the Kenosha Kid navigated with utmost caution through dank, putrid tunnels. A supplication lingered upon his lips, beseeching whatever deities still had ears to keep him one stride ahead of the…… Image
Jun 21, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: Abyss (a Twin Tower City story)

It was a pitch black night in Twin Tower City. The stars, concealed behind dark rolling storm clouds, left the city in a deathly gloom.

Faint flickers of lightning illuminated the empty streets. It was quiet. It was far too quiet. Image Below the city, in a Deep Underground Military Base, the Kenosha Kid crept stealthily through dank fetid tunnels, praying desperately to remain one step ahead of the sinister Doctor Sickle.

The doctor, armed with a spike protein bioweapon, had been tracking the kid for days. Image
Jun 21, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
THREAD: The Wisdom of Joe Biden

From Corn Pop to Hairy Legs and Men on the Moon, this thread commemorates some of Resident Joe Biden's greatest speeches.

1: “America is a nation that can be defined in a single word - awdsmfafoothimaaafootafootwhscuseme" 2: "I got hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun. The kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up. So I learned about roaches and I learned about kids jumping on my lap. I love kids jumping on my lap."
Jun 20, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: Kim Clement and the Trump Prophecies

Kim Clement was more than a prophet. He was a voice of hope, painting a picture of destiny that inspired his audience.

Between 2007 and 2014, Kim prophesied several events that aligned closely with President Trump's future election. Image Feb, Apr, Jun 2007: "There will be a praying president, not a religious one... he may have hot blood, but he will bring the walls of protection on this country... Trump shall become a trumpet... they will say he is ungodly... For two terms, God said, do not fear... No more war!"
Jun 19, 2023 24 tweets 9 min read
THREAD: The Making of a Plandemic

How the Satanic Cabal pulled off the greatest hoax in history, and why it eventually backfired, exposing their Great Reset agenda, and leading to a global Great Awakening. Image In late 2019, reports emerged of a new virus in China.

Social media and mainstream media ramped up the fear with alarming (but obviously staged) videos of people collapsing in the street.
Jun 16, 2023 17 tweets 6 min read
THREAD: The Spike Protein is the Bioweapon

This thread discusses the COVID-19 spike protein.

It was engineered through gain-of-function experiments in a Cabal biolab.

There are two delivery vectors for the spike protein bioweapon.

The virus. And the more deadly injection. Image A bat coronavirus spike protein was weaponized by the Cabal.

It contains a genetic sequence patented by Moderna three years before the plandemic.

Researchers say there’s a one in 3 trillion chance the sequence developed naturally.…
Jun 15, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
THREAD: Why President Trump Pushed the "Vaccine"

President Trump used Operation Warp Speed to force the Cabal to deploy their bioweapon injections before they were fully prepared.

If he hadn't done this, the following would have happened: Image He would have been labeled an enemy of the people by the Democrats and fake news media for not providing a "vaccine”.

They would have impeached him again.
Jun 13, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
THREAD: The Seal is Broken. Pandora's Box is Open.

If President Trump arrested senior Deep State players during his first term, he would have been vilified by the fake news media and Democrats.

They would have accused him of unprecedented persecution of his political opponents. Image Instead, President Trump baited and trolled his enemies into establishing new precedents that can later be used against them:

1. Former Presidents can be impeached
2. Former Presidents can be forced to reveal tax and business records
3. Former Presidents lose executive privilege Image
Jun 12, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: Has President Trump Baited, Trolled and Trapped his enemies again?

Listening to the recent "leaked audio" of President Trump, it sounds like Trump and the unknown party are both reading a script.

They also appear to be joking, laughing, and trolling.

Listen: Trump seems to deliberately rustle paper at key moments. And the audio sounds clipped, as if some words are deleted/spliced.

Trump says a document is "like highly confidential" but 'like' was omitted in the indictment, and "highly confidential" is not an official classification. Image
Jun 10, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: Presidential vs Personal Records Explained

The Presidential Records Act states clearly that President Records do not include Personal Records. Image The Clinton Sock Drawer Case (2012) confirmed that the President has full discretion over what is a Personal Record versus a Presidential Record. Image