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Jun 16, 2023, 25 tweets

“A Hindu who is a kafir, worshipper of stone & monkey, drinks cow’s urine & eats cow dung in name of religion is a barbarian in every sense of the word”
These words by Kasem Razvi formed the ideological DNA of Majlis-E-Ittehadul Muslimeen, predecessor of Owaisi’s AIMIM today.

In 1926, the Nizam’s minions created the Majlis-E-Ittehadul Muslimeen to unite Muslims & ethnically cleanse Hindus to a minority. MIM created a paramilitary force of volunteers - “Razakars” to brutally terrorize Hindus & ensure Hyderabad became an independent Islamic nation.

In Nizam’s Hyderabad, Hindus couldn't even practice their own language, religion or culture. Out of 16 Million, 86% Hindus were administered by 12% Muslims. 95% of police force was Muslim. Hindus needed special permission for religious processions/festivals or to build temples.

In 1946, Kasim Razvi lawyer & graduate from Aligarh Muslim Univ. was elected to lead the MIM & Razakars. To him it was a holy mission to liberate Muslims of Deccan from India by first annexing the east coast of Madras & marching to Delhi to put the Islamic flag on the Red Fort.

Razakars declared they were the army of Islam carrying out holy Jihad. Their 1st pledge was “In the name of Allah, I promise to the last to maintain the supremacy of Muslim power in the Deccan”. With sword in one hand & Quran in other, Razvi was to lead them to conquer Delhi.

"Muslims are not content with 1 Pakistan in Deccan. We will knit India & the world into Pakistan as our forebears did 1300 yrs ago. We ruled Hindus for 900 years. If I wished I could have exterminated you." roared Razvi, reminding how Muslims were grandsons of Ghaznavi & Babar

The Nizam provided latest weapons & military training from Pakistan & abroad for war as 1000s of Arabs & Pathans joined the Razakars. They would pack their bags & guns to go "Hindu-hunting". Anyone speaking Telugu, Marathi or Hindi was targeted by the "soldiers of Allah".

Razakars would loot, burn, torture, murder & rape Hindus on a massive scale by surrounding villages, shooting all men, snatching women’s jewelry, raping & burning down homes. Blood stained bundles of gold earrings, snatched Mangalsutras, & nose-rings became common daily loot.

From 1947 to 1948, 100s of villages were destroyed, & Lakhs of Hindus massacred, tortured & raped by Razakars. Entire districts were burnt to ashes, while the Nizam’s Islamic police covered up evidence of genocide. To this day, the number of slaughtered Hindus remains unknown.

On Aug, 28, 1948, Razakars targeted the village of Veera Bairanpalli, forcing Hindu women to play Bathukamma naked, mercilessly raping them, lining up multiple men to maximize kills with each bullet & looting several temples, massacring over 100 Hindu victims in that village.

Earlier in March 1948 , Razvi had delivered a blood curdling speech declaring Hyderabad an Islamic state & threatening that 4.5 crores Muslims in India would join the Razakars to become the 5th Column against Indian Union. He was ensuring the Exodus of Hindus to other states.

Razvi openly threatened that any Hindus who remained would be used as hostages “If the Indian Union enters Hyderabad, the ‘invaders’ will see the burning everywhere of bodies of 1 crore & 65 lakh Hindus. We Muslims will not spare others”. 40,000 had already fled from Telangana

What made Razvi so bold?
Nehru's weak indecisiveness. Plus he had support from divided Hindus - Harijans & Lingayats. He threatened India with anarchy as 4.5 crore Muslims would not be content with Pakistan, but rewrite the map of India as descendants of Ghazni & Babar.

But by May 1948, the Lingayats bitterly regretted their support for Razvi when the Ittehad Harijans & Razakars devastated Gorta & 129 villages in Bidar district of Karnataka, raping, burning, looting & massacring thousands of Lingayats. In outrage, they left Razvi’s coalition.

Meanwhile, 7.5 Lakh Muslims flooded into Hyderabad to increase Muslim numbers while 5 Lakh Hindus ran away in terror. Razvi’s plans for ethnic cleansing of Hindus were coming true. The delusional Razakars began attacking other states & Indian Army soldiers traveling on trains

The Nizam’s Razakars had become belligerent due to the increase in their ranks as Muslims from Punjab, Arabs, Rohillas & Pathans poured into Hyderabad. Many went to Marathwada to take over Hindu areas. Nanded became a target of repression, leading to another Hindu exodus.

Communists who once fought Razakars now joined them to oppose a united India. The Nizam removed the ban on them & they began massacring Telugu villages with Razakars. Bengal Communists supplied bombs. The Red menace which would burn Telangana for decades had become entrenched.

With the situation spiraling out of control, Sardar Patel & the army convinced Nehru to act. On September 13, 1948, Indian troops liberated Hyderabad in Army Operation Polo. Within days the so-called brave descendants of Ghazni & Babar surrendered. Pakistan reeled with shock.

Despite overwhelming proof of Razvi leading the genocide of Lakhs of Hindus, he was tried in Hyderabad & convicted of only 7 yrs for dacoity. The High court quashed his life sentence on appeal & he was released in September 1957 to “migrate” to Pakistan, where he lived freely.

Despite the evidence, Many of the convicted Razakars were also released. On his release, Razvi went to Hyderabad where he handed over charge to Maulvi Abdul Wahid Owaisi (Owaisi’s grandfather), a lawyer & Islamic “scholar” from Jamia Nizamia as President of the revived MIM.

On Oct. 6, 1957 Maulvi Owaisi made his 1st speech about how the Prophet of Islam was opposed by Kafirs in Mecca when unfurling his flag & his long struggle. Echoing Razvi’s ideas, he told Muslims to bide their time, become strong to get demands accepted & finally capture Delhi

In March 1958, Maulvi Owaisi landed in jail for inciting Muslims to rise against Hindus. His grandsons still carry on the legacy today as Akbaruddin threatens to kill 100 crore Hindus if police is removed for 15 minutes, while Asaduddin threatens Allah will destroy UP Police.

Owaisis & AIMIM still proudly perpetuate the MIM ideology with headquarters at the same Dar-u-Salam where Razvi & Razakars planned massacres of Lakhs of Hindus. The brutal legacy of the savage Razakars & genocide perpetrated on Hyderabad State's Hindus must never be forgotten.

The Razakar dream of converting Bharat into Pakistan still thrives among Islamic extremists salivating to make India a Dar-Ul-Islam. Hyderabad's liberation is a critical lesson for Hindus to realize how lack of unity & weakness leads to disaster & threatens Bharat's existence.


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