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Jun 16, 2023, 8 tweets

🧵[1/8] How to Create Realistic Motion and Movement in Your Midjourney images

With the right prompt and parameters you can create a real sense of motion in your art

Here's my #midjourney guide on how to simulate movement 🎬

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[2/8] The first step is to choose a subject that implies or suggests movement.

Use words that indicate the direction, speed, & intensity of the movement.

For example, I wrote “A bird flying fast and high in the sky”, because I wanted to create a sense of speed and freedom.

[3/8] Then add some parameters that photographers use to create movement effects:

For example, some things you can adjust are blur amount, blur direction, motion trail amount, motion trail shape, motion trail color, etc

Midjourney will interpret these in its own fun way

[4/8] Blur amount:

This parameter controls how much the subject and/or background are blurred to create a sense of movement.

Possible values are low, medium, high, or very high.

For example, [blur amount: medium] means that the subject or the background are moderately blurred

[5/8] Blur direction:

This parameter controls the direction of the blur effect.

The possible values are horizontal, vertical, diagonal, & radial.

For example, [blur direction: horizontal] means that the blur effect is applied horizontally across the image.

[6/8] Motion trail amount:

This parameter controls how much the subject leaves a trail behind it as it moves

The possible values are none, low, medium, high, or very high

For example, [motion trail amount: high] means that the subject leaves a long and visible trail behind it

[7/8] Motion trail shape:

This parameter controls the shape of the motion trail.

The possible values are linear, curved, circular, star, or none.

For example, [motion trail shape: star] means that the motion trail has a star-like shape.

Make sure to try experimenting with different combinations, see what works best for you, and let me know below!

Thanks again & hopefully this helps you understand how to use Midjourney better. <3

follow me @RoadtripSlim for more tips and guides

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