BiswaJit- The Investor 8 Profile picture
Stage-2 Is the curiosity. Twits'/Charts are only for Research. Practice Volume. Not a SEBI Reg. Analyst. EX Microsoft, UBS ag (USA) employee. Have No passion.

Jun 18, 2023, 7 tweets

Don't want to be deliberate too much - as you know after 2/3 writing I feel like a indolent rabbit.

Question / Research: - How I stay with a stock for 12/18 months with confidence and support my study that I will create Money?

I will show you - you need to figure out

I Just……

How i explain myself - i am in right track ?? in next 18 months - difficult right ?
Ok the last 4 screen shot were past . what will be next 18 months ??

If any chance the red will cross green the pattern break - exit .

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