staria⁷ Profile picture
been to 7 Bts concerts + 1 yoongi concert 🫡

Jun 19, 2023, 25 tweets

favorite person - #jikookau

where j/k secures tickets to see idol j/m but gets stood up by his date, he immediately thinks it’s the worst night of his life until he meets j/m outside of the stadium

•grammar mistakes!
•ignore time stamps!
•super short

please ignore ryüjin’s display name :) I realized I wrote rju instead of ryu too late…

but enjoy!


1. fan


2. know


3. tickets


4. date


5. favorite


*day of the concert*

6. ready


7. inside


8. used


9. embarrassing


10. late

“you a fan?” j/k looked up to see a random guy wearing a mask and sun glasses hovering over him.

“uh no”

“then why the tears?”

why so many questions j/k thought to himself but why not rant a bit to a stranger? Today already sucks so what else can go wrong?

“well you see I had asked out the girl of my dreams to this concert, she said yes but turns out she just used me to get the tickets for her and her friend… girlfriend? her favorite person… yeah. Now I’m just waiting for my friend to pick me up and +

ending the day completely heartbroken”

“such a shame! you’re completely good looking to be stood up”

“uh thanks?” j/k said a little uncomfortable

“how about I give you a ticket!

oh this has to be a scam, maybe tonight is the night j/k gets kidnapped

“is this a scam?”

“do you really think I, Pärk J/M is willing to scam someone?” he said while putting down his mask to show his face to j/k

“oh my god”

“c’mon! let’s go show that girl what she is missing!”


11. starting


12. that would be me


13. amazing


14. horrible


15. enjoy


16. mine


*couple of months later*

17. true love


18. favorite person


I hope you guys liked it! even if the short written part was horrible :D I suck at writing but i sometimes do be having good ideas… okay bye!

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