Rabby Wallet Profile picture
The game-changing wallet for Ethereum and all EVM chains. For support, visit: https://t.co/xBFdxthaKM

Jun 19, 2023, 5 tweets

It's time to level up your wallet security.

In Rabby v0.91.0, experience our revamped signing page to see estimated balance changes, along with additional upgrades for enhanced security:
✅Comprehensive transaction details
✅Upgraded security checks

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We've covered various types of transaction, designed to prioritize your safety and minimize potential losses.
Here are some commonly-used types of transaction

Sending tokens/NFT: We thoroughly examine recipient addresses to identify and mitigate any potential risks.

Swap: We have a thorough process to examine token details and identify any potential scams or fake tokens.

Additionally, we carefully assess the contract address associated with the transaction, giving you important insights into potential risks.

Approving token/NFT: We evaluate the contract address that you approved, gatekeeping risky contracts and losses.

Rabby also supports various types of transaction such as permit, permit2, revoking permit, safe confirmation, token order, and NFT order.

🛡️Protect your asset like a pro using Rabby wallet now!

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