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Jun 21, 2023, 9 tweets


Incredibly, in 2032 Landfills are projected to become the biggest source of our strongest lever to reduce climate change

Here's why that's true, and more importantly how we can pull that lever


Until 2022, we thought our methane emission sources looked like this

source: worldbank.org/en/news/factsh…


But then NASA revealed the results of 6 years satellite monitoring of landfills


Our methane emissions actually look like this


However, landfills emissions are growing at 1.4% p.a.

This is double the compound annual growth of agriculture at 0.7%

Based on this, landfills will become our major source of our strongest lever to reduce climate change (methane) by mid-2032

That's just 9 years away


The best way to reduce that methane is to turn it into electricity. Here's a landfill I visited earlier this week that's been doing this for 20 years.

This is their carpark. You can plug in your eV to recharge off electricity produced by landfill gas !


They create that electricity by purifying the landfill gas then piping into these things: generators.

This is generator 13 and 14. Yes they have 14

They generate 14 MW of electricity, which not only slashes carbon emissions, it earns the landfill ~USD6Million per yr.


So if its so good for the environment and lucrative, why isn't every landfill doing it?

Simple: only 30% of landfills can sell power back to the grid

For the other 70%, the grid is not equipped to take extra power without major upgrade

source: EPA/Vespene


So sadly, these 70% of landfills continue to emit huge volumes of methane

If only there were a user of that power that could locate at the landfill, without even needing the grid

Then we'd have a solution for our soon-to-be #1 source of methane worldwide

If only🤔

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