Michael Harriot Profile picture
Writer, board-certified wypipologist, last real Negus alive. BlackAF History/Drapetomaniax podcast/theGrio…At the SAME DAMN TIME. Never reneged; Never will.

Jun 25, 2023, 25 tweets

The problem with Nikki Haley is not that she is a woman or a 1st generation immigrant or even conservative. It’s how her hypocritical use of these weaponized racist dog whistles.

You know who Nikki Haley really hates?

Nikki Haley

A thread

For instance, Nikki Haley supported tuition vouchers and tax credits for school choice and thinks that governors should refuse funding for schools that talk about race teaches students to act like victims.

Damn, she’s brilliant!

See, to understand the origin the idea of using tax credits and vouchers school choice, you gotta know CRT!

You gotta talk about race!

See, for most of its existence, SC was majority Black. After the civil war, SC had to rewrite the state constitution to become part of AMERICA

On Jan 14, 1868, 76 Black men and 48 white men gathered in three-story house in Charleston, S.C. On the first day, they created what we know as American school system.

But it wouldn’t last.

In 1876, Wade Hampton III, a white supremacist terrorist who was the largest slave owner in the state, led a violent insurrection in SC, and declared himself governor bc the places where Black people voted didn’t count.

This would NEVER happen today

The consequence of this was that the Compromise of 1877. Basically federal government took a hands off approach to white supremacy.

Or, as we call it now:

Jim Crow.

One of the byproducts was that SC basically stopped funding Black schools.

But instead of playing the victim…

They built their own. By the 1930s, 1/3 of Black kids in the South attended schools funded by private donors, communities & churches while their tax dollars paid for white schools

In 1948, Harry & Eliza Briggs filed a lawsuit to stop this legal theft


Briggs v Elliott was the 1st of 5 combined cases that became Brown vs Board of Education

Now here’s a thing NO ONE EVER TALKS ABOUT.

Why is the famous desegregation case is called Brown v Board?

After all, Briggs was 1st chronologically & alphabetically

Well I know the answer

First let me tell you about 1 the most powerful racists in the HISTORY of America

James F Byrnes was a Supreme Court judge, congressman & the Secretary of State who told Truman to use the Atomic Bomb. He led the exodus of segregationists to the GOP

Then he ran for governor

Byrnes was kinda bad at all his jobs but he ran as a racist, so he won.

No, seriously, m his whole platform was “I’ll be racist.” That’s it.

Ok, maybe I’m infusing a little CRT. Here’s how he put it:

So when Byrnes heard about Briggs vs Elliot, he knew they’d win. He was on the Supreme Court, remember. But because he didn’t want his state to be responsible for the end of education segregation, he actually came up with a plan

And when the SCOTUS ruled, it wasn’t named after the SC case.

To this day, this has INCENSED my family members who fought for civil rights


Anyway, when Briggs v Elliot found that segregation was unconstitutional, white parents in SC freaked out.

But they had time. SC schools would not desegregate until 1963, when Harvey Gant became the first Black student at Clemson University

The next year, white parents in Orangeburg opened Orangeburg Preparatory Schools a segregation academy created to “avoid the pernicious experiment being foisted upon the people of this state and nation.”

What was its name?

It didn’t change its name to Orangeburg Prep until 1986, when Nikki Haley was a sophomore in at slavemaster high.

Thankfully, they didn’t teach CRT, talk about race or teach students to “play the victim”

Oh wait…

To be fair, I’m sure Nikki Haley talked about race with black student at her high school.

That’s not a typo. According to a 1989 Boston Globe article, the year Haley graduated, there was literally ONE Black person at her school…


But how could those parents start a segregation academy in ONE YEAR?

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to a novel idea called school choice.

The whole voucher/tax credit and school choice idea started with Nikki Haley’s alma mater

And ALL THAT TIME, Nikki’s father taught at Voorhees College. And her mother taught at Bamberg County schools.

Wait.. didn’t I say that Blacks in SC had to fund their own schools because the whites were taking their money? Was I playing the victim again?

What about Voorhees?

But Nikki didn’t go to Voorhees or Bamberg. She went to a pro-confederate school that honors slave masters and teaches pro-white white history…

When she graduated from white supremacy high school, she attended Clemson University which was desegregated by Harvey Gantt

I bet Haley loves him. He paved the way. He wasn’t one of those Blacks who talks about race and CRT.

I wonder what ever became of him?

Anyway, I wish there was a way Nikki could learn this true history instead of trying to erase it. I had the fortune of knowing people who were part in this history and dedicated their lives to teaching it. Maybe she loves America and doesn’t know where to go learn it

The guy who told me a LOT of this stuff was a great civil rights photographer.

For years he tried to get funding for one of the greatest collection of history in SC, including everything in this thread.

And for years, there was one person stopping him

Nikki Haley

When realized that this museum would never happen, he played the victim. He gave up. He realized his race was holding him back.

Just kidding.

He literally built it himself...

It’s filled with everything Nikki Haley hates

And it’s right down the street from Orangeburg prep.

But one thing about Nikki…

She’s not just dog-whistling

She’s about that anti-truth, anti-Black history life

She learned it in school

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