Michael Harriot Profile picture
Writer, board-certified wypipologist, last real Negus alive. BlackAF History/Drapetomaniax podcast/theGrio…At the SAME DAMN TIME. Never reneged; Never will.
663 subscribers
Jan 10 24 tweets 6 min read
Whitewashing the uncomfortable parts of the past doesn't just affect Black stories. For example, you can't fully appreciate how a peanut farmer from Plains, GA became a beloved president unless you know TRUE Black History.

The unwhitewashed history of Jimmy Carter:

A thread. Jimmy Carter was a simple peanut farmer who grew up in Plains, GA when the deep South was defined by racism. His family taught him not to see color. Instead of asking for handouts, they focused on God, education and...

OK, none of that happened.
Jan 9 33 tweets 9 min read
There's a very interesting connection between Mark Zuckerberg's right-wing turn and the guy who might be the most powerful person in American media. I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere, so...

A thread. First of all, let's be clear. Mark Zuckerberg's didn't just announce changes to Meta's content moderation policy. He didn't even announce that Meta's content policy will change.

He announced that his company is willing to help kill people.

Jan 4 21 tweets 7 min read
If anyone knows anything about “wokeness” CRT, the national anthem and being a real American, it’s Brett Favre

A (short) thread Brett Favre is a descendant of Simon Favre, a famous“interpreter” who could speak multiple native languages.

Simon entered the family business at a young age and owned dozens of slaves and 100s of acres

But that wasn’t the family business.

The Favres stole land Image
Dec 2, 2024 18 tweets 7 min read
For five years, I have been covering what is unquestionably the biggest criminal justice scandal in American history.

Today it ended when the most corrupt cop in history took his life.

But it's not over.

A thread. For 5 decades, police officer Roger Golubski sexually assaulted Black women and forced to give false testimony that he used to send Black men to prison while he ran a sex trafficking and drug cartel in Kansas City Kansas

Nov 27, 2024 31 tweets 8 min read
Before everyone leaves this app, I want to make a confession

I'm planning a robbery

I already have a target, a crew & a blueprint, I just need 1 more thing:

Will you help me recreate the greatest Black on Black crime in US history?

A story
An announcement
A (final) thread On Thursday, May 23, 1861, Frank Baker, James Townsend, and Shepard Mallory orchestrated the greatest heist in American history.

Less than 6 weeks after the start of the Civil War, the enslaved men were essentially donated to the Virginia Confederate Militia to dig ditches
Nov 5, 2024 30 tweets 9 min read
People who say this election could be the "end of democracy" are so extra...

Or maybe they know the TRUE history of the election-denying white supremacist who led a violent insurrection, overturned a presidential election and ended democracy in America.

A thread First, you should know that the US Constitution created a form of govt called a "federal republic" where elected officials represent the citizens (as opposed to a DIRECT DEMOCRACY, where people vote on every decision)

But a representative democracy is just A KIND OF DEMOCRACY Image
Oct 30, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
My uncle’s friend Hawk was a feared gangsta. He was ruthless but he was also a chess wizard. According to the streets, Hawk only lost 1 once, years ago, when he was in prison.

So imagine my surprise when my uncle told Hawk: “l bet $100 my nephew will kick your ass

A thread Now I was like 12 or 13, so even though I was a chess prodigy, I was scared AF

What if I put Hawk in check and he slit my throat ? What if he sicced his goons on me to keep his streak alive? I hadn’t even reached goon-fighting age!

Then my uncle made a deal:
Oct 17, 2024 29 tweets 8 min read
One of my former economics students recently reminded me about a concept I used to call "belief economics."

I haven't taught the course it in a long time, but ever since she reminded me, it perfectly explains why everyone is so focused on Black male Trump voters

A thread: My "Race as an Economic Construct" class applied economic principles as a framework for understanding the concept of race.

I know you've heard that race is an SOCIAL CONTRUCT - it is. But MOST social constructs are ALSO economic constructs.

Even money.
Oct 2, 2024 13 tweets 2 min read
While other organizations (hopefully, maybe) will be fact-checking, JD Vance & Tim Walz, as usual, I’ll be translating the dog whistles, white lies and overall Caucasity

The live vice presidential debate “BlackCheck” JD Vance begins by blaming the “Kamala Harris Administration” for Iran’s nuclear progress.

When was that?Image
Sep 25, 2024 28 tweets 9 min read
From now until the general election, my weekly “Downballot” series will explore lesser-known races on the 2024 ballot

This first 1 might be the greatest story in politics. It has everything:

A Klandaughter, a civil rights hero, white history, Black history & a map

A thread: First, we must understand that this race takes place in one of the Blackest, poorest, most disenfranchised congressional districts in the country —Alabama’s 2nd district

It is a perfect example of the MOST COMMON voter suppression strategy:

Racial gerrymandering
Sep 20, 2024 22 tweets 7 min read
Sorry to keep you waiting

A thread “The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” -

Some guy who wrote the Declaration of Independence

Donald Trump:Image
Sep 18, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
To me, this story has nothing to do with a missing cat or immigration or even JD Vance. It’s about something else.

A thread: It’s not about how easy it was for people to believe a —someone has to say it —batshit crazy lady who, INSTEAD OF LOOK EVERYWHERE for her missing pet, with zero evidence, immediately jumped to:

“Well, the Haitians must’ve eaten it.”
Sep 11, 2024 20 tweets 5 min read
I’m sure someone is probably fact-checking the debate… maybe… perhaps. But who’s gonna call out the dog whistles and white nonsense?

Lets Blackcheck the debate

A (live) thread: By “They” he means Haitians

Why does Trump mention “Springfield Ohio?” What does it have to do anything?

He’s repeating a racist theory conspiracy about Haitian immigrants eating cats

He’s running for president. Image
Sep 2, 2024 37 tweets 9 min read
I'll take this one.

A Black Barbershop is actually a church>
It is also a political headquarters
It is a secret hideout and gathering spot.

The Black barbershop is 1 of the most important, most revolutionary institutions in Black history.

A (relatively short) thread. First of all, Black barbershops have been in America as long as America existed. While we like to think that race-based chattel slavery only benefitted slaveowners, many white businessmen built fortunes from the slave trade, even though they didn't own slaves.
Aug 22, 2024 20 tweets 6 min read
I should clarify some things about this:

A thread. Let me start off by saying that I won't cop out by saying that what I wrote has been "misconstrued" or "misinterpreted."

I wrote this. It's MY FAULT if anyone took a different meaning from what I wrote than I intended. There ARE some things I got wrong or didn't clarify
Aug 17, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
I didn’t say “EVERY white person”

But I should have.

A thread He’s technically right - every white person didn’t get the GI Bill.

But that’s not how an economy works. And every white person benefitted from it.
Aug 11, 2024 33 tweets 8 min read
What the Raygun memes have to do with Black history:

A thread I’m sure you’ve seen Black Twitter’s reaction to Dr. Rachael Gunn’s performance for Australia in the Olympic breakin’ competition.

Here’s my favorite

Aug 9, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
Fun fact: if you combine the crowd for the Jan 6 rally AND Trump’s inauguration, he STILL wouldn’t make the top 5 biggest Mall crowds.

A (short) thread 1. While everyone knows the “I Have a Dream” speech, the March on Washington was not MLK’s idea, nor was he in charge of it. In fact, he was 12 when A Phillip Randolph came up with the idea for it.

MLK represented 1 of 6 groups in the coalition of organizers

Aug 1, 2024 29 tweets 6 min read
A thread I was homeschooled until I was 12, so when I started going to school, I was one of the worst students.

For instance, I got a lot of zeroes for not turning in assignments. To be fair, I was TERRIBLE at math. And sometimes, I'd just get up and leave class without saying anything.
Jul 15, 2024 23 tweets 8 min read
Although there have been discussions & articles about Project 2025, VERY FEW focus specifically on Trump's plans for Black Americans

That's why I read all 922 pages of #Project2025 as well as #Agenda47

Here are the top 10 things I found:

A thread:

thegrio.com/2024/07/15/i-r… First of all, when Trump said he had nothing to do with Project 2025, he wasn't lying.

Technically, it was written by 200+ pro-Trump policy "experts," many of whom served in the Trump administration. Trump's official plan is called "Agenda47."

Think of it this way:
Jul 11, 2024 20 tweets 7 min read
Whenever there's a national tragedy, a natural disaster or something that affects a lot of white people, right-wing zealots always cite one particular bible

2 Chronicles 7:14

To them, it is a warning from God. But throughout history, it's become a weapon of hate.

A thread Image If you are an evangelical Christian, a Republican or attend a church where the drummer doesn't use a sweatrag, you've DEFINITELY heard this 2 Chronicles 7:14

They literally believe its a biblical directive for us to Make America Great Again
