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Jun 30, 2023, 11 tweets

In 2022, Hollywood made $7,320,000,000 through storytelling.

99% of the movies used the same story framework.

Here’s a breakdown (including clips from your favorites):


Show the character & their world:

Open loops to capture and maintain attention.

Without loops, your story will fall flat. The Intro in the make-or-break moment.


The conflict puts the story in motion.

It propels the main character into taking action.

The conflict always:

•Introduces a problem
•Creates empathy with the hero
•Leaves the audience on the edge of their seats

First turning point:

The hero makes a decision that puts them in uncharted territory.

This raises the stakes & creates uncertainty.


•What will happen?
•Where will the hero go?
•What problems will the hero encounter?


This is where a major shift happens.

It's either the hero's success or failure.

A revelation happens.

The heroes:

•Point of view shifts
•Begins a transformation
•Receives support from outside sources

Second turning point:

Another significant event happens:

•Death of a character

The second turning point highlights what the hero has to do to achieve the final goal.


This is the peak problem of the story.

The culmination of subplots forms one big gang.

This is where the hero becomes tested:


This is where the conflict is solved.

Determine whether the resolution is happy or sad.

Ending on a positive note will leave a better impression on your audience.


Intro - Up
Conflict - No Country For Old Men
First Turning Point - Romeo + Juliet (1996)
Midpoint - From Dusk til Dawn
Second turning point - The Dark Knight
Climax - Lord of the Rings (Return of the King)
Resolution - The Martian

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