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Jul 2, 2023, 7 tweets

Hey @drmattuk we haven't met but you have me blocked.

Is it because you oversaw the deaths of COVID patients that almost certainly shouldn't have died?

Or are you just making this up?


@drmattuk I'm going to take a guess that @drmattuk and @djnicholl know each other...

And presided over a LOT of COVID deaths in the UK.

What do you use these membership fees for, @drmattuk?


What a CV!
"Involved in global health research"...

Yeah. MegaLOLs on this one.
You have one first author paper and didn't investigate a single patient. It was an administrative report on anti-fungals.

But you're in charge of COVID patients?
You're just an intern.
You don't have any specialist qualifications.

Yet you're obsessed by @DrAseemMalhotra

What's your clinical experience?


You know what my guess is?
@djnicholl got you to be his fall guy.
It's his MO.

So... what did he promise?
And what did he ask you to do?
And, if you did it, whose money did you use?

Asking for 65m people.

@djnicholl @TheDA_UK WHOA!

OK @theda_UK now I really want to know why you are following an account called "platinum pizza" @Xeon4f145d96s1 who ranks high up your following list.

And is in the same network.

It's as if #medtwitter has its own #muttoncrew group coordinated through @TheBMA
🤔 https://t.co/VfXCBDHVtGtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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