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Jul 5, 2023, 8 tweets

@StVHealthAust are also insisting on the discredited COVID mRNA "vaccinations" in order to receive a heart or lung transplant in NSW.

If you don't agree, you will die.

There is no medical justification for this because the mRNA vaccines are linked to increased… https://t.co/K5pH5lkTwwtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…

@StVHealthAust Here is the list of papers also showing corneal graft rejection following COVID-19 vaccination.



Even in the current environment where "vaccine sceptic" papers are almost impossible to publish we can see
▶ minimal expected response
▶ cases of transplant rejection
▶ documented renal impairment in renal transplant recipients
▶ COVID infection


It's not science-based medicine.
It's politics-based medicine.
It's not licensed.
It's not studied.
It doesn't work.
It risks transplant rejection.

Yet the Lysenkoist "doctors" at @StVHealthAust and @AlfredHealth would rather you die than they admit they were wrong

@StVHealthAust @AlfredHealth Just one question for @fay_burrows who had the unenviable job of putting their name to the document.

Who was on the SVH AMS (antimicrobial stewardship) committee please?

@CKellyUAP @TonyNikolic10

One final thing.
More than 90% of the population of NSW has had COVID and therefore developed natural immunity.
Not one single study showed a benefit of "vaccine immunity" over natural immunity.
These patients do not need more COVID vaccines.

And my new challenge is open to the vaccine zealots at @StVHealthAust and @AlfredHealth

Post one placebo-controlled study showing COVID-19 mRNA vaccination reduces all-cause mortality in transplant recipients in the following year.

Just one.
I'll wait.

#transplantgate https://t.co/i89Ug7lCMdtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…

More transplant rejection after COVID-19 vaccination

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