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KHive/Bonds Dog Democrat. Half 🇮🇳, Half ⚪️, all 🇺🇸. Other: @justelexmaps/@electionvintage

Jul 7, 2023, 24 tweets

Andrew Sullivan is malignant white supremacist who claims to be a heterodox liberal. Here he blames Nikole Hannah-Jones and the 1619 project for creating riots (which didn't happen), and trivializes police brutality against Black people. He's rotten to the core though. A🧵.

Charles Murray wrote "The Bell Curve", a racist, non-peer reviewed book stating Black people have low IQs and used data from the "Pioneer Fund", a ⚪️ supremacist group. Andrew Sullivan, as editor of the New Republic *published excerpts* in 1994, which gave it mainstream sanction.

Andrew Sullivan is such a racist that his former colleague Ta-Nehisi Coates, who is Black, said that he didn't consider him fully human.

Sarah Jones, who herself is insensitive to racism at best, recognizes that her former colleague Andrew Sullivan is a racist.

Andrew Sullivan is such a racist that, when asked to show some decorum and sensitivity about race when George Floyd was murdered by the police, decided to *take the week off*. The thought of considering Black people as fellow human beings was too much for lil' Andy Sullivan.

Andrew Sullivan thinks that epidemiological data on COVID including race (which is often used to monitor quality and effectiveness of interventions) is all because of wokeness. He all but openly wishes for Black and other nonwhite people to die of COVID.

That moment that Andrew Sullivan realizes all the far-right anti-trans bills were all about homophobia. And Sullivan used his prominence to give them sanction. The blood of all the LGBTQ+ kids who k*ll th*ms*lv*s because of these bills is on your hands, Andrew.

There are many flavors of antisemitism, but IMHO there appears to be one that's specifically British. It's focused on Israel and doesn't use slurs, but the contempt is there. Sullivan engages in it by agreeing with Turkish dictator Erdogan that Israel is a "spoiled child". Ick.

More Jew-hatred and pro-Turkey propaganda from Andrew Sullivan.

Just seething contempt to the only Jewish state in the world. Sullivan hates Black people, and hates Jews.

Andrew Sullivan has been pushing the lie that Black people were at fault for anti-Asian hate crimes, when the actual statistics show that white people are the main perpetrators, in numbers higher than their overall representation in urban areas.…

Andrew Sullivan takes a page out of the theology of the Afrikaner Protestant church and says that believing Black people's lives mattering is anti-Christian.

Hillary Clinton wrote a book in 2014 about her upcoming presidential bid, and Andrew Sullivan, who despises women, said that she "stands for nothing but winning power".

Andrew Sullivan claiming without basis that Hillary Clinton would support a war with Iran and cave to a small number of far-right Israeli Kahanists (who didn't even have Knesset representation at that time) who want to annex Jordan.

Absolutely nobody:
Andrew Sullivan:

Andrew Sullivan can't even consider that many Asian Americans are antiracist because we don't want it done to us/don't want Black/Hispanic/Indigenous people harmed. He thinks we only do it to get ahead, as though actively being anti-racist hasn't hurt plenty of people's careers.

Andrew Sullivan scolds Jamelle Bouie for criticizing Rand Paul's self-serving "outreach" to Howard University with as much condescention and entitlement as Miss Millie and her "I WAS GOOD TO YOU PEOPLE!" rant.

Well, Andrew, this aged well.


Andrew Sullivan pretends that fundamentalist Christianity doesn't also view women as temptations for men. Misogyny is absolutely not specific to radical Islam, you bigoted asshole.

"Horned up women"? Andrew Sullivan believes that women expressing any sort of sexual desire is something to mock, and an apparent threat to gay culture.

"Liberal screechiness". It is so obvious Andrew Sullivan despises women.

Like most other pundits of the pale and male variety, Andrew Sullivan completely doesn't know what he's talking about.

Andrew Sullivan manages to be anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, transphobic, and anti-public health all in one tweet.

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