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Read my tweets and base your opinion of me from that. Other: @electionvintage @justelexmaps
Jul 19, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I am #RidingWithBiden2024 because honestly, fuck you.

Fuck you smug Ivy League shits who think you're better than me because you were a legacy.

Fuck you who think the state school and the HBCU-educated team is inferior to you.

Fuck you who value style over substance. Fuck you who hate Black people. Fuck you who hate POC. Fuck you who hate women.

Fuck you who hate achievement. Fuck you who roll your eyes at the rebuilding of our manufacturing.

Fuck you who value Hollywood, Putin, and the CCP over America.
Jul 12, 2024 20 tweets 7 min read
Chris Hayes has been shitting on Biden a lot lately so I thought I'd make a thread about what an asshole he's been over the years. Starting from his ridiculous claim that Clinton was to Hillary's left.🧵 Image Chris Hayes has some sort of fetish for Black people, which manifests in creepy and objectifying ways, such as this.

Yet another example of how white partners of BIPOC can often be racist AF.

Jun 28, 2024 26 tweets 11 min read
Shaiel Ben-Ephraim is a sexual predator.…

Image Nino Zaugg is one of the women Shaiel Ben-Epharim harassed. He *threatened su*c*de* to try to control her. Shaiel's abuse and harassment of her got so bad she had to get a protection order. Image
Jun 19, 2024 13 tweets 6 min read
There is institutional antisemitism on Wikipedia that goes beyond I/P wars. This "disclaimer" on the article for Israeli salad accuses Israel of stealing their national dish from Palestinians. As though Palestinians are the only people in history to combine cucumber and tomato.
Image This is kachumber, from India. Did India steal this from Palestine too? Image
Jun 6, 2024 24 tweets 8 min read
Mehdi Hasan, formerly of MSNBC and now of "Zeteo", made a U.S. media career of bashing Democrats from the left while looking the other way when Republicans do bad things. This is because Mehdi Hasan is a conservative himself. He opposes abortion, for instance. 🧵. Image Mehdi Hasan once sent a groveling letter to the Daily Mail, a virulently racist and misogynistic newspaper, begging them for a job and using the fact he was a social conservative as a selling point. Image
Jun 1, 2024 81 tweets 25 min read
Repost of the 🧵 of all the media hyenas who lied that Trump was to the left of Hillary in 2016, thus portraying him as an idiosyncratic moderate palatable to just enough normies to win. Buckle up.

First up, Brian Beutler, Ryan Lizza, and Chris Hayes. Image Walker Bragman, a trust fund baby who grew up in the Hamptons, yet somehow established himself as a leftist journalist, made an infamous "liberal case for Donald Trump". Image
May 30, 2024 69 tweets 23 min read
Here's a live 🧵 of the cope that right wingers/horseshoe leftists are doing, so we can enjoy their tears after their god-king Trump was convicted of 34 felonies.

Michael Tracey called the trial the "dumbest in American history" and tweeted copium that they'd all be overturned.

Ben Shapiro called the verdict a "massive Constitutional mess" (nowhere in the document does it suggest presidents are above the law), and tweeted someone saying that "the promise of America has been broken".

Really? America enslaved people and *that's* the broken promise?
May 29, 2024 35 tweets 13 min read
Since the media are trying to do it again this year, let's recall how the entire political media & data bros gaslit us about how Dems were doomed in 2021-22. 🧵.

To begin, Nate Silver said there was a "pretty decent chance" Newsom got recalled in 2021. Oops.
Even on Election Night 2022, Dave Wasserman claimed "Dems have a turnout problem" based on very selective tea-leaf reading in a state that has been trending hard right and another state without a statewide race (where only one very marginal seat was lost). Oops. Image
May 28, 2024 49 tweets 15 min read
Briahna Joy Gray is a very bad person who was the national spokeswoman for the Sanders 2020 campaign.

She justified her vote for Jill Stein in 2016 by claiming that Hillary Clinton's emphasis on SCOTUS was not important. Now women in red states can't get abortions. 🧵 Image Brie Brie tweets such awful things that I can't even think of a response. Image
May 27, 2024 19 tweets 6 min read
Here's a thread of crying, screaming Bernie supporters because I hate them forever for what they did to our country and to Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, the rightful 45th president. This Bernie freak is wailing louder than the time her parents cut her off. Image "But mom, I'm too special to work a 9 to 5! The Montessori school said so! I can't move back home! You *have* to subsidize my Bushwick apartment for my emotional health!" Image
May 11, 2024 9 tweets 6 min read
Kat Abughazaleh is an antisemitic employee of Media Matters who thinks Joe Biden is racist for opposing Hamas terrorism.

Hating Dems is not anything new for Abughazaleh, who was a Trump Republican as recently as 2015. (Repost of old 🧵)

Image I will not be lectured to about racism by this white woman who was a Trump Republican within the past decade.

Dec 25, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
Time for my annual "how would Home Alone characters vote" thread.

Kevin's a privileged spoiled white boy, so he 100% would have been a Ron Paul supporter until 2015, at which time he became a Bernie Bro. He probably even has a podcast and defends Ukraine's invasion of Russia. Image Kate and Peter McCallister are rich people from Winnetka. They were straight ticket Republicans until 2016, though they probably voted for Bruce Rauner in 2018.

It's very likely they were fundraisers for Jim Edgar, the socially moderate IL GOP Governor from 1991-1999. Image
Jul 8, 2023 34 tweets 11 min read
Briahna Joy Gray is a very bad person who was the national spokeswoman for the Sanders 2020 campaign. I will chronicle her awfulness in this thread. Here she is downplaying the importance of the Supreme Court. I don't even know what to say to something like this.
Jul 7, 2023 24 tweets 8 min read
Andrew Sullivan is malignant white supremacist who claims to be a heterodox liberal. Here he blames Nikole Hannah-Jones and the 1619 project for creating riots (which didn't happen), and trivializes police brutality against Black people. He's rotten to the core though. A🧵. Charles Murray wrote "The Bell Curve", a racist, non-peer reviewed book stating Black people have low IQs and used data from the "Pioneer Fund", a ⚪️ supremacist group. Andrew Sullivan, as editor of the New Republic *published excerpts* in 1994, which gave it mainstream sanction.
Jul 4, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
Cenk Uygur, a Bernie Bro who claimed any non-Bernie supporter was a "neoliberal centrist corporate shill", has gone full right-wing, opposing affirmative action.

This is just the tip of the iceberg for him. 🧵 Cenk, the great "progressive", is also an extreme misogynist. In this 1999 essay, he wrote about how mad he was because women in Miami weren't having sex with him enough.
Dec 3, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Here's my thread of all the journalists who gaslit everyone with the fallacious claim that Trump was more liberal than Clinton in 2016. First up, Chris Hayes, Ryan Lizza, and Brian Beutler. Image Dave Weigel, an open Bernie Bro, thought Trump was to Clinton's left. Image