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Jul 11, 2023, 46 tweets

It looks like Individual 1, the person scheduled to make a secret trip to China while he was infiltrating the Trump Administration after the 2016 is James Woolsey, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Woolsey co-authored position papers with Anne Korin of IAGS! https://t.co/M1JJU0UwYz

Woolsey co-founded with Robert McFarland The United States Energy Security Council, the "Energy Group" mentioned in the indictments.

Almost all corruption goes back to the extractive industries & swampy government control over picking the winners & losers.

The Trump indictment will likely set a precedent in court as to whether the tapes in Clinton's socks drawer are Presidential Records or not. Those tapes include classified discussions about firing his CIA Director James Woolsey!

These investigations have been going on for years. Including Woolsey's role on an "advisory board" full of former high ranking US Swamp creatures for a casino laundering Chinese money into the US.

That board also included former FBI Director Louis Freeh. A former chair of the DNC & more...

Of course Woolsey was also working with LTG Michael Flynn on various foreign influence projects. Was Flynn helping FBI catch Woolsey? Or was he on Woolsey's team infiltrating the Trump Administration?

And it seems very likely that Woolsey is the one who tried to get Mueller's team to target Flynn.

Wonder if Woolsey if friends with Chertoff & Kelley who tried to get Flynn to plead guilty & set him up with false testimony from Kelley to the SCO?

Of course Chertoff was also working for Manafort's client Dmitry Firtash who is still fighting extradition to the US for trial on foreign corruption involving Boeing & the Clintons.

4 years ago @smc12256 pointed me to this great thread by @SeekerOTL about Woolsey's involvement with CEFC & many others attempting to influence the US government & our policies.

@smc12256 @SeekerOTL While Woolsey later claimed he declined the role of Trump's CIA Director because Flynn demanded he be loyal to him not Trump, that wasn't his original story.
Would you want a National Security Advisor partnered with a Chinese agent who wanted to head CIA?

Back to at least 2016, the board of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security remained the same as it is now.
Wonder who was paying the 3 volunteers on the board?

Gal Luft's group got $350k from CEFC but they listed their contributors as "Restricted" information.

But DOJ has the #receipts in their indictment.

I think this makes pretty clear that the "spy" Trump said was paid a lot of money to infiltrate his campaign was Individual 1, Clinton's Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Recruited in October 2015...

According to Luft, he had recruited Woolsey for 60, likely $60,000 for Phase one. And bragged that he had infiltrated the Trump Campaign.

Lines up with the public coverage too. CNN published the same day Luft emailed. https://t.co/8duZwrPNo2cnn.com/2016/09/12/pol…

Woolsey was to publish articles supporting Trump & China's plans in exchange for his "60".
They were also planning on Woolsey sneaking into China undercover to meet with them.

China making sure that everyone got the picture that Woolsey was Trump's man, would be powerful in his administration, would lead the security transition, while publishing ghost written articles of Chinese propaganda as vital steps for US security that Trump would have to do.

They even enlisted Woolsey's then wife, Nancye Miller, it isn't the first time that she has showed up on the Swampy influence peddling radar screen. https://t.co/LgG3gS8Mmj

After he fully infiltrated the Trump Campaign & thought he had a role in the Trump transition, Woolsey's wife sent them a signed contract for an annual fee of $72k with $6k per month.

They went to work quickly sharing these articles. Lots of connections to identify in this indictment.

This gets very interesting when you realize that the Patrick Ho trial revealed that FBI had FISA coverage on CEFC officials during the time Woolsey was having alleged calls with them!
Of course this conversation is just a ghost written 'interview' with Woolsey written by Luft!

Which is what DOJ says in the next paragraph!

Again discussing having Woolsey secretly come to China during the transition, then having Woolsey announce Trump's foreign policy for him before the inauguration.

So while Flynn was supposedly offering Woolsey the job as CIA Director. Luft & the Chinese thought he was on the short list as Trump's Sec. of Homeland Security, Sec. of Defense, or Director of National Intelligence.
Luft wanted him as SecDef or DNI to deal with China issues!

Ho indicates that Luft can use Woolsey's direct link to China as a "weapon of last resort" which seems to imply blackmailing or flipping him by threatening to expose his links if he doesn't get Trump to make China great again.

The 'co-director' who approved the invoice to Woolsey for his services to China had co-authored energy security position papers with Woolsey going back to at least 2008.

On 11/26/16, Woolsey had Luft draft an email offering his services to a "recently announced advisor" to Trump.
Flynn was publicly named Trump's NSA on 11/17/16 & is almost certainly that advisor. The same day that Adm. Rogers of NSA went to Trump Tower to meet with him.

After not being hired by Trump, Woolsey & his wife went to China to meed with various indiviuals in Hong Kong in February 2017.

I'm going to call it a night & finish going through this indictment tomorrow!

Busy day but I'll spend lunch continuing this thread.

Picking up in November of 2017 when Woolsey spoke at a Chinese funded conference in DC to convince policy makers find "constructive ways for the US & China to work together..."
In other words, have the Trump Admin help China.

The indictment makes it clear that there will be additional defendants in this case in the future.

I haven't found a date but the indictment is from 2022 & lists incidents in Nov. 2022 so it happened at the end of last year.

I suspect the indictment was to pressure Israel to hand over Gal Luft for prosecution. He was arrested in Cyprus earlier this year, released on bail & then fled the country.
Trying to make a Chinese agent a US cabinet official is not a good look for Israel to claim he's theirs...

In addition to infiltrating the Trump Campaign, Luft was helping China illegally sell Chinese weapons in Libya through the U.A.E., Qatar, Kenya, & other places.

There may be some Romanian Swamp involvement or Luft just faked the paperwork to claim the weapons were going from China to Romania.
Even trying to arrange China building a weapons factory in Libya to meet their needs...
Claims the Chinese govt approved the sales...

U.A.E. arms deals with China, looks like they went through a front company in Bulgaria or they are a supplier of arms. Another supplier in Montenegro when China couldn't supply 40,000 107mm rockets in a timely fashion. Shipments were smuggled through Tanzania.

The illegal Kenya arms deal was for strike drones.

Sitting on US soil, arranging illegal arms deals on behalf of Chinese state owned defense companies.

Can Israel protect him by claiming he's their agent & admit that they did this? Including arming Libya, U.A.E & Qatar?

NVGs, armored vehicles, uniforms & equipment to let them look like British soldiers (that seems suspicious to me!!!)

And this guy had the chance to control & blackmail a potential Trump cabinet official who was on the board of the Flynn Intelligence Group?

I wonder what lie Flynn told Pence that Trump said was the basis for firing him?

Sounds like this is only "1 of 2 or more" indictments that were filed under seal...

In 2019, Luft lied to federal agents about the arms trafficking allegations.

Violating sanctions on Iran. Specifically helping Iran sell oil to CEFC & China to help Iran evade nuclear sanctions.

Will again be hard for Israel to claim he was doing official business for them by helping Iran get cash from China....

They knew that even in Beijing they had to keep their meetings with the Iranians private...
We have an "individual-3" to identify too...

In October 2016, started arranging Russian oil for CEFC too.

I'm sure that wouldn't have implicated Woolsey in Russian collusion when CEFC was in the process of buying the Rosneft stock that Chris Steele claimed was going to @realDonaldTrump & @carterwpage...

@realDonaldTrump @carterwpage Lied to the feds about the Iran deals too...

@realDonaldTrump @carterwpage Going after all the money too...

@realDonaldTrump @carterwpage Which gives DOJ the excuse to follow the ##receipts & trace all the Swampy cash!


Looks like the indictment was signed by the grand jury & US Attorney Williams on 11/1/2022 & filed under seal with the court on 11/3/22. So they must have checked the FARA registrations on 11/1/22 to confirm that he had not registered as they took the indictment to the Grand Jury

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