Dr. Simon Goddek Profile picture
"The most canceled scientist." PhD in Biotechnology. Science Journalist. Polyglot. From the Spectrum. CEO @sunfluencer. Contact: simon@sunfluencer.com 🐓

Jul 13, 2023, 9 tweets

Look at this 1950s beach pic, everyone fit as a fiddle! No keto, vegan, or paleo diets. No gym memberships, no fancy fitness tech or wellness influencers. They also weren't drinking protein shakes or counting calories.

So what went wrong? A THREAD 🧵⬇️

#1 Dietary Changes. Processed foods are on every corner. Omega-6-rich seed oils and sugars, a horrible combination, overwork our livers and ramp up fat storage. Grandma's home-cooked meals are now a rare treat. We've traded real food for convenience.

#2 Demonization of Saturated Fats. Since the 60s, it was claimed that saturated fats caused heart attacks. Although we've been nourished by lard and butter for thousands of years, these good fats were replaced with inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids. "Trust the science," they said!

#3 Childhood Vaccines. While children in the 50s received only 5 doses of vaccines, by 2019 the number had risen to 72 - and the trend is rising. Each vaccination has an impact on the microbiome, which likely leads to significant long-term physical and psychological consequences.

#4 Lack of Exercise. Before exercise got labeled as some far-right gig, people were already moving less and sitting more. As we've shifted towards a service-based society and due to the rise of Big Tech, we're now mostly parked behind screens. More scrolling, less strolling.

#5 Lack of Nutrients. Topsoil depletion and removal mean that crops are coming up short on nutrients. To get the same vitamins from one head of lettuce 100 years ago, you'd need to eat 10 heads now. If your body's starved of nutrients, you want to eat more. A vicious cycle.

#6 Environmental Toxins. Glyphosate-based herbicides like Roundup can cause dysbiosis, cancers, and many other diseases. For instance, in almost 100% of soy crops, glyphosate residues can be found, which then enter our food chain. It's seriously concerning.

#7 So what can you do?
▪️Eat saturated fats and cut out seed oils
▪️Limit carbs and sugars
▪️Grow your own food in your self-made compost
▪️Exercise at least 3 times a week
▪️Limit your screen time
▪️Enjoy the sun as much as possible
▪️Read the book 'Turtles All the Way Down'

#8 It seems to me like a sick society is being encouraged, because only sick people are as dependent on Big Pharma as heroin addicts are on the needle.

Simon Says: do what your great-grandmother would have done.

Follow me for more health advice and a good dose of common sense.

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