Dr. Simon Goddek Profile picture
"The most canceled scientist." PhD in Biotechnology. Science Journalist. Polyglot. From the Spectrum. CEO @sunfluencer. Contact: simon@sunfluencer.com 🐓
EricStoner Profile picture Hecate's Crossroad #QVArmy Profile picture Eric Smith Profile picture Bagwon Pro American Profile picture 3TW 🐭🕊🐰🐸🇺🇸🍊 Profile picture 131 subscribed
Jun 6 6 tweets 4 min read
In his new propaganda piece, @hiltzikm whines that the pharma shill and dentist denier @PeterHotez, who compared the unvaccinated to terrorists, is facing well-deserved criticism. It’s outrageous that the @latimes published this shameful article.

A THREAD 🧵 ⬇️ Image #2 "It is not surprising that @hiltzikm defends Hotez, as he has incited hatred against the unvaccinated in a Goebbels-like manner.

In his opinion piece (), he said that 'those who have deliberately flouted sober medical advice by refusing a vaccine known to reduce the risk of serious disease from the virus, including the risk to others, and end up in the hospital or the grave can be viewed as receiving their just deserts.'

I find his attitude unworthy of a Pulitzer Prize winner, especially since current data shows that those who have not been vaccinated or were skeptical from the beginning were ultimately proven right.

The 'vaccines' never prevented severe illness, hospitalization, or death. On the contrary, the more often people are 'vaccinated,' the higher the probability of an early demise.

This once again shows that journalism has failed and that a dialogue on equal footing is essential for a functioning democracy.

People like him, on the other hand, are the personification of the danger to peaceful coexistence. We - those who have been discriminated against by him and his peers for three years - will never forget what they have done to us in the name of 'science.' No amnesty!"bit.ly/3nuR5etImage
May 28 5 tweets 7 min read
🧵THREAD: Today I am going to red-pill you about dangerous vegetable oils, which are found in almost all processed foods. Consequently, this is likely the most important thread you will read this week. Contrary to popular belief, the term 'vegetable oils' is misleading. These oils are called 'vegetable' not because they come from vegetables in the traditional sense, but because they are derived from plant sources. This includes seeds such as cottonseeds, soybeans, and sunflower seeds.

These oils need to be heavily refined to remove various toxins and natural impurities, which can be harmful or affect the taste and stability of the oil. The refining process also extends the shelf life of these oils.

However, this refining process creates trans fats, a type of unsaturated fat that is detrimental to our health, especially when consumed in large amounts.

Trans fats, along with a high omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio found in these oils, disrupt our body's metabolic processes. They contribute to inflammation and imbalance cytokine production, which are crucial in our body's immune response and healing processes.

Long-term consumption of these fats is linked to various health hazards, including an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and other chronic conditions.

To provide a comparison, I've included olive oil in the graphic. Unlike these refined oils, olive oil, especially extra virgin olive oil, is less processed and contains healthy fats. It has a more balanced omega-6 to omega-3 ratio and doesn't contain trans fats, making it a much better choice for your health.

In the posts below, I will delve into the history of vegetable oils and explain the mechanisms that make these seed oils extremely harmful.Image #2 Did you know that vegetable oils such as soybean, sunflower, and corn oil are commonly used in cooking and processed foods? These oils are high in omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). While omega-6 fats are necessary for our health, having too much of them, especially from processed vegetable oils, is problematic, to say the least.

When vegetable oils are processed and heated, such as during cooking or manufacturing, it initiates a process called lipid peroxidation. This is where the fats in the oils react with oxygen, similar to how iron rusts when exposed to air and moisture. In the case of these oils, lipid peroxidation leads to the creation of several harmful byproducts, including a particularly nasty compound called 4-HNE.

4-HNE is a major issue because it's highly reactive. It can easily interact with various parts of our cells, like proteins, DNA, and other fats, causing them to malfunction. Over time, this damage significantly contributes to a range of diseases, such as heart disease, certain types of cancer, diabetes, and even brain-related diseases like Alzheimer's.

So, the bottom line is that the processing of vegetable oils leads to increased lipid peroxidation, resulting in higher levels of harmful compounds like 4-HNE in our bodies. That's why you should avoid vegetable oils at all costs. In the attached video clip, @TuckerGoodrich explains why the consumption of vegetable oils can lead to weight gain and severely impact your health.
May 19 29 tweets 2 min read

WITHOUT CHEATING, try to match the following 25 misanthropic quotes to their respective authors.

You can find the answers in the second last tweet from below. Then post how many you got right (e.g. 13/25).

⬇️⬇️⬇️Image 1. “For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death.”
May 9 8 tweets 3 min read
I always knew that @piersmorgan wasn’t the brightest star in the sky, but I didn’t expect him to be so braindead as to get an AstraZeneca booster in April ’24 and still mock vaccine critics. Time to expose that beta cuck.

🧵THREAD ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Image #2 When you scroll through Piers’ timeline over the last 3 years, you find nothing but hatred and scorn for critics of the plandemic. Occasionally, he has claimed to regret his tweets, but I don’t believe him. In this thread, you’ll find a best of his discriminations here on @X. Image
May 2 8 tweets 4 min read
🇧🇷 For this tweet alone, @oatila should be sued into personal bankruptcy. This Brazilian influencer has not only promoted vaccines for four years and spread lies about Ivermectin and Vitamin D, but he even received money from Pfizer for it.

To my Brazilian followers: are you aware of any lawsuit against this corrupt scientist, or must I take it upon myself?Image @oatila This is just one example of @oatila's content. This Instagram post, in which he falsely claims that the mRNA only stays in the muscle and that our body gets rid of the mRNA within a few days, was sponsored by Pfizer.
Mar 29 22 tweets 9 min read
🧵THREAD: Let's start the day with something positive: it's not the mRNA vaccines that cause increasing cancer and heart attack rates.

Thanks to our dedicated investigative mainstream media journalists, the reasons for them have finally been revealed.

Here are my TOP 20. 🍿⬇️Image #1 DRUGS – The German newspaper @bzberlin is onto something very hot. The reason for the more than doubled heart problems among young Berliners is drug use, even though it has been continuously declining since the year 2000.Image
Mar 23 7 tweets 6 min read
🧵 THREAD: Meet @CaulfieldTim, a Canadian law professor, who continues to defend Big Pharma by claiming that Covid vaccines cannot cause cancer, labeling those who suggest otherwise as members of a "Death Cult."

However, @EthicalSkeptic demonstrates through his analyses that Caulfield's claims are incorrect. So, why does this man mislead in such an aggressive manner? FOLLOW THE MONEY, GUYS!

The evidence in the next tweet explains why he does so. In April 2020, Caulfield received $380,000 to fight Covid misinformation, and a year later, a whopping $1,750,000.

This professor isn't interested in the facts - he's a hired gun who would say anything for a price. ⬇️⬇️⬇️Image #2 During Covid, Caulfield notably defamed anyone questioning Big Pharma. But should a "science communicator" act this way? Isn't the essence of science to challenge our own hypotheses and explore all possible options?

What Timothy Caulfield did was equate those distrusting Big Pharma with Holocaust deniers instead. This association was made both directly and indirectly, as he frequently used the term "denier" in numerous posts—a term often linked with Holocaust denial. He also never questioned the 'vaccines' and public measures such as 'masks' and 'lockdowns'.

Under the hashtag #ScienceUpFirst, he cherry-picked data and discredited those with differing views—all in the name of science. Timothy Caulfield has acted as a digital witch-hunter for the past four years, which I'll prove in subsequent tweets. I would strongly advise @UAlberta to consider initiating disciplinary proceedings against this "anti-science aggressor" (to borrow Caulfield's own phrasing). Otherwise, the institution may soon face scrutiny for its continued association with someone who appears to be an overtly unscientific propagandist.Image
Jan 30 15 tweets 6 min read
🚨EXPOSED – Over the past four years, Prof. @devisridhar, an asset of the WEF and @gatesfoundation, has been strongly discriminating against the unvaccinated and spreading lies. Now, she's attempting to absolve herself of any blame, but that is not going to happen.

A THREAD🧵⬇️ Image #1 Devi Sridhar is a professor & chair of Global Public Health at the University of Edinburgh and has been one of the biggest WEF-shills. She has stated that "global events such as the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change are making us all sicker", but rejects to blame the vaxx. Image
Jan 28 26 tweets 10 min read
🧵THREAD: Remember when they cancelled millions of cancer screening appointments, leading to a significant increase in avoidable cancer deaths, while they performed ridiculous dance routines instead?

Let me show you 25 more pieces of evidence proving that Covid was a big hoax.⬇️ #1 Remember when being symptomless was considered one of the symptoms? The lie that one could be asymptotically ill, along with fraudulent PCR tests, only made this plandemic possible. Either you are sick, or you aren't; being healthy was not a symptom of illness until 2020. Image
Jan 27 5 tweets 6 min read
🧵THREAD: Today, I am going to red-pill you about vegetable oils because they are toxic and will make you sick. Consequently, this is likely the most important thread you will read this week. Contrary to popular belief, the term 'vegetable oils' is somewhat misleading. These oils are named 'vegetable' not because they come from vegetables in the traditional sense, but because they are derived from plant sources. This includes seeds such as cottonseeds, soybeans, and sunflowers seeds.

These oils need to be refined to remove various toxins and natural impurities which can be harmful or affect the taste and stability of the oil. The refining process also helps in extending the shelf life of these oils.

However, this refining process leads to the formation of trans fats. These are a type of unsaturated fat that can be detrimental to our health, particularly when consumed in high amounts.

Trans fats, along with a high omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio found in these oils, disrupt our body's metabolic processes. They contribute to inflammation and an imbalance in cytokine production, which are crucial in our body's immune response and healing processes.

Long-term consumption of these fats is linked to various health hazards, including increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and other chronic conditions.

To provide a comparison, I've included olive oil in the graphic. Unlike these refined oils, olive oil, especially extra virgin olive oil, is less processed and contains healthy fats. It has a more balanced omega-6 to omega-3 ratio and doesn't contain trans fats, making it a much better choice for your health.

In the posts below, I will tell you about the history of vegetable oils and explain the mechanisms that make these seed oils extremely harmful.Image #2 Did you know that vegetable oils such as soybean, sunflower, and corn oil are commonly utilized in cooking and processed foods? These oils are high in omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). While omega-6 fats are necessary for our health, having too much of them, especially from processed vegetable oils, is problematic, to say the least.

When vegetable oils are processed and heated, such as during cooking or manufacturing, it can start a process called lipid peroxidation. This is where the fats in the oils react with oxygen. It's a bit like how iron rusts when it's exposed to air and moisture. In the case of these oils, lipid peroxidation leads to the creation of several byproducts, and one of them is this tricky compound called 4-HNE.

4-HNE is a problem because it's very reactive. It can easily interact with different parts of our cells, like proteins, DNA, and other fats. This can damage these cell parts, causing them to malfunction. Over time, this damage will most likely contribute to various diseases, such as heart disease, certain types of cancer, diabetes, and even brain-related diseases like Alzheimer's.

So, the connection here is that the processing of vegetable oils can lead to increased lipid peroxidation, resulting in higher levels of harmful compounds like 4-HNE in our body. That's why you should avoid vegetable oils at all cost. In the attached video clip, @TuckerGoodrich explains why the consumption of vegetable oils can lead to weight gain and negatively impact your health.
Dec 31, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
🧵There are accounts that seem to pop up everywhere, but did you know that many are silenced and shadowbanned by the algorithm?

Here are ten accounts they didn't want you to follow in 2023 but are essential to follow in 2024.⬇️⬇️⬇️ Image #1 Neil Oliver (@thecoastguy) is a 'truth-teller' who is skeptical in all directions. I hardly ever see his tweets pop up and have to visit his profile regularly. This Scotsman is a must-follow for 2024 if you don't already do so. Image
Dec 27, 2023 24 tweets 8 min read
🧵My name is Dr. Simon Goddek, and until exactly one year ago, I was banned from this platform for spreading 'medical misinformation'. Now, I live a remote and self-sufficient life in the Brazilian rainforest. In this thread, I will tell the wild story of how I ended up here.⬇️ Image #1 It was December 27th last year when I was visiting my parents in the Netherlands for Christmas and was awakened by hundreds of notifications on my phone at 4am. But let's take things in order…
Dec 16, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
🚨 This is Aidan Maese-Czeropski, the @SenatorCardin staffer who filmed himself having butts*x in a senate hearing room.

Instead of showing remorse and asking for forgiveness, he accused critics on LinkedIn of being homophonic.

Also, there has been no sign of life from the Krassenstein twins for more than ten hours. What do you think, will they get upset about the democracy-degrading action, or will they justify and sugarcoat it?Image His name on X was @andredc9999. They/them has deleted his account after the video got released. His tweets were extremely disturbing and I’m grateful @internetarchive failed to download the picture to his tweet. Anyway, this is the slippery slope we’re currently heading down. Image
Dec 11, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
🚨URGENT: Community Notes requires a makeover, as it seems to be infiltrated by three-letter agencies. The user 'enterprising desert raven', for instance, appears to be fully committed to maintaining the official narrative, spreading falsehoods about Covid vaccines, Vitamin D, and Ivermectin, etc.

For X, @CommunityNotes are akin to what the scientific peer review process is for academic publications. The secrecy and nepotism inherent in the peer review process contribute to the erosion of science's credibility and quality. Similarly, more transparency is essential here:

▪️ Who are the real individuals behind the 'Enterprising Desert Raven' profile?
▪️ What drives this account to relentlessly support the narrative of the government and Big Pharma?
▪️ Are bot farms being employed to artificially boost the Community Notes of this user?
▪️ How does the moderation system in Community Notes ensure fairness, especially in controversial topics?
▪️ Is there any oversight to prevent potential misuse of power by influential users like 'Enterprising Desert Raven'?

So many questions - if @elonmusk doesn't address these issues promptly, Community Notes will turn X into what the editor mafia has done to Wikipedia: a platform for governmental propaganda.Image
Link to the user's profile:

.@elonmusk should make public which individuals are behind that profile who is spreading propaganda 24/7.twitter.com/i/communitynot…
Dec 10, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
🧵THREAD: Vitamin D is arguably the most essential vitamin for your health. However, many aren't aware that pairing it with Magnesium, Zinc, and Vitamin K2 is extremely important. In this thread, I will explain why. #1 Magnesium plays a crucial role in the body's ability to produce and activate Vitamin D. It is essential for the enzymes responsible for converting Vitamin D into its active form. A lack of adequate Mg can lead to diminished Vitamin D levels even with sufficient dietary intake. Image
Nov 25, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
🧵THREAD: Regarding a study, living in rural areas will increase the chance of getting a heart attack.

I wonder when the first crazy journalists will claim that too much gardening and consumption of organic eggs in such areas are responsible for the increasing cardiac arrests.⬇️ Image #1 Oh wait, it seems like journalists have already figured out that a healthy lifestyle is actually responsible for the surge of heart diseases.

"But Simon, how about these ‘Covid vaccines’ that were released just before the cardiac arrest numbers went up?"

Nov 24, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
Until the 1970, the majority of the people were fit as a fiddle! No keto, vegan, or paleo diets. No home aerobics or gym memberships. No fancy fitness tech or wellness influencers. They also weren't drinking protein shakes or counting calories.

So, what went wrong? A THREAD 🧵⬇️ Image #1 Medication. In the 1970s, the average American spent 10 times less on prescription drugs than now. Contrary to popular belief, people in Western countries are also compelled to take potentially lethal drugs. Instead of addressing root causes, end-of-pipe solutions are applied. Image
Oct 25, 2023 5 tweets 7 min read
🚨 ON A PERSONAL NOTE: How I lost my job as a scientist, the role Twitter played, and how Elon Musk is breaking his promise.

I was a postdoc scientist at @WUR, specializing in system dynamics and biotechnology since 2019, pursuing a scientific career. Everything was going according to plan until my three-year funding was about to end, and I was informed that I needed to seek alternative funding. Consequently, in the fall of 2020, I wrote a funding proposal during my free time that involved several research institutes worldwide.

The chances of securing the funding were less than 1%, but I succeeded! Regrettably, before this positive outcome, I wrote a thread on Twitter (then having 300 followers) discussing why I believed the peer review process of the Covid PCR protocol was most likely rigged. The thread went viral, attracting significant backlash from Dutch pro-Covid scientists.

Despite my critical stance, and even though my superiors found no flaws in my analysis, the university eventually conveyed their gratitude for the funds I brought in but decided to seek another, “less critical” scientist. "People at higher positions were not happy with your statements," I was informed.

Suddenly jobless, I contacted other project partners included in the research consortium. The only willing partner to employ me was the Norwegian research institute @SINTEF. Fortuitously, my Twitter account was permanently banned in the summer of 2021, around the time of signing the contract, due to my audacity in posting about vitamin D studies and asking the Gates Foundation why they coincidentally invested US$55,000,000 in BioNTech in September 2019. The latter was seen as dangerous misinformation by the Twitter moral guardians, even though I provided a link to the website of the Gates Foundation supporting my claim.

Anyway, since one of the project partners, responsible for constructing a demo system in a tropical climate, dropped out of the research consortium, I was asked if I would take over their part. Already living in the Brazilian rainforest back then, I agreed and allocated part of my private property for the consortium's demo system (see the linked post below how I ended up in the Brazilian rainforest - it’s a wild story!). I was then asked to front the construction costs, which was strange, considering the consortium had received several million dollars, but I agreed since the research project was my "baby," and I was keen on its successful completion.

By the end of 2022, I had built the demo system, costing over $30,000, during evenings and weekends, as @SINTEF was unwilling to compensate me for this construction work. Additionally, I successfully contributed to internal and external projects and lived the life of a critical, yet socially accepted, scientist, who was mainly active on Telegram and Gettr. During this period, there were no complaints. With nearly 200k followers on my Telegram and Gettr channels, the audience in my personal social media bubble consisted exclusively of critical people.

Everything changed at the beginning of 2023 when I got my suspended Twitter account back, which then quickly grew, with around 3000 new followers per day. My tweets were as critical as ever; every day, I confronted Covid perpetrators with screenshots of their own statements from my archive that I maintained since 2020. Internally, the environment quickly became uncomfortable. Allegedly, there were many external complaints about me, as my former boss @stalew stated in a Skype conversation. In February, I was fired on the grounds of "exceeding freedom of expression on Twitter" (see screenshot).

What's outrageous is that the evening before @stalew fired me, he asked me via a private Skype message to send him an Excel document of mine that I used for calculating complex recirculating systems. He said he wanted to understand how the systems I designed actually work. Unaware of what’s yet to come and being quite naive, I sent him my Excel file to "play around a bit." Shortly after firing me, he brazenly claimed that the Excel document, almost unchanged since 2015, was now the IP of @SINTEF. In my world, this is THEFT. I wonder how the CEO of SINTEF, @abgjorv, sees this.

Subsequently, I sought legal counsel from @belawed (follow her; she's an amazing Norwegian truth warrior) while setting up my Vitamin D startup @sunfluencer. I had to live off something as an alleged grifter, after all.

Things quickly escalated! SINTEF refused to pay for the demo system unless I conducted unpaid experiments for them and settled for three months' salary. I refused and filed a lawsuit against SINTEF. Their lawyers argued to the court that since I lived in Brazil (which was only the case so I could build the demo system there for the project), I couldn’t sue SINTEF without having assets to pay the opposing legal party and court costs in case of loss. I then sent the value of my assets (land plus house in Brazil, including purchase contract) to the court, which was rejected as they were not Norwegian assets.

Now I had until October 18th to prove to the court that I was able to pay $30,000 (in case I lose the case) and transfer that amount to some client's account; otherwise, the proceedings would have been dismissed, leaving me with the advanced costs for the demo system and the absurd dismissal. In addition to the $30,000, I also had to cover my lawyer's fees. To meet these financial obligations, I eventually had to sell my car here in Brazil. Moreover, I had to withdraw funds from my wholly-owned startup, @sunfluencer, which significantly impacted its operating capital. I am now down one car and $30,000, and can only hope that the judge will set aside personal biases, focusing solely on the objective assessment of the facts.

Once again, a large "woke" company is seemingly doing as it pleases with its employees: stealing personal work, letting employees pay project costs from their own pocket, simply canceling them for daring to question things and calling those out who discriminated against billions in the course of three years, and then hiring one of the country's most expensive law firms in an attempt to deplete what remains of my assets.

This brings me to @ElonMusk and his statement that he would support ANYONE who lost their job due to their activity on Twitter/X. Sadly, his statement appears to be either mere rhetoric, or he is not aware that his legal team, seemingly, does not care about those who lost their livelihoods due to their activity on this platform. I believe the latter is the case, as I consider Elon a staunch advocate of free speech. Anyway, my lawyer has sent an official letter to Twitter, receiving no response. Additionally, I contacted @kelsey_laymon from X’s legal team. I was assured that my message would be forwarded to “the team handling these requests.” To this day, I've heard nothing back from the legal team or Kelsey, even though I ping her weekly (i.e., "ping!"). My conclusion: nobody is going to help you. Dare to speak out? Deal with the consequences.

Last but not least, I am left with a question for all those who daily call me a grifter in my comment section: Since when is a grifter someone who exclusively loses money and constantly fears for his existence for speaking out? How do I benefit from advocating for what I profoundly believe in? Just because I started a GoFundMe (which I wouldn’t have done if I had enough money), doesn’t mean I am enriching myself. In short: had I kept my mouth shut and simply complied, I would now be at least 100 times "richer" than I currently am. However, I have consciously decided to resume activity on Twitter after regaining access to my account at the beginning of 2023, well aware that this move, like before, could lead to complications. Consequently, I alone must bear the societal and financial repercussions that arise. For those who still wish to continue supporting me, you can donate through my above-mentioned @GiveSendGo campaign (see tweet below) or subscribe to my channel here on X. But I would more strongly advocate for you to do both me and yourselves a favor by ordering your ration of Vitamin D from @sunfluencer in the future. You profit, I profit, we all profit, and I will be able to continue to speak out and bring justice to @SINTEF.

Thank you for your support and for helping me spread this story around the world, as big corporations only seem willing to address injustice when the public pressure is high.

Simon 🙏🏻❤️
Image @WUR Addendum #1: How I ended up in the Brazilian Jungle. This story is wild:
Oct 2, 2023 12 tweets 10 min read
🧵THREAD: The Krassenstein twins not only admitted to being paid by "higher ups" to manipulate public opinion, but they’ve also bought Twitter accounts and converted tween fan pages—with massive followings—into their private accounts.

But let’s take things one step at a time.⬇️
#1 Ponzi Scheme: Before Brian (@krassenstein) and Ed (@EdKrassen) became Twitter phenomena, the left-wing brothers allegedly ran Ponzi schemes and online financial 'scams'. In 2017, law enforcement seized nearly half a million dollars from them, contending it was derived from wire fraud.

Although they deny this, court records back me up! Their history already shows they've duped people by promoting multi-level marketing programs (MLMs) and high-yield investment programs (HYIPs). The latter is a type of Ponzi scheme, a scam that promises unrealistic high returns on investment by paying previous investors with the funds from the new ones. This seems to be their M.O.: deceiving people on a grand scale to line their own pockets.

Sep 24, 2023 11 tweets 7 min read
🧵THREAD: This is @PeterHotez, a doctor and scientist from Texas who, in the past three years, has particularly been noted for his radical statements against vaccine and measure critics. He labeled them as terrorists and Putin supporters and called for military action against them. And when he had absolutely no arguments left, he discredited those who rightly criticized Big Pharma based on available data, branding them as anti-Semites.

Last week, Peter Hotez published his new book “The deadly rise of anti-science” and gave an interview to @USATODAY, the content of which is highly concerning. Not only because the interviewing journalist didn't pose a single critical question, but because his statements reveal just how openly radical this individual is.
Image @PeterHotez #2 Before I delve into the interview, it's essential to watch the following two video clips. In this first clip, Hotez makes a 180° turn concerning a vaccine for a respiratory virus in no time at all.
Sep 5, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read
🧵THREAD: Meet @CaulfieldTim, a Canadian law professor and health law 'expert' at the University of Alberta. During Covid, he notably defamed anyone questioning Big Pharma. But should a "science communicator" act this way? Isn't the essence of science to challenge our own hypotheses and explore all possible options?

What Timothy Caulfield did was equate those distrusting Big Pharma with Holocaust deniers instead. This association was made both directly and indirectly, as he frequently used the term "denier" in numerous posts—a term often linked with Holocaust denial. He also never questioned the 'vaccines' and public measures such as 'masks' and 'lockdowns'.

One should be cautious accusing others of corruption due to potential consequences. However, the attached evidence suggests otherwise. In April 2020, Caulfield received $380,000 to combat Covid misinformation, and a year later, a whooping $1,750,000.

Under the hashtag #ScienceUpFirst, he cherry-picked data and discredited those with differing views—all in the name of science. Timothy Caulfield has acted as a digital witch-hunter for the past three years, which I'll prove in subsequent tweets. I would strongly advise @UAlberta to consider initiating disciplinary proceedings against this "anti-science aggressor" (to borrow Caulfield's own phrasing). Otherwise, the institution may soon face scrutiny for its continued association with someone who appears to be an overtly unscientific propagandist.

(I'm writing this thread in real-time, so please come back for upcoming posts or hit the notification bell on my profile!)

Image 2/ Just two weeks ago, on August 22nd, @CaulfieldTim made a post. He contended that Ivermectin is ineffective, despite a meta-analysis of 99 studies indicating an 85% improvement in prophylaxis with Ivermectin. He also claimed that vaccines don't cause autism, even though there are numerous indications to the contrary, and no definitive statement can be made.

He also suggests that Covid 'vaccines' don't result in infertility. However, a video from Project Veritas captures a former Pfizer employee suggesting otherwise. Furthermore, data indicates a significant drop in fertility rates in many countries, with numerous women reporting missed periods post-vaccination. Such assertions from him appear highly unscientific and intentionally misleading.