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Jul 20, 2023, 15 tweets

/1🚨🔎 BREAKING — We launched a multi-front investigation into government collusion with the pro-censorship UK-based nonprofit “Center for Countering Digital Hate.”

Let’s unpack how this group is working tirelessly to kill free speech in America⤵️

/2 We filed a series FOlA requests with HHS, the FBI, DHS, and the State Department, seeking their communications with Imran Ahmed and his group, the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH).

/3 CCDH is a UK-based nonprofit that has been encouraging censorship online for years. It originates from and is staffed with many individuals in the United Kingdom.

/4 However, it has been incorporated in the United States and registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in the United States, effective as of December 11, 2020.

/5 CCDH describes itself as a "not-for-profit non-governmental organization" that "works to stop the spread of online hate and disinformation through innovative research, public campaigns and policy advocacy."

/6 CCDH describes its founder and CEO, Imran Ahmed, as an “authority on social and psychological malignancies on social media, such as identity-based hate, extremism, disinformation, and conspiracy theories.”

/7 Imran Ahmed and members of CCDH's board consist of political operatives affiliated with the highest levels of the UK Labour Party.

/8 Through his work with Stop Funding Fake News, which was later folded into CCDH, Imran Ahmed took credit for a so-called "defund racism" campaign associated with Black Lives Matter to force Google to remove their ads from The Federalist and ZeroHedge.…

/9 Today, Imran Ahmed leads both CCDH US and CCDH UK and "employ[s] a large team of people who collaborate together to fulfill the shared mission of both organizations."

/10 In March of 2021, the CCDH published a report labeling a group of influential COVID lockdown critics "the Disinformation Dozen.”

/11 In that report, CCDH explicitly calls for these Americans, including @RobertKennedyJr to be deplatformed.

@RobertKennedyJr /12 The Biden Admin and 12 Democratic state attorneys general were happy to comply, working with social media companies to eliminate accounts and crush disfavored narratives and accounts selected by the CCDH.

@RobertKennedyJr /13 In several emails, the Biden Administration directly calls on Facebook and other social media companies to deplatform the "disinfo dozen,”
the name coined by the CCDH.

@RobertKennedyJr /14 To uncover the full extent of CCDH's pernicious influence on our gov and the way they seem to be serving as an outside (and foreign) coordinator of illegal censorship activity, we have launched a FOlA investigation, seeking to expose their influence operation in our country.

@RobertKennedyJr /15 More here:…

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