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Free spirit & cool cat at heart.🌹The truth will always prevail, count on it. Accuracy is my motive, if you ever see something wrong, just tell me. I ❤️‍🔥 @X

Jul 24, 2023, 8 tweets

🔥 Breaking thred!

Elоn asked, just who is this Center For Digital Hate (CCDH) in the recently exposed Twitter files?

My answer? A Media Matters PARTNER, amongst other leftist orgs. Media Matters (MMFA) was created by the Center for American Progress (CAP). MMFA and CAP are……

Let’s begin with the 2018 Media Matters yearly agenda. Just absolutely pure disdain for the right in here. Here’s a small sampling:

“The Trump camp spoke effectively to the grassroots and relied on online channels to disseminate information and misinformation and influence the……

🔹Media Matters For America and the Center for American Progress are both on the Soros Democracy Alliance APO list. (Aligned Partner Organizations)

🔹And this here shows that Soros is a founding partner of the Democracy Alliance (DA).

Both docs are………

Now the association of Pharma with the Coalition for a Safer Web (CSW), which is partnered with the Center for Digital Hate, strikes me.

So pharma is working with orgs trying to get folks censored off the internet entirely including for anti vax stuff? And trying to defund……

The World Economic Forums Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) worked with The Coalition for a Safer Web that the Center for Digital Hate belongs to.

This means @elonmusk is not only up against the Soros legacy shown up above, but the WEF too.

GARM is a part of the……

@elonmusk There will be more on Soros orgs working with the Center For Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) coming up in a new thread.

Here’s just something small to end this. Just here in case we need this later. Maybe Elon would be interested since it interrogates social media. 😬

This is……

@elonmusk I’m cross referencing additional important research.

This is not to be missed!

And don’t forget, a journo has the bulk of my data to be exposed yet!

@elonmusk Let me add a finishing touch here. I think this should pretty much expose what they are doing here.

The founder and CEO of the Center for Countering Digital Hate, Imran Ahmed, co-wrote a book.

“The New Serfdom: The Triumph of Conservative Ideas and How to Defeat Them.”


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