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Ein Kerl wie Samt und Seide.... Auf und Absitzer. Es geht mit Alles. Angehender Baustellenkran. pz/gren. B11 mit Amtszulage approved memes. Waldrambo

Jul 28, 2023, 9 tweets

A short thread on why anti-tank ditches are a very effective but underappreciated way to stop tanks and why you will see more of them in the coming days 1/x

1. They are cheap. They require only machine or manual labor to erect. They are perfect for a prepared defence in-depth 2/x

2. They can be dug quickly. With the proper equipment you can dug hundreds of meters in a few hours. 3/x

3. They are suited to the current terrain. Soft soil and open plains are the perfect conditions for anti-tank ditches 4/x

4. They are effective. Tanks are made for rough terrain but they have limits to their mobility which anti-tank ditches use perfectly to their advantage. 5/x

5. They are suited for a prepared defence. They slow the attacker down. They push him into narrow breaches in the open. And they force the attacker into a single column while the breach happens. 6/x

6. They are hard to breach. You can't get through the ditch without support. But the equipment that is needed to breach is few in numbers, very specialised and takes alot of skill to use properly. Without them you wont get across the ditch. 7/x

7. They are hard to cross. If everything has gone well you still need to get your tank across the breach. One tank after another while the enemy is targeting you. If your tank gets hit or stuck inside the breach you will have to get the tank out or open another breach. 8/x

This is just one of many obstacles of an defence in-depth. A complex obstacle breach is one of the most difficult operations one can do. Even most US Army Units struggle with it at the National Training Center. Below is a very good but long Explainer. 9/9

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