Dr. Simon Goddek Profile picture
"The most canceled scientist." PhD in Biotechnology. Science Journalist. Polyglot. From the Spectrum. CEO @sunfluencer. Contact: simon@sunfluencer.com 🐓

Jul 31, 2023, 21 tweets

🧵THREAD: Remember when they cancelled millions of cancer screening appointments, leading to a significant increase in avoidable cancer deaths, while they performed ridiculous dance routines instead?

Let me show you 20 more pieces of evidence proving that Covid was a big hoax.⬇️

#1. Remember when being symptomless was considered one of the symptoms? The lie that one could be asymptotically ill, along with fraudulent PCR tests, only made this plandemic possible. Either you are sick, or you aren't; being healthy was not a symptom of illness until 2020.

#2. Remember when the CCP 🇨🇳 released CCTV recordings showing people collapsing on the street like sacks of rice, catching themselves with their hands just before impact, and then shaking spasmodically? They said it was one of the Covid symptoms and nobody ever questioned it.

#3. Remember when Big Pharma shills like @PeterHotez told us that Ivermectin was horse paste and potentially harmful? It turns out, it could have saved millions of lives. Their true intention to mislead the general public needs to be criminally investigated.

#4. Remember when they separated cashiers and customers with large Plexiglass screens, yet the cashier touched all the products the customer then took home?

#5. Remember when they told us that eating while seated in a restaurant would be safe, but a simple walk to the restroom could potentially be lethal and thus required wearing a face diaper?

#6. Remember when the flu totally disappeared in 2021, and they said it was simply because Covid was more transmissive? There's nothing simple about eradicating influenza from 100+ countries in just 28 days.

#7. Remember when activities such as jogging alone at the beach, reading a book on a park bench, or taking a walk after 8 pm were considered threats to public health, but staying inside, avoiding the sun, and eating delivery fast food were not?

#8. Remember when you were considered a social menace if you walked in the opposite direction of the arrows in supermarkets? I still haven't completely understood the logic behind it, and I wonder how many lives have been spared by this measure.

#9. Remember when public health officials and politicians, such as @BilldeBlasio, tried to lure people into getting vaccinated with unhealthy things like doughnuts and fast food? Inflammatory 'food' plus clot shots - what could possibly go wrong?

#10. Remember when they said that masks were reducing transmission, but neighboring states (e.g., North Dakota with lockdowns and a mask mandate, South Dakota as a free society) with and without mask mandates showed similar amounts of 'cases'?

#11. Remember when the Covid PCR protocol paper, co-authored by @MarionKoopmans, bypassed peer-review and was published within one day? It was then declared the gold standard by a WHO committee the very next day, a committee on which Koopmans was a member. drgoddek.com/p/how-scientif…

#12. Remember when 'public health experts' such as @DrLeanaWen asserted that the vaccines worked, yet claimed that the unvaccinated still posed a threat to the vaccinated?

#13. Remember when they tried to convince us that natural immunity was a dangerous conspiracy theory?

#14. Remember when people like @oatlia and @R_H_Ebright wanted to silence those with differing opinions and exclude them from society, instead of seeking a substantive dialogue on an equal footing?

#15. Remember when they showed fake photos of coffins from Bergamo, Italy, in March 2020, which terrified the world and contributed to the lockdown frenzy and global PsyOp?

#16. Remember when @BillGates said that the investments in the Covid 'vaccines' were his best investment ever? It's quite obvious that he knew what was going to happen, considering he invested about $50,000,000 in BioNTech, a company that until then had only reported losses.

#17. Remember when politicians, journalists, and other public figures all suddenly began using the phrase 'Build Back Better'? In a real deadly pandemic such an orchestrated show would have been possible.

#18. Remember when the mainstream media blamed the unvaccinated for the deaths of vaccinated people, asserting it was because they were not vaccinated themselves? If a treatment does not work, it is simply illogical to blame those who rejected the treatment for its failure.

#19. Remember when @K_G_Andersen changed his stance on COVID's origins in just four days, subsequently receiving additional funding from Fauci, and then labeled everyone questioning his 'scientific integrity' as 'anti-science'?

#20. Remember when I got de-platformed from Twitter for speaking out? Well, I'm back, and I won't let them silence me again! If, like me, you are not ready to forgive, I invite you to follow me (@goddeketal) and enjoy my daily content where I expose those who did this to us.

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