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Fellow @amrenewctr "His passion for understanding left-wing ideology was a constant inspiration to keep digging, keep thinking, and keep pushing" -Chris Rufo

Aug 2, 2023, 9 tweets

Want to know why Universities are woke?

It's because they've been hijacked by "Activist Scholars" who use them to spread woke ideology.

These political activists are using universities as vehicles to indoctrinate students into far left ideology

Here are the receipts:🧵

Let's get something clear first.

The problem is NOT merely that some professors have blind-spots that can be corrected by other professors with different views. That's not what I am talking about here....

Activists Scholars are an entirely different problem.

It used to be that University professors would try to teach about ideas as evenhandedly as is possible. Of course everyone has biases, but the idea was that professors would at least TRY to put their biases aside and teach the material in a balanced, fair, evenhanded way...

This is no longer the case.

"Activist Scholars" think education is ALWAYS political. because we choose what to teach children, and in doing so we are teaching certain values, and that's political.

So, they think choosing to teach kids that 2+2=4 is a political act.


Because the Scholar activists see their job as a political, in accordance with woke politics they use university classrooms to indoctrinate students into their politics

This Paper by Kia M. Q. Hall is about activities for training Black Lives Matter activists in the… https://t.co/mtqBssF76etwitter.com/i/web/status/1…

You see, the Scholar Activist does not even attempt to teach from neutral ground. They have an ideology, and use their classroom to train students to become activists on behalf of that ideology.

Here Deborah Lowry suggests a way to teach that "supports student-activists":

And this is where we can see this leading to rot in the Universities.

Because the goal of "Scholar Activists" is to spread their political ideology, not to find truth, they end up adopting bad academic methods because those methods help them with their political goals.

They explicitly state that they don't want theories that lead to truth, they want theories that help them gain political power. Here, Kelly Oliver says explicitly that feminist theories do NOT have to be true...they have to be STRATEGIC, because the goal is power, not truth.

This is not just one paper that says this either. I could bring receipts all day.

IE: Joan Scott tells us that they seek a theory that will be relevant for political practice, and transgender Sociologist Raewyn Connell seeks a theory of Gender that takes politics into account

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