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Aug 9, 2023, 13 tweets

Faked Cheese 🧀🧀:

Did you know that Pfizer (the "sponsor") manipulated images of spike protein in the nucleus when they submitted their shiny brochure to the @TGAgovau, and the TGA didn't care?

Check this out, thread to follow.

Here's the original plate

In the original plate (the one submitted to the TGA), you should be able to see that the S1 image shows a bright signal to the top left of the "two fried eggs"

The "fried eggs" are the nuclei, stained blue in the left column

Original plate again. Ignore the merge column.
In the left column the nuclei have a dark circle (like an egg yolk), which is the nucleolus.
In the S1 image the nuclei look bigger, which reduces the impact of the signal in the nucleus.
There should be NO GREEN in the nucleus

But there is green in the nucleus.
You can see it, but I've labelled it just in case

(src: ) https://t.co/UOjLaDqouztga.gov.au/sites/default/…

There will be people claiming that this effect is from spike protein surrounding the nucleus, called perinuclear staining.

But this is what that looks like (first two columns).
Totally different.


Now the twist.
Even scientists I know with lab experience didn't notice the nuclear staining in the Pfizer document until it was pointed out. Why?
Because the sponsor (Pfizer) pulled a trick.
They manipulated the brightness of the image.
Here's the original again

Now let's change the shadows and highlights of the whole plate in the same way and see if any of the subplates look different.

The S1 vaccinated plate background (and the merge) have been altered in comparison to the Hoechst plates.

So let's try and reverse this correction and see what we get

Well that looks pretty convincing.
The nucleus is flooded with green.
Because the spike protein is flooding the nucleus.

And if you're not convinced here is the corrected view against the original view.

Subtle, but enough for scientists at the TGA to say "nothing to see here, let's approve this and get our posh nosh"

@double_christ @TonyNikolic10

And you might ask..
"Why does it matter if the spike protein gets in the nucleus?"

Well, because it destroys the body's cancer defence mechanisms via suppression of p53, which is the body's main defence against cancer.

When scientists published this, the NIH sent their goons in to get the paper (which was perfectly fine) retracted.

They didn't care whether you got cancer as a result.

We call it #NIHgate.
Most people don't know it happened.


A thread you hopefully will be interested in @AdhesionsOrg @SenatorRennick @Clucky92864053 @NarfGb

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