Jim Stewartson, Counterinsurgent 🇺🇸🇺🇦💙🎈 Profile picture
Emmy-winning creative technologist, @RadicalizedPod co-host, Journalist: https://t.co/QvvP9wRDg2. This is not politics. This is a coup. #ArrestMikeFlynn

Aug 16, 2023, 7 tweets

At “Election Summit 2023” Mike Lindell says the quiet part about his christofascist motivations.

Cheerleading the 2020 Big Lie that led to J6, Lindell says “there’s a bright side… hey if we’re wrong… it’s End Times and all of us believers go up to Heaven. It’s a win-win.”

This apocalyptic Christian myth, largely fueled by oil & gas money, has been motivating Americans to push us towards chaos for decades because they believe if things get bad it’s fine because Jesus is coming to save them.

The problem with this idea is that anyone who is not a “believer” is supposed to get “left behind” in a bloodbath. They consider this a good thing when it’s blatantly genocidal propaganda.

Lindell believes this which is exactly how Mike Flynn and his allies brainwashed him into spending all his money to destroy his own country.

Mike Lindell told a long story about how spending two days at Trump Tower talking to “employees”—Aug 15/16, 2016—was “divine intervention.”

After publicly supporting Trump, Lindell told his concerned Board of Directors that “we didn’t get this far by me not listening to God!”

I edited it down because Mike Lindell is insufferable, but this is exactly how rich and influential people get brainwashed into acting against their own nation & their own interests. Recall that some of the most skilled and dangerous psychological terrorists were in and around Trump Tower at the time, including Flynn, Prince and Bannon.

Evangelical Christianity is a vulnerability identified by malicious actors as a way to recruit people into a theocratic fascist death cult.

Michael Gableman is a former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice who was hired as a “special counsel” to investigate election fraud—which resulted in nothing more than propaganda.

Gableman says “we’re in a fight” that he compares to both the Revolutionary and Civil Wars.

“If we don’t get elections where we need them to be… we don’t deserve a republican form of democracy.”

This entire event is designed to brainwash the audience into believing that America is at an existential crisis over a stolen election. It’s mixing the Big Lie with christofascism and incitement to sedition.

It could not be more obvious what they’re doing and it blows my mind that there are no laws against this. It’s a malicious psyop, pure and simple, and it’s re-indoctrinating people into a movement designed for genocide.

Mike Lindell’s “Election Crime Bureau” is currently going through an impenetrable state-by-state review of reasons for “hope” which include cult members at the local level pushing through measures to make it harder for people to vote & harder for officials to count when they do.

There may be cringier people in the world but David Clements wins the prize today. JFC.

“LET MY PEOPLE GO” should never, ever come out of the mouth of someone who looks like this middle-age crisis personified.

Here is the belly of this beast. Bannon and Flynn have Lindell on remote control. They can get him to do almost anything at this point, including putting on this seditionist comedy marathon.

We did it! The OP got noticed by multi-shirted convicted felon Steve Bannon whose reporter seems to have a hard time understanding it. Bannon seems pretty chill about it tbh.

My work here is done. 😎🤣
h/t @patriottakes https://t.co/D7ie0uOn2S

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