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Necromartist. 🎨 Independent Researcher 🔍Constitution Defender 📜

Aug 27, 2023, 14 tweets

1🧵How far is the intelligence community willing to go? Why was there a web of lies surrounding: Covid-19 origins, Ukrainian, Burisma, USAID, EcoHealth Alliance, National Resilience, In-Q-Tel and Metabiota and the CIA? Why hasn't it stopped?

2🧵The clear connection between all of these players I've covered extensively. However, I was under the impression, as many were, that the CIA's venture capital arm, In-Q-Tel was a passive funder of Metabiota and only initially. That according to IRS filings is false.

3🧵According to this 2019 IRS 990 tax filing, by Chris Darby for IQT [InQTel] Metabiota isn't a mild investment. In fact section B of the 990 is reserved for IQT's "Five highest compensated independent contractors" & third listed is Metabiota [$1,600,000]

4🧵IQT boasts of having hundreds of investments with a world renown portfolio. So it begs the question WHY would Metabiota [a company that so poorly handled the Ebola Crisis that African leaders were calling for them to be banned] Why would they be the third most funded by IQT?

5🧵Besides the fact that Metabiota has a connection to Hunter Biden and the Step Son of John Kerry, Chris Heinz, there isn't a decent reason to invest in the company which has been nearly useless...except for its use as a pawn.

6🧵This is where Ukraine appears: in emails from 2014 between Mary Guttieri [BTRIC, USDA, Metabiota] and H.Biden on "Ukraine science" and western ideology : &
Where HB references Palantir % the CIA as models to Metabiota..

7🧵I've managed to piece together the timeline of suspicious investments between CIA [IQT], Metabiota, & EcoHealth Alliance. HB's RSTP funds Metabiota in 2014, IQT starts funding them in 2017, the SAME yr USAID decides to manage operations for EHA & Metabiota in China 🧐

8🧵Separate connections I had not fully connected til now.
May 11, 2017 Emails: Rubin[ Metabiota] Clements USAID, & EHA:

9🧵The idea was this all ended with those 2017 Emails where Clements and Rubin decide to lessen Metabiota's involvement in China and increase EHA's. I made the point that USAID is largely seen as an "offshoot" of the CIA.

10🧵The 2019 IQT tax filings show that not only did IQT continue their support for Metabiota, despite their MANY documented failures, but they increased their funding! If USAID and IQT both serve the CIA maybe thats why no one has been held accountable for C19.

11🧵Because let's not forget USAID funded EcoHealth Alliance which worked alongside Metabiota. RFK jr recently stated USAID is an offshoot if CIA. IQT serves CIA and funds Metabiota. Dr.Huff of EHA said that in 2015 the CIA approached EHA to work & were interested in China.

12🧵It's also true that the CIA has a long history of shady dealings in Ukraine [where USAID & HB have spent a lot of money recently.] namely their post cold war collaboration with the Nazi supporting Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists

12🧵The HB emails seems sickly comical when seen in hindsight knowing all of this. The reference to "Ukraine Science" and comparing Metabiota's place akin to that of "Palantir for the CIA" seems ridiculous.🤦‍♀️ How a crack head pulled all of this off is truly remarkable.

Jimmy Dore must have read my mind about the OUN problem @jimmy_dore's recent post:

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