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Necromartist. 🎨 Independent Researcher 🔍Constitution Defender 📜
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Sep 21 12 tweets 14 min read
1🧵Can we take just a second to look at 15 different COVID-19 related events that happened in 2019 before the global pandemic emerged?Image 2🧵These 15 events are not all-inclusive, but I have filed them down into 4 categories: conferences, research, government/military & exercises of which I consider to be the most relevant to the pandemic.

Covid-19 is often discussed in terms of the response, but let's look at C19 as the response to other things i.e, these 15 events.👇👇👇Image
Sep 5 8 tweets 11 min read
1🧵We think our politicians or our political parties work on behalf of us. The reality is bipartisan politics is a lie. From Bush to Biden, they all worked together laying the groundwork for Operation Warp Speed, because, "'s a big club & you ain't in it!"- George Carlin Image 2🧵When former CIA director George HW Bush got the US into the Gulf War [GW] & 100's of thousands of troops came down with GW Syndrome that have generally been regarded as the result of the military+private sector's compulsory untested Anthrax Vaccine. Image
Aug 27 9 tweets 7 min read
1🧵Do you know how much your State sends to Israel annually? In 2023 the US signed a MOU w/Israel to guarantee $3.8 Billion in Federal aid per year til 2028, but how much does each of the 50 States pay 🇮🇱annually?💰Image 2🧵Alabama: $54.8M, Alaska: $972K, Arizona $355M, Arkansas $53.7M, California: $1.68B, Colorado: $54.4M, Connecticut: $232M, Delaware: $15.2M

Aug 14 12 tweets 14 min read
1🧵The conspiracies surrounding COVID-19 are vast. Everything from snake venom, microchips, 5G, nanotechnology, magnetic properties & graphene oxide have been lamented by the ultra suspicious. As wild as some claims may sound, not all are "baseless" conspiracies.Image 2🧵In early 2020, Dr. Carrie Madej put out a warning to society that mRNA technology in these vaccines were a step in the direction of transhumanism. The video went viral & ever since, any discussion about nanotech in mRNA has been touted as a conspiracy...but is it?Image
Aug 2 9 tweets 6 min read
1🧵In May of 2020 a high level government official facilitated a near billion dollar contract to a 4mo old company.👀 Then after a couple years the official retires & is now on the Board for that very same company. 🤬How is this not criminal?Image 2🧵 Gustave Perna a 4⭐General served in the Army for 40+ yrs. He was; commanding general of the Army's Material Command, Commander at Aberdeen Proving Ground, the DLA and in May 2020 he was named Chief Operating Officer of Operation Warp Speed [OWS].Image
Jul 10 10 tweets 9 min read
1🧵Trump has claimed the vaccine, but was it really his creation? On Barack Obama's last day in office he gave Trump was "parting gift." A series of last minute laws on public health, quarantines & a "Not for Public Distribution" Pandemic Playbook. This points to Trump being set-up by the Obama administration years before the pandemic ever started.Image 2🧵Titled "Playbook for a early response to high-consequence emerging infectious disease threats and biological incidents" was handed to Donald Trump the day of his inauguration Jan 20, 2017. The playbook lays out in a lock-step fashion exactly how a pandemic was to be handled.Image
Jul 8 6 tweets 5 min read
The Incident happened just WEEKS before the emergence of COVID-19 on December 09, 2020 during what appears to be gain of function work being conducted at University of Wisconsin-Madison [UWM."Image 2☣️According to their own Incident Report [sources in comments] it took UWM two MONTHS to report the incident to NIH! The BSL-3 laboratory shows that the research dates back to at least June of 2018. The lab is an infamous one, the UWM Yoshiro Kawaoka lab inside their BSL-3+.Image
Jul 5 7 tweets 7 min read
1🧵Although my grandmother worked at the JPL for NASA in the heydays of the American Space Race, she notably never spoke of what she did there. Because of this void of information I dug deep into NASA. Here's some conclusions and info I found... Image 2🧵NASA was ran by mainly 3 groups: The Magicians, Mason's and NAZI's. The sacred number of NASA is the number 8.

Jul 5 10 tweets 8 min read
1🧵 These are my slides from my research video back in 2021 on the Esoteric Origins of NASA and Spaceforce. For tonight's space w/ , @MazeLove14Image
2🧵Operation Paperclip

Jun 13 13 tweets 12 min read
1🧵Not even double masking could cover the stench of the C19 Pandemic. The masses are finally waking up to the fact that C19 was a military operation, but the idea it was planned is still seen as a tinfoil hat conspiracy...but is it?Image 2🧵Early last year I covered the fact that Moderna didn't manufacture their own C19 jabs, but rather they had enlisted a supposedly new bio-company called National Resilience. The post vent viral and was even covered by @Cancelcloco
May 28 4 tweets 2 min read
Bio Warfare Quick Space Data Drop: 👇👇


Cold War Anthropology:

1977 Senate Hearing:

August 4 1977 NYT article:

Aug 3, 1977 Senate Subcommittee:……Image…
May 26 8 tweets 6 min read
1🧵 Three years before the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 an alarming article appeared in the Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. The article conducted by UCLA scientists found a link between a certain type of vaccine & Sudden Infant Death Syndrome [SIDS].Image
2🧵The study, Possible temporal association between diphtheria-tetanus toxoid-pertussis vaccination and sudden infant death syndrome, showed statistically relevant data suggesting there was indeed an association between DTP vaccination and SIDS.Image
Apr 6 9 tweets 5 min read
1🧵You see it. We all see it. Some describe it as the "Death of the American Dream." Despite the inconsistent murmuring of what has been happening to the United States, there is a proper name for it, Democratic Backsliding [DB] Image 2🧵 Democratic Backsliding is the process of a Democracy losing its governmental validity by the systematic degradation of the fundamental institutions of democracy [fair elections, civil liberties..etc] & the result is always a form of autocracy.Image
Mar 29 14 tweets 7 min read
1☄️ Nearly everyone knows that the April 8th eclipse comes w/ a visiting comet ominously nicknamed the "Devil Comet." The comet's real name is 12P Pons/Brooks, but 1 week later we get ANOTHER & visitor NO ONE is talking about!!!Image 2☄️This visitor isn't a comet nor does it have a satanic name-this is a NEA [near earth asteroid] an Apollo class space rock called 2013NK4 making its close approach Monday April 15th. To understand the NEA we should quickly go over what its ephemeris is. Image
Mar 10 11 tweets 7 min read
👀We ALL know the gov' HATES "wild conspiracy theories." So, here's another one-created by yours truly! Representative Matt Gaetz isn't who you think he is. JFK jr is dead, of Ted Kenned Jr is ALIVE & his name is Matt Gaetz....Image 2🤫 Everyone knows the Kennedy's are womanizers [its sad but true]. Ted Kennedy was at the top of the list of Kennedy's who were infamous for being philandering Lotharios. Matt Gaetz has earned that reputation too...Image
Mar 6 19 tweets 14 min read
1🧵The significant portion of the US Intelligence Community has admitted to believing that the C19 pandemic likely originated in the Wuhan Lab. What they failed to mention is how they strategically facilitated the emergence of C19 & then exploited the response.Image 2🧵Seven+ months ago I authored a thread showing the CIA's tech arm, In-Q-Tel [IQT] held a round-table tabletop exercise [TTX] in December of 2019. The TTX foreshadowed a global epidemic that would use machine learning on 5G to manage the "specturm of illness."Image
Mar 2 4 tweets 4 min read
1☣️Remember the infamous "Project Blue Book?" The government ran UFO 🛸 investigation lasted from March 1952-December 1969 & it shares something in common w/ the ominous USG BSL-4 program, we know as USAMRIID...Image
2☣️The United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases [USAMRIID] officially began due to an Executive Order [EO] signed by President Nixon on November 25th 1969. Less than one month before Project Paperclip was "ended."Image
Feb 25 4 tweets 2 min read
📄DARPA responded to my FOIA & you're not going to believe the nerve of these jerks. I blocked out only my personal information like address and the FOIA case number. Let's take a look👇 Image 2📄According to federal policy, DARPA is required to have a response to my FOIA within 20 work days. DARPA has decided [just like the CIA did] that my case has "unusual circumstances which impact our ability to quickly process youe request."
Feb 23 7 tweets 5 min read
🚨 Johns Hopkins on Dec 11, 2018 conducted the table-top exercise [TTX] called Vaccine Platforms:
State of the Field and Looming Challenges. It funded by Meta co-founder, Dustin Moskovitz's charity-disguised tax haven, the Open Philathropy Project.Image 2🧵Although conducted throughout 2018 JHCHS didn't upload the final report to their exercises page until December 2022. One can speculate as to why such a delay but after one quick read through it becomes quite apparent.

Feb 13 5 tweets 2 min read
🤮I'm sickened by how honored the C19 scientists continue to be. This is The New York Academy of Medicine’s Annual Award for 2021. W/the keynote speaker being Dr. Fauci, countless shameless scientists accepted the honors such as....Image
2🤮 Katalin Karikó & Drew Weissman [who already won the Nobel prize for their work in mRNA], Kizzmekia S. Corbett [the understudy of Ralph Baric who the MSM touted as their token African American to "quell" the black population's concerns over the vaccine 🙄]
Feb 9 13 tweets 13 min read
1🧵There is nothing that anyone can tell me to convince me that Ralph Baric of UNC Chapel Hill is an innocent character in the C19 Pandemic & neither is DARPA. By the end of this thread I'm sure you'll agree with me. [Buckle up, folks] Image 2🧵Let's start with Moderna, the company that Baric signed a Material Transfer Agreement [MTA] w/ in 2015, 2017, & 2019. Moderna had simultaneously signed a MTA with NIH's Vaccine Research Center [VRC] for mRNA CoV vaccine platform.