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Artist.🎨 Independent Researcher 🔍Constitution Defender 📜📖 Jesus is king✝️ ☕️
35 subscribers
Jan 19 7 tweets 5 min read
1🧵 There should be no reason for pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein to have any hand in the Covid-19 pandemic response, but there is. Image 2🧵Breirbart released an article in 2023 exposing the alarming details surrounding Epstein’s blackmailing of Bill Gates.

Epstein had hooked up a married Gates w/ a young Mika Anatonova a Russian bridge player. Epstein later used this triste to blackmail Gates into helping him Image
Jan 16 5 tweets 4 min read
🤯Lemme get this straight:

Epstein planted the surveillance equipment used to spy on Clinton’s phone sex calls with Lewinsky during the White House renovation paid for by the Wexner/Epstein MEGA group, an exclusively Jewish group, which included the Bronfman family.

In 2018 Keith Rainer head of the NXIVM cult that the Bronfmans (Clare & Sara) were involved in for sex trafficking.

In 2019, Rainer & Clare both wind up imprisoned at the Metropolitan detention center in Brooklyn (MDC) where later fellow MEGA study group member Jeffrey Epstein’s associate/madame Ghislaine would be imprisoned.

A few short yrs after that, once Ghislaine is transferred to FL for her 30yr sentence for sex trafficking, P.Diddy too becomes a resident of the same jail, the MDC in Brooklyn..Image
….and you’re telling me the AG responsible for Epstein’s case was William Barr (former CIA) who’s father Donald Barr was the headmaster at Dalton academy at the time when Dalton hired a man who had no teaching degree or experience teaching was hired for a couple years to teach young children, and that person was Jeffrey Epstein.

Jan 15 7 tweets 6 min read
🚨 The MARS Pandemic Exercise has been kept hidden since 2017.

COVID was the first Act & Event 201 was the premier & what I'm going to share w/ you is a director's cut of the dress rehearsal: The 5C MARS Pandemic Exercise. 🚨 1🧵The first mention of this came in 2016 on a WEF report titled, “managing the risk and impact of future epidemics.” This report not only features coronaviruses on page 2 but also forecasts a Pandemic Simulation in December of 2016.

Project lead? Ryan Morhard of Ginkgo Bioworks & the WEF 🤨Image
Jan 12 12 tweets 10 min read
1🧵 What does the Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken have to do with George Soros, Jeffrey Epstein, Child exploitation & Mossad? The short answer is: everything. Image 2🧵As an example of bureaucratic nepotism, the Blinken Dynasty starts in 1879 w/ Tony's great grandfather Meir.
Meir was an author who's works were centered on "explicitly engage with women's sexuality, and perhaps the first book by a Yiddish writer in America to engage with sexuality at all."Image
Jan 10 7 tweets 6 min read
1🧵Covid-19 was the most expensive event in the history of the world. A large contributor to this debt was the Paycheck Protection Program [PPP] which spent $953billion. 💰
Some of that went to fund the very same people implicated in the origins of C19. A lot actually. 😳Image 2🧵EcoHealth Alliance [EHA], middle man company responsible for flowing NIH funds into the WIV for GOF work on CoVs were granted 2 PPP loans.
Yes, the same EHA that published a paper condemning all who questioned the origins of C19 as conspiracy theorists.
Drastic-DARPA -GOF pushing slugs who were also found to be working w/ the CIA leading up to C19.Image
Jan 8 8 tweets 8 min read
1🧵Drowning in sensationalism we're faced w/the erosion of democracy & the rise of a technocratic tyranny.

Was it BLM, J6, mass shootings, or the election?
What had our attention while the transhumanists advanced their insidious plans?

The Paypal mafia 2.0 has arrived. Image 2🧵On December 22, 2024 Trump nominated 38yr old Michael Kratsios for Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) December 22, 2024.

Kratsios was Trump's Chief Technology officer back in 2019 and he is credited with being the brains behind:

◽️Implementation of the National Quantum Initiative Act.
◽️Establishment of a new National Quantum Coordination Office & the National AI Initiative Office in the White House.
◽️Establishment of the Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration Pilot Program. 👀
◽️creation of the largest public-private computing partnership ever created, the COVID-19 High Performance Computing Consortium. 🤫
Dec 16, 2024 10 tweets 8 min read
1🧵Last month the judge presiding over Combs’ case denied bail for the 3rd time. For now, Sean Combs remains incarcerated at the infamous Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn sharing a cell w/ none other than finance extortionist Sam Bankman-Fried.

The MDC has notably housed, Ghislaine Maxwell, R.Kelly, 6ix9ine, and sex cult leader Keith Raniere among others.Image 2🧵While most of the world is asking "Diddy do it?" we'll look into identifying what helped shape an altar boy into a demon. What did he go through? Image
Dec 4, 2024 10 tweets 8 min read
1🧵 The recent pardoning of Hunter Biden by his father has caused a much-deserved uproar. Despite the corrupt nature of the pardon, many acknowledge that if they were in Biden's shoes, they might have done the same. Regardless its ugly but the big stir masked another ugly event.Image 2🧵Are you familiar w/ Charles Kushner [CK], father of Jared Kushner? Until recently I didn't. So, let's breakdown what we know of Charles.🔍
🔹CK is a real estate developer & disbarred attorney
🔹Since 2005 CK had been a convicted felon. One of the prosecutors against him was Chris Christie.
🔹CK plead guilty to: illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, & witness tampering.Image
Nov 30, 2024 25 tweets 10 min read
1🧵Why is the US the home to the largest child trafficking operation in history? Are we run by pedophiles in our government? The media says that this is a conspiracy theory. I'm here to prove the conspiracy is a fact. Image 2🧵Former Senators and House Representatives Mark Foley & Jim Kolbe resigned after being caught sexually abusing underage congressional pages.
🔻 exchanged sexually explicit texts with teenagers Image
Nov 26, 2024 13 tweets 9 min read
1🧵Would you trust the company that made the Anthrax Vaccine that likely caused Gulf War Syndrome? What if there was a pandemic w/a novel virus & a 💉had to be made in 1/10 the usual time, would you trust them to do it? What if they failed inspections & despite millions you spent they take the $ and give you 0 vaccines?

You wouldn't trust them, but your government did.Image 2🧵In May of 2021 the President & Exec + Chairman for Emergent Biosolutions [EB] testified before the Oversight Committee on Oversight & Reform concerning their failures in Operation Warp Speed. EB was awarded $628M and yet after 1 yr, EB hadn't produced a single viable dose!🤯 Image
Nov 24, 2024 10 tweets 6 min read
1🧵Trump's recent nominee for Surgeon General, Dr. Janette Nesheiwat is a bad idea for so many reasons. It was encouraging to see my peers immediately posting clips of her praising the deadly C19 jabs. 1st thing I did was search her posts for "vaccination" I counted 46 posts🤬Image 2🧵In most of her posts concerning the 💉 Dr.Nesheiwat constantly downplayed adverse reactions while continuing to applaud the 💉s -gently reminding her viewers to stay updated with their shots. 😑 Image
Nov 17, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
1.👀 I can't stand Kim Kardashian & tbh I don't like giving her any attention but this was too good not to. Do you remember Kim K's creepy Halloween costume this year? The reptilian looking nonsense? This👇 Image 2. 👀To me it looks like she's the Serpent in a dystopian Garden of Eden. 🤷‍♀️ idk but today I was perusing around my favorite ancient map called the Monte Urbano Map of 1587. If you haven't seen it I'll comment a link to a full HD version-it looks like this 👇 Image
Nov 11, 2024 12 tweets 8 min read
1🧵The media stayed quiet on the World's Largest Dark-Web Child Porn Sting that occurred in 2019 but for the 53 Americans of 337 total predators arrested they were radio silent. I think I know why & its worse than you think...Image 2🧵I recently reported on the "Welcome to Video" Child Porn Sting, but I've since dug into the American predators that were involved. The 1st reason the media was quiet is the fact that 2 of the men arrested were Federal employees, both from the Dpt' of Homeland Security [DHS]🤯Image
Nov 8, 2024 10 tweets 8 min read
1🧵The Dark Web's Darkest Corner: The World’s Largest Darkweb Child Exploitation Ring. From 2015 to 2018, "Welcome to Video"[WTV] operated as a hang-out for pedophiles.

The owner, a 23yr old S. Korean National Jong Woo Son, allowed the site to amass 1.2M+ members & held 8 Terabytes of child pornography [CP].Image 2🧵Welcome the Video [WTV] started when the IRS flagged transactions using bitcoin on child pornography websites. During those 3 yrs, Son was able to sell 220,000 child pornographic videos & 415+ Bitcoins were traded in these sales. The patrons hailed from 38 countries w/ 337 people arrested.Image
Nov 1, 2024 19 tweets 14 min read
1🧵You only think you know why Jill Biden was a Panda for Halloween. If you want to really know why then buckle up because this isn't a 'headline' story. This goes deep.Image 2🧵For starters you have to know who Jill Biden is. Jill was an aspiring model who was walking along a beach in the summer of 69' when she met Bill, a concert venue owner in Delaware. They instantly fell in love & married. Image
Oct 2, 2024 8 tweets 7 min read
1🧵Around 5:30am on Sunday, a fire broke out at the BioLab plant in Conyers, GA. The fire reignited around 12pm. Initially, 17K people were evacuated & a “shelter in place” order was announced. By the emergence of the 2nd plume the shelter in place order was extended to the entirety of Rockdale County [97k people].Image 2🧵The Conyers BioLab Facility was used primarily to create spa & pool treatment products and amongst the common chemicals they use is Trichloroisocyanuric Acid [TCCA] which when met with water can cause a chemical reaction leading to a fire & release of a very toxic substance called Chlorine Gas.Image
Sep 21, 2024 12 tweets 14 min read
1🧵Can we take just a second to look at 15 different COVID-19 related events that happened in 2019 before the global pandemic emerged?Image 2🧵These 15 events are not all-inclusive, but I have filed them down into 4 categories: conferences, research, government/military & exercises of which I consider to be the most relevant to the pandemic.

Covid-19 is often discussed in terms of the response, but let's look at C19 as the response to other things i.e, these 15 events.👇👇👇Image
Sep 5, 2024 8 tweets 11 min read
1🧵We think our politicians or our political parties work on behalf of us. The reality is bipartisan politics is a lie. From Bush to Biden, they all worked together laying the groundwork for Operation Warp Speed, because, "'s a big club & you ain't in it!"- George Carlin Image 2🧵When former CIA director George HW Bush got the US into the Gulf War [GW] & 100's of thousands of troops came down with GW Syndrome that have generally been regarded as the result of the military+private sector's compulsory untested Anthrax Vaccine. Image
Aug 27, 2024 9 tweets 7 min read
1🧵Do you know how much your State sends to Israel annually? In 2023 the US signed a MOU w/Israel to guarantee $3.8 Billion in Federal aid per year til 2028, but how much does each of the 50 States pay 🇮🇱annually?💰Image 2🧵Alabama: $54.8M, Alaska: $972K, Arizona $355M, Arkansas $53.7M, California: $1.68B, Colorado: $54.4M, Connecticut: $232M, Delaware: $15.2M

Aug 14, 2024 12 tweets 14 min read
1🧵The conspiracies surrounding COVID-19 are vast. Everything from snake venom, microchips, 5G, nanotechnology, magnetic properties & graphene oxide have been lamented by the ultra suspicious. As wild as some claims may sound, not all are "baseless" conspiracies.Image 2🧵In early 2020, Dr. Carrie Madej put out a warning to society that mRNA technology in these vaccines were a step in the direction of transhumanism. The video went viral & ever since, any discussion about nanotech in mRNA has been touted as a conspiracy...but is it?Image
Aug 2, 2024 9 tweets 6 min read
1🧵In May of 2020 a high level government official facilitated a near billion dollar contract to a 4mo old company.👀 Then after a couple years the official retires & is now on the Board for that very same company. 🤬How is this not criminal?Image 2🧵 Gustave Perna a 4⭐General served in the Army for 40+ yrs. He was; commanding general of the Army's Material Command, Commander at Aberdeen Proving Ground, the DLA and in May 2020 he was named Chief Operating Officer of Operation Warp Speed [OWS].Image