Destiny Rezendes Profile picture
Necromartist. 🎨 Independent Researcher 🔍Constitution Defender 📜

Sep 3, 2023, 12 tweets

1🧵Oliver Anthony's song has become the people's American Anthem not because of a ritzy product-laden music video but simple because it resonates with the concerns of everyday people. Oliver was right.. they wanna know what we; think, what we do, and we all know it.

2🧵Covid-19 might have been the primary disease they were worried about, but they spared no expense fighting another dangerous epidemic they call "Misinformation." Like C19, they're convinced they can inoculate you into safety w/ a misinformation "vaxx" called, "Pre-bunking."

3🧵"Pre-bunking" is a term popularized by Google's censorship gestapo, Jigsaw. The Orwellian term is a manipulation tactic which aims to preemptively counter conclusions they deem wrong BEFORE you are even confronted w/them- also referred to as "Inoculation Theory."

4🧵First knowledge of these tactics being utilized was @mtaibbi's Twitter Files when Twitter wrongfully "red teamed" w/ the FBI & the Aspen Inst' on the Hunter Biden Laptop Story. One of the Twitter employees responsible was Yoel Roth, a disturbing & unapologetic predator.

5🧵Jigsaw isn't alone in these efforts to stifle dissent; WHO, NATO, William & Mary, UNICEF, Yale, Harvard, the ACM, the ADL, the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism & countless more groups have embraced these methods.

6🧵The gov't collusion w/big tech in this matter can largely be traced back to Hillary Clinton via her advisor & co-founder of Jigsaw, Jared Cohen, who in 2010 had the 3rd largest Twitter followings. Yasmin Green, a leader at Jigsaw co-authored a Misinfo Intervention doc in 2022

7🧵..for the Carnegie Endowment alongside Twitter's Yoel Roth. The paper admits it's main funder was Bill Gates' Microsoft. Gate's who had invested 2 Billion dollars in funding C19 vaccines, a move that Gates smugly admits was his best investment w/a $200B ROI.

8🧵I've provided a handful of these Vaccine "Guidance" reports all of which parrot the same rhetoric, & images & even made their way into respected medical publications where they condescendingly depict dissidents as mentally ill threats w/ "limited attention spans."

9🧵In none of these documents do they mention the very real occurrence of the vaccine injured, or acknowledge a person's right to body autonomy but rather insist that vax disinfo is created to; monetize, polarize & politicize & is there excuse to therefore "Shape the Agenda."

10🧵Documents like these were disseminated to Big Tech, Doctors & State Actors whilst spreading disinfo themselves; the vaccines didn't stop transmission, or prevented illness & death. They weren't safe & effective & they were the arbiters of conspiracies. But who silenced them?

11🧵Like the mRNA jabs, the Inoculation Theory of "Pre-bunking" & these so-called experts have proven to not be as effective as they'd hoped. Make no mistake boosters for C19 & Pre-bunking are still the agenda for these 'Wretched' men north of Richmond.

12🧵Knowing their motives and tools we can now move forward better prepared. The links are in the images.. because I believe that you should know these "ingredients" & then you can decide from that transparency what's best for YOU. Much Love esp' to the injured & the ignored. <3

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