Zhao DaShuai 东北进修🇨🇳 Profile picture
📝People's Armed Police Propaganda Bureau 🖥️On Twitter to improve English &Propaganda skill 📢All forms of media is propaganda, we're just more honest about it

Sep 3, 2023, 13 tweets

Morbid story from Chinese Twitter.
She calls herself "Akid"
Wang Yi was born in China 37 years ago.

For several months, people tuned in on twitter and patreon to watch her die in Japan.

She starved to death last week

Akid worked for Elephant Magazine, a Media company with ties with various foreign NGOs

One of the media channel they managed was called Paper Clip.

It had tens of millions of followers on Chinese social media, BUT several of their employees were outed to have worked for the CIA

The Elephant Magazine has been spreading neoliberal propaganda in China since 2014, the government finally put an end to it in 2021.

Akid works for this company, so you already know what her political stances are.

Or do you?

Neoliberals tend to pretend to believe in universal values, albeit in a pretentious way.

But not for Akid, she fully embodied the mindset of a self-hating Chinese.

She has been using the term Chlnk on twitter since 2011.

The redlined words are the term chlnk in Chinese

Since the closure of Elephant Magazine in 2021, this self-hating Chinese left China.

She went to her spiritual homeland in Japan

and for few months she's been there, she turned from this:

into this:

The few months she's been to Japan, she's been surviving on donations from other self-hating Chinese and picking free leftovers from the supermarket.

She loves Japan, loved Shinzo Abe, loves the US and loved Trump.

She hated China, hated being Chinese.
She sees herself as "high quality Chinese" that has "freedom of thought", and knows the "truth"

Yet, as she lay in her rented apartment in Japan, begging for food from followers, she doesn't stop at making jabs at China.

As if she's not even aware of the fact that she's dying from hunger in Japan

A country who she claimed to be perfect and respects its own people.

After news of her death broke out, the Japanese authorities contacted Akid's parents.

They waived the rights to her body and left it for the Japanese authorities to deal with.

Her family to still disown her after death

Now, she's dead, her friends suddenly appear as flies round a decomposing corpse

Making eulogies, yet interestingly, not a SINGLE WORD on how a person can starve to death in front of everyone in Japan.

In a countries these types of people have elevated to the status of utopia

Akid exhibits the very common traits among shelf-hating Chinese.

That is, no matter how good they had it in China, they will ALWAYS find something to complain about and hate.

But as soon as they move to the West, no matter how bad they have it, they will NEVER complain

🔸Did she get more freedom?

No, Akid has been calling Chinese "Chlnks" since 2011, when she worked for that CIA funded media management company in China

🔸Did she become more prosperous?

No she starved to death in Japan
While dreaming of a rich western lifestyle

Before the government started cleaning up the Chinese social media space, influencers were made up of people like Akid.

They perpetuated the propaganda of China having an original sin, no matter what China does, it must be wrong.

Over time, they started hating their own skin.

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