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Sep 13, 2023, 5 tweets

☢️#ETHUSDT -TOP DOWN analysis.

Simple Logic's, Starting with Weekly Chart-

Clearly, we can see that price hit -Rejection block.
Now that we know price getting support from a Bullish PD array we can drop down to LTF to look for targets to confirm our BIAS.

....#Thread :)

On LTF [Daily] we can see that price confirming our BIAS even more as -
.price hit Discount BISI + OTE
.Price did stop hunt inside Discount PD array [Strong sign of reversal ]
.Strong targets =EQH's are visible.

Now we got our BIAS[Bullish] + Targets.

Lets go to 4hr :)

On 4hr Chart we can see-

.Strong targets = EQH's are more visible [Without strong targets a BIAS is worthless ]
.Full AMD cycle

Now that our BIAS is confirmed we can now look for entry model.

Finding Entry-

if we look at the current Dealing Range there's a Strong Bullish PD array at Discount.

BPR is what i will look at :)

Hourly chart provides even more clarification.

I'd love to see that Internal SSL getting taken [turtle Soup] before price goes for the Buy Side.

Hope you guys found my analysis insightful & Simple.

Simple logic , over & over again- thats it :)

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