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Independent journalist. Previous: Writer/Assoc. Producer for #1 Fox News primetime show. Director of Viral Media & Sr. Mg. Ed. for Top 5 News & Politics website

Sep 13, 2023, 23 tweets

Here is all the "no evidence" in the Biden impeachment inquiry obtained by House Oversight.

1. Hunter's business partners & associates met in the White House over 80 times when Biden was VP

2. Biden on the phone call with Hunter's business associates at least 20 times as VP

3. Hunter taking trips to at least 15 countries when his dad was VP and subsequently meeting with business associates on multiple occasions

4. Joe Biden meeting IN PERSON with Hunter Business partners and a Moscow mayor's wife who subsequently wired $3.5 million to Hunter's firm and then avoided Russian sanctions under his presidency

5. Joe Biden meeting with Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskiy in 2015 which prompted his turn on the Ukrainian prosecutor's office

6. Joe Biden was "the brand" behind Hunter's influence-peddling operation

7. Hunter Biden cashed in on his father's name to the tune of millions of dollars

8. Joe Biden used three different pseudonyms to exchange official government information with Hunter Biden: Robert L. Peters, Robin Ware, JRB Ware

9. A "trusted" and "reliable" source in the FBI provided testimony that both Hunter and Joe Biden participated in a $5 million international bribery scheme

10. There are bank records and shell company statements showing multiple suspicious transactions amounting to over $20 million to the Bidens

11. An email trail shows that Hunter Biden sought '10 held by H for the Big Guy' - the Big Guy meaning Joe Biden according to multiple witnesses

12. Hunter Biden described Joe Biden as an office mate and then listed Chairman Ye of CEFC as his partner

13. Business associate Rob Walker told the FBI that Joe Biden met personally with CEFC business members

14. CCP-connected businessmen, including spies, sent millions of dollars and even a diamond to the Bidens as part of the influence-peddling scheme

15. The Bidens set up elaborate methods of hiding these illicit Chinese payments

16. Hunter business associates implicated that Joe Biden was involved but not to mention it because "they are paranoid"

17. Joe Biden wrote a recommendation for the daughter of a Hunter business partner to get into Georgetown

18. Joe Biden met with Hunter's Mexican business associates on Air Force 2

19. IRS whistleblower investigating Hunter Biden's business affairs testified that Biden-appointed D.C. U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves refused to charge Hunter Biden in his jurisdiction and allowed the statute of limitations to pass for specific tax charges

20. IRS whistleblower on the Hunter Biden case Joseph Ziegler testified how the Bidens were given preferential treatment during the Justice Department’s investigation.

Both IRS whistleblowers confirmed they were not allowed to follow evidence that could have led to Joe Biden.

21. Hunter Biden lamented to his daughter in a 2019 text message that he was giving Joe Biden "half" his salary

22. Emails between Hunter and his business partner Eric Schwerin detail bill payments for 'JRB' - believed to be Joseph Robinette Biden - incidentally one of Joe Biden's pseudonyms was JRB Ware

This isn't even all the "no evidence," just the Cliff's Notes version

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