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Sep 14, 2023, 15 tweets

Joan Rivers: A Botched Procedure or Malicious Intent?

Joan Rivers crossed the line and said something heinous about the crowning king of the deep state, Obama. She had an intuition that she might die soon after this and when she went in for what should have amounted to a simple procedure; she was victim to an array of inexplicable decisions by the people that were supposed to care for her.
The amount of errors they made makes one wonder, was it malicious?
You be the judge.


Doctors disturbingly conducted an unauthorized procedure on Joan Rivers while one proceeded to take a selfie. He did a biopsy on Joan's vocal cords while she was still under anesthesia. Rivers's doctor was not authorized or certified to do this procedure but they did it anyway. Her vocal cords started to swell, cutting off her oxygen and she died of cardiac arrest."

Investigations after the botched surgery showed that her doctors failed "to identify deteriorating vital signs and provide timely intervention." In other words, they just seemed to let her die on the operating table. How could this happen?

Not only this but they used the exact same sedative, propofol, that was used on Michael Jackson during his untimely death.

The investigation showed that her dose of propofol was inconsistently documented...It doesn't take a conspiracy theorist to begin to wonder what really went on here.

If you recall, Michael Jackson repeatedly claimed that (they) were going to kill him before his death and we have proof of that on video. Why is it that we have multiple celebrities dying of botched medical procedures with similar dosage issues and, in Joan River's case, they failed to even attempt to save her life?

After Joan Rivers's untimely death, her daughter spoke out about the throat procedure she had:

"There was a story circulating that during the procedure the doctors were allegedly taking selfies of themselves with Joan while working."

She filed a lawsuit against Yorkville Endoscopy and the doctors responsible for her mother's care.

"In my opinion, it was 100% preventable. How about paying attention to the vital signs? How about having a properly equipped crash cart?"

If something happens and everyone does everything properly, you live with it. When it's error after error after error. Behaviors that you cannot even begin to wrap your head around: You get mad."

Just to reiterate how ridiculously suspicious the Joan Rivers debacle truly was: The doctors performing the procedure on her kept going even as she went into shock as vital signs were dropping into dangerous territories. They kept going along like she wasn't on the verge of death. If that isn't suspicious, then I don't know what is. According to reports her blood pressure dropped to 92/54 and her pulse fell to 56 yet they just kept chugging along and failed to act even when she dropped even lower. Despite the fact that her blood pressure and pulse were at dangerous levels they then proceeded to administer propofol, the alleged Michael Jackson killer. They sedated someone who was going into shock. They did not call 911 for ten minutes once they started to resuscitate her and guess what? They didn't even try to use CPR.

The doctor who performed the unauthorized procedure on Joan Rivers wasn't even supposed to be there that day. Let me reiterate. She wasn’t authorized to do anything yet there she was taking alleged selfies. How bad is it? Well, what about the fact that this doctor, Dr. Korovin, is someone who has worked with multiple "superstars" in the industry including Lady Gaga and Celine Dion who have both displayed the kind of symbolism you wouldn't want to see in these industries, to put it lightly. I don’t have to explain to you what kind of person Lady Gaga is, although that might warrant its own dig, but even Celine Dion had a modeling company called Nu Nu that startled people into thinking she was into something evil.

Why was she there that day?

Why did they put her to sleep while knowing she was in shock?

Why didn’t they perform CPR?

Why did she die in a similar manner to Michael Jackson?

What if it’s connected to what she said just two months earlier when she openly called Michelle Obama a trans and Barack gay?

Is that really so far-fetched when you consider just how botched this procedure really was?

Can these doctors really be this incompetent?

How can you discern when incompetence is actually malicious behavior?

Her daughter also alleged that the crash cart was not properly equipped at the time. For those who aren’t familiar with the medical term you find the information here.

Going into a procedure without this equipped seems tantamount to gross negligence. It’s almost like they wanted nothing to go right considering everything they did wrong.

You probably didn't know that Melissa Rivers received a handwritten letter from President Obama after Joan Rivers was killed that said and I quote: "Not only did she make us laugh, she made us think."

What exactly did Joan Rivers make us think about? Did she make us question whether or not the President of the United States was gay? Why yes, yes she did.

Does anyone else find it odd that Obama went out of his way to give a handwritten letter that said: "She made us think."

Especially after she 'made everyone think' when she blatantly told reporters that Obama was gay and Michelle was a trans...

We now have been vindicated when personal letters sent to Obama’s ex-girlfriend have proven that Obama thought about having sex with men daily but in his mind. Could Joan have been telling us the truth? She made us think on that day and she ended up dying just two months after.

June 30, 2014: Joan Rivers tells a reporter that Obama is gay and Michelle is Trans.

September 4th, 2014: Joan Rivers dies of cardiac arrest during a botched minor procedure.

Interesting to see Joan Rivers make a joke about dying literally one day before she visited the hospital to be treated by what some would say were wolves in white coats:

"I am now 81 years I could die any second...Like that. I could go. Do you understand how lucky you would be? Do you understand you would have something you could talk about for the rest of your life? You were there?"

Understandably she had gotten up there in age yet she seemed to be extremely aware and almost prophetic in her declarations about her soon-to-be future. One has to wonder if she was aware that she had painted a target on her back for some of her comments. Perhaps she just didn’t care anymore and wanted to tell the uncomfortable truth.

Not only this but she told her daughter in an emotional moment with her daughter but her inevitable demise:

"If anything happens. If I die this morning nobody would say, so young. I've had an amazing life. We've had a great life together. It's not about me, it's about you. If something happens things are fine. And life is fine. Life is so much fun. It's one big movie..."

Interesting that both Michael Jackson and Joan were talking about dying so often before their actual deaths.

You'll notice that Joan Rivers was a strong ally of Donald Trump after her appearance on Celebrity Apprentice and even suggested that Trump would have made a great President before it even happened. We also have been made aware that Michael Jackson and Donald Trump were great friends as well. Given how compromised Hollywood truly is, glowing endorsements for Trump from the famous are few and far between yet Joan was one of them. Perhaps she had proven to be too loose of a cannon in what would eventually become the most heated political battle in modern history.

"I adore Donald. Smart. You realize this is so smart. So professional. This is terrific. I think he would have made a great President."

Melissa Rivers's lawsuit was later settled as she hoped that this would spark conversation and protect others from malpractice. Sometimes you have to read between the lines.

How can so many things go wrong in such a simple act done by professionals?…

To Summarize what we learned in this dig:

Joan Rivers crossed the line and said something heinous about the crowning king of the deep state, Obama. She had an intuition that she might die soon after this statement and when she went in for what should have amounted to a simple procedure it went as follows:

The doctors allegedly did not have the proper equipment for resuscitation on hand, they saw her blood pressure lower to dangerous levels as a doctor to the stars, who wasn’t supposed to be there and performed an unauthorized procedure. They continued to act like everything was normal and gave her Propofol while she was in shock and then proceeded to not do CPR on her body and called 911 when it was too late.

Make up your own mind with the facts at hand.
Gross negligence or malicious intent?

End of thread.
Thanks for reading and please considering giving me a follow for more digs in the future.

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