Few have dropped more red pills since 2020 than Robert Kennedy Junior.
I’ve compiled some of his greatest hits so you can have them all in one place for swift distribution.
Share this and help continue to wake up the populace.
We are winning the narrative war. 🧵
Some clips found by @TheChiefNerd and @VigilantFox and myself (@Ultrafrog17).
Nobody in the history of the planet has ever complied their way out of totalitarian control.
“There are three rules you need to know and should memorize:
Number One: Every power that the government takes from us, it will never relinquish voluntarily. They told us they wanted lockdowns for two weeks, just to flatten the curve, just to help the hospitals. But then 20 months later they still have us locked down. And even when they give up, when they stop the lockdowns and let us go back to normal, they are not relinquishing power. This is so they can do it to you again and again and again. They now have that power and they will never let it go until we make them let it go.
Number Two: Every power they take from us they will ultimately abuse to the maximum extent possible.
Number Three: Nobody in the history of the planet has ever complied their way out of totalitarian control.”
Aug 12 • 8 tweets • 6 min read
A succinct history of Trump and Elon Musk's budding alliance, and why it matters. 🧵
The DOD's biggest contractor is Elon Musk. This occurred when Donald Trump was in office. Trump essentially helped propel Elon into his position as the richest man on the planet. What did Elon Musk do with the massive wealth he acquired? He bought the CIA-controlled Twitter, and subsequently exposed how they were working against Trump and Republicans. He could have done anything else with his money. But he attempted to save free speech.
Listen to what Trump said here:
"He's one of our great geniuses. And we have to protect all these people. He's one of our very smart people. We have to cherish those people. Shocking how well...it's come so fast. You go back a year. They were talking about the end of the company and now all of a sudden they are talking about these great things. He's going to be building a very big plant in the United States. He has to because we help him so he has to help us."
But take a wild guess at who actually "suggested" that Elon Musk buy Twitter and save it. Listen closely to Nunes here:
"We are all for it. President Trump, before Elon Musk bought it, actually said to go and buy it.... We encouraged Elon Musk to buy it because someone has to take on these tech tyrants. People like Elon Musk doing what he is doing, we are definitely in favor it.."
It sure seems like there has been a hidden alliance between them for a while now.
Jul 31 • 15 tweets • 13 min read
Trump VS Maduro
Analyzing Trump's longstanding public battle with Venezuela's President. Coups, Sanctions, Clandestine and Military Operations. 🧵
During a 2017 press conference, Trump says he will not rule out a military option with respect to Maduro and Venezuela. This was a similar strategy he employed with Kim Jong Un when he entered the White House. He claimed that much of the disasters that lay at his table were a direct result of the Obama administration and those before him.
"We have many options for Venezuela. And by the way, I'm not gonna rule out a military option. We have many options for Venezuela. This is our neighbor…This is you know we're all over the world, and we have troops all over the world in places that are very very far away..."
May 2017: Maduro tells Donald Trump to get his "dirty hands out of here" after Trump imposed heavy financial sanctions against his government.
"In Venezuela, there is a dignified government and we are here on our feet. Get your hands out of here, Donald Trump, get your dirty hands out of here. Enough of your imperialist meddling.
I call on a national unity against Donald Trump's aggression, the threats of intervention, the rudeness of giving an opinion on our country when his country and his government is falling apart. Donald Trump, look in the mirror. Whoever meddles in Venezuela gets into trouble."
Jul 26 • 9 tweets • 10 min read
The Occult Symbolism Displayed at the 2012 Olympics Ceremony 🧵
Remember when we were undergoing the greatest mass delusion event in human history when they got millions of sheep to sit in their homes fearful of a virus that had an over 99% survival rate and a cure?
Well, do you recall when the nurses started doing inexplicable dance routines because the “full” hospitals were relatively vacant and they were bored?
You thought 2020 had dancing nurses yet 2012 actually did it first.
After this display, a newborn baby emerges from the ground.
Given what we now understand about predictive programming, the 2012 Olympic ceremony was nothing short of eery and disconcerting. After analyzing all the footage, I suspect this was speaking into the Covid pandemic that was to come. Why do I feel this way? Look at the ceremony for yourself and really think about what you are watching.
Dancing nurses gather around what can only be described as a Babylon-esque ziggurat fashioned like a grassy hill as the theme from The Exorcist plays out. The masses cheer as hospital beds are laid out.
Note the striking images projected to the masses.
Pyramids surround the world as they bring the flag to what some would consider to be a naturalistic-looking ziggurat. It looks exactly like the tower of Babylon, if you ask me, with a tree placed right at the top.
What is the purpose of the pyramids? How did no one think this was bizarre and question it even a little?
But this is where it gets even more eery. Eight years before coronavirus fundamentally changed our planet, the London Olympics were highlighting dancing nurses and doctors as a spirit of death appeared out of the woodwork.
You might think this is a coincidence, but the stadium looks like a cell of Covid.
This is what many of your conspiracy theorist friends would call Predictive Programming.
Out of the ashes of this event comes a phoenix bursting forth. This is what they wanted. A whole new world in the aftermath of their pandemic event.
Remember when everyone thought it was absolutely idiotic that our nurses had the time to create viral TikTok dances when the media told us the hospitals were full to the brim? Well eight years before this display of idiocy, the UK was putting this into the public subconscious.
Jul 17 • 12 tweets • 11 min read
How the CIA creates Lone Gunmen through the MK Ultra Program to silence Opposition. 🧵
The CIA is capable of creating lone gunman in three to six weeks with a trained therapist and hypnotherapy.
Dr. Milton V. Kline, former consultant to the CIA's supersecret behavior-modification project Bluebird, is currently cam- paigning for strict legal constraints on hypnosis said exactly this in a now declassified document:
“He was outspoken in his belief that one of the central goals of these ex- periments-to create a hypnotized, remote-control assassin-was entire- ly possible, though he denies knowl- edge of any "terminal experiments" that would have tested his theories. The fictional Manchurian can- didate, presented in Richard Con- don's thriller and later in a movie starring Frank Sinatra, is, in Kline's mind, still a frighteningly real specter. "It cannot be done by everyone," he argues. "It cannot be done consistently, but it can be done." Kline claims that given the proper subject and circumstances, by using hypnosis he could produce such a killer in three to six weeks.”
Are you hearing this? Kevin Spacey just said that Bill Clinton went to South Africa with young girls during Clinton Foundation humanitarian trips while on Epstein's plane. How is this not the biggest story in the media right now? 🧵
Spacey says that he started seeing reports online, by the anons who exposed all of this, that he had flown to Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express and abused young girls. He says he didn't know anything about Epstein. Does he really think people will buy this? Kevin Spacey was seen sitting on a British throne with Epstein's handler, Ghislaine Maxwell way back in 2002. Make no mistake, Spacey knew and was complicit in all of this.
He says he was flying Epstein's plane without knowing it and then claims he was with the Clinton Foundation people.. This is not the alibi he should be wanting. The Clinton Foundation is responsible for crimes against humanity in Haiti and many other countries.
Kevin Spacey is attempting to reform his public image after the awakening has occurred about Epstein Island and Pedowood. We cannot let this happen. cnn.com/2020/07/04/uk/…
On December 24th, 2019 Kevin Spacey uploaded a video to his Youtube channel after multiple sexual abuse accusers "committed suicide" where he says:
"I'm DEAD serious. And it's not that hard trust me. The next time someone does something you don't like, you can go on the attack. But you can also hold your fire and do the unexpected. You can KILL them with kindness."
December 25th, 2019, one day after Spacey's strange video release: Ari Behn, Norweigen royalty who claimed Kevin Spacey had groped him, dies of "suicide."
September 2019:
An anonymous massage therapist claimed that Spacey had groped him at a house in Malibu, California. He sues for sexual battery and assault. But this case could not go to court for one reason: The massage therapist ended up dead and the case was dismissed. How convenient for Mr. Spacey. What are the chances that two of the people who could have brought him to court end up dead within the span of four months? If you have been paying attention to just how corrupt our society is, you have to question this sort of thing and you cannot just simply chalk it up to mere coincidence. bbc.com/news/entertain…
Apr 29 • 17 tweets • 12 min read
Trump and his team of Patriots changed the world and what they set in motion will have ripple effects for generations to come. 🧵
Perhaps you are witnessing an unstoppable avalanche, a cascade of events that no one can stop.
On May 20th, 2017 Trump visits Saudi Arabia as they roll out the red carpet for him and treat him like a king.
This was his very first stop on his world trip and not by chance but very purposeful.
"They are rolling out the red carpet because they are so honored that he has picked Saudi Arabia as the first stop on his first foreign trip (as President). The past five Presidents have picked countries like the UK or Canada to go to. President Trump coming here right to the heart of the middle east.
What we are seeing now is so symbolic. The level of pomp and circumstance really show how important this relationship is. It's really powerful imagery..."
In retrospect, this turned out to be one of the most significant moments in Trump's tenure as President and set into motion something that no one can stop in my opinion. A change of the guard was coming and this would enrage the globalists into a fit of fury never seen in modern history.
Apr 23 • 21 tweets • 24 min read
The Franklin Scandal Deep Dive
The Nebraska cover-up contains within it the quintessential playbook the deep state uses to contaminate our society with corruption, pedophilia, blackmail, and unhinged greed.
This is Epstein Island before Epstein Island. The Diddy blackmail operations before you knew this was their playbook.
Suspicious plane crashes, the predators in charge of the media, the mysterious deaths of the whistleblowers, and lawfare implemented to silence the victims.
There is no length to which they will not go to prevent the truth from coming out. Yet, everything that is hidden will come into the light.
Share this with people needing to wake up. This is a potent red pill that I spent hours researching. Thank you to everyone for your support!
@Nevstv @ItsJuliansRum @ThreeSe7ens
This is their playbook. Everything that happens in Nebraska is brought forth in this country and the world on an even grander stage, at times.
Once this reality sinks in, you can see it happening all around you. Sexual blackmail is their preferred currency. Once they get you, you are theirs for life. They can control you, and bend you to their will, and if you do not, you are canceled immediately and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
Many of today’s politicians have been branded by this evil. When a politician in the swamp does something you do not expect that aids the corruption rather than fighting it, you can assume they are being bought and paid for or something much worse is occurring. The playbook has been used and they are being puppeteered by blackmail of the worse kind.
Breaking down the Franklin Scandal is no easy feat. I read an entire book, watched hours of interviews, and dug with other anons into the subject fervently. What follows is an alarming rabbit hole that seems to have no end.
Sexual blackmail is the playbook for governments and intelligence agencies. It is not scarce in its appearance, it is the norm. But what makes this so much worse is that these operations use and abuse children, society’s most precious innocent ones.
Apr 3 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
You're not going to believe this. Diddy went onto Nickelodeon's All That show in 2002 and the sexual jokes were blatant and disturbing.
The red pills are merging together into one devastating awakening pill and nothing can stop it.
Dan Schneider last month: “All these jokes. Every one of those jokes was written for a kid audience because kids thought they were funny and only funny.”
Diddy on Schneider’s All That show: *Tells kid to put helicopter down his pants while he has white cream spread all over him*
Dan Schneider told us that all the jokes were made for kids and the kids thought they were funny. How could this be? He wouldn't lie to us would he?
Thread Incoming:
This is weird as hell. Another skit on this same episode shows a giant Diddy peaking through a child's window and the terror of the kid in the early morning. You can hear Diddy saying: "Quiet or your mom will hear you." Um... What?
So the kid is waking up to an enormous Diddy in complete terror? Is this like when Drake had to wake up to the man who was pen pals with a serial killer clown? Who is writing these jokes? I was told these jokes were just for children.
This is especially strange when you consider the other facts about Diddy that have recently emerged. Such as his odd relationship with Justin Bieber and Usher when they were just children. It's as if he was a handler of some sort and now we know, allegedly, that he was a federal informant while running his gay blackmail operation. What did Dan Schneider know about Diddy? Why were there so many pedophiles on the set of Nickelodeon?
Mar 28 • 7 tweets • 7 min read
Justin Bieber, Diddy, and PizzaGate: Thread 🚨
Since it has been revealed that Diddy was "allegedly" running a sex blackmail operation, it's worth noting that Diddy himself was seen intimidating a young 14-year-old Justin Bieber and claiming he never hung out with him anymore. Justin was a literal child and we now know Diddy was "allegedly" a gay rapist blackmailer. What did Bieber know about the Hollywood Music Industry? What did he see growing up?
A cycle emerges. Usher said himself that he was brought to Diddlers gay blackmail parties when he was only 14 and he lived with him. Usher was said to have "found" Bieber when he was a child. Diddy was seen intimidating a young Justin and claiming he had 48 hours with him alone and later when he was not coming around anymore we see Diddy seemingly threaten Bieber. You can feel how visibly uncomfortable Justin is.
"You're starting to act different huh? You ain't been calling me and hanging out the way we used to hang out..."
This is a grown man speaking to a child, mind you.
"I have been given custody of him. He signed to Usher. I had legal guardianship of Usher when he did his first album. I don't have legal guardianship of him. But for the next 48 hours, he's with me. We're gonna go full. Buck full crazy."
From what we've seen in his music video, he may have been hinting at something much more ominous than people want to believe.
When he released his music video for a song called, "Yummy" on January 3rd, 2020, the internet became ablaze with rumors. He began posting pictures of babies and children in provocative poses on his Instagram page in direct correlation with the release of his music video with the hashtag Yummy.
What do babies and children have to do with a music video called "Yummy" which Bieber publicly said was about his sexual relationship with his wife? What the hell is going on here?
What do babies and children have to do with a music video called "Yummy?"
None of this makes any sense whatsoever.
Could there be hidden symbolism?
You'll notice immediately that the Yummy song title had an artistic description of what some could refer to as pizza and cheese dripping down the letters.
Diddy was "allegedly" running a honeypot blackmail operation just like Epstein and guess who was giving "legitimacy" to his operation. 🚨
Prince Harry.
The lawsuit alleges that Sean Combs has recordings of celebrities, music label executives, politicians, and athletes in compromising positions and he had HIDDEN CAMERAS in every single room.
This is how you know Diddy was working as a Jeffrey Epstein type for the cabal.
The Diddy scandal continues to expand and red-pill the world.
Incoming Thread
Less than one week ago, Trump was telling Nigel Farage that he would consider deporting Prince Harry from America and now, today, Prince Harry is being highlighted in the news for providing A list affiliation to Diddy's blackmail honeypot operation. Trump clearly knows something about Prince Harry that others do not.
Feb 23 • 27 tweets • 23 min read
Down the Cult Rabbit Hole.
A thread on Rachel Chandler, Epstein Island, White Rabbits, Alice in Wonderland, Spirit Cooking, the mysterious adrenochrome substance researched by @ItsJuliansRum and @Ultrafrog17.
Buckle up for a wild one.
It is a common misconception that the picture posted to Instagram by Rachel Chandler is of Epstein Island. It's not. This just blew my mind. It's of a club in New York, called Le Baron that's been shut down. The owner of the club is connected to the standard hotel. You know, the one Adam Schiff is so infamously tied to. Their Instagram page is still unlocked and it looks like it was "allegedly" a front for crimes.
Note the Mad Hatter theme here. loveisspeed.blogspot.com/2012/07/le-bar…
Jan 4 • 17 tweets • 9 min read
Lex Wexner's ties to Jeffrey Epstein
A thread
If there is one thing we've learned through this process, it's to always follow the money.
Epstein was being financially backed by Victoria's Secret's founder Lex Wexner and the rabbit hole goes darker than most people realize.
The wives, the blackmail, the intelligence agencies, the Mossad, neighbors with Epstein, Epstein wanting to spread his DNA, the Lolita Express and the CIA.
Hulu released a new high-quality mini-series called Victoria’s Secret: Angels and Demons. Although I would consider this a controlled opposition film it had a significant amount of gems and clips worth sharing and distributing for red pill purposes.
A good detective follows this simple rule: Always follow the money.
And with Epstein, a tremendous amount leads to Les Wexner.
Les Wexner gave Epstein full power of Attorney and unmitigated control over his assets. This is not some innocent play here. Epstein controlled Les Wexner’s entire fortune. Just let that sink in. If you are looking for a paper trail, it would be difficult to get more clear cut than this.
Dec 21, 2023 • 57 tweets • 44 min read
The Ultimate JFK Assassination Report
On November 22nd, 1963 a coup occurred that drastically changed the trajectory of America and the World for the worse. If John F. Kennedy had lived, perhaps we would have seen far less war, bloodshed, and conflict. Truly, he was and is an American hero and icon.
This is my attempt to compile all the evidence you could possibly need to prove that JFK was assassinated through a conspiracy of the intelligence agencies, the bankers, the servants of the military-industrial complex, and the secret societies. May his legacy live on as he sacrificed his life in pursuit of a peaceful and prosperous world.
If you appreciate my work consider giving me a follow @Ultrafrog17.
Trailer created by @Nevstv.
@TheStormRedux @Patri0tContr0l @CologeroGetz @deluxe_pepe @reBurningBright @nomandatesco @RedPill78 @drawandstrike @TheChiefNerd @VigilantFox @Qtimekennedy @alexstein99 @prayingmedic @GenFlynn @Squawk55 @AbbeyMaeCook88 @Jordan_Sather_ @AtRealBen @merissahansen17 @TONYxTWO @UngaTheGreat @pafstfrgz @realpizz @Misty_G_17
Who were JFK’s enemies? Who had a motive to kill?
The Military Industrial Complex and the CIA
JFK had made so many enemies that there is no telling how many people had a hand in the plot.
The Conspiracy theorist tends to lay the blame on the CIA due to the fact that the circumstantial evidence is way too much to ignore.
JFK gives the press a hint of what might have been going on behind the scenes as he declared war against secret societies. The guts of this man to call it all out like this is truly remarkable to witness. He says all this as he was working to dismantle the CIA’s clandestine operations, which were merely a hand of the military-industrial complex bringing us closer to nuclear annihilation than ever before.
“The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in ensuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know…
Today no war has been declared--and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe. The survival of our friends is in danger. And yet no war has been declared, no borders have been crossed by marching troops, no missiles have been fired. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”
Nov 28, 2023 • 71 tweets • 32 min read
The Ultimate Jimmy Savile Thread 🚨
Did you know that the now King Charles had a pedophile, murderer, necrophiliac as a trusted and admired advisor?
Buckle your seat belts for a deep dive on one of the most heinous people I've ever had the displeasure of digging on.
If you want to red pill a friend or family member on the royal family then I suggest you have them read this article.
The proof is all there.
Many of the old guard elites are far worse than you can imagine.
When people tell you that elite pedophiles involved in Pizzagate are a conspiracy theory: Show them this.
Tag someone and share.
@Nevstv @TheStormRedux @LizCrokin @RPPharmacist @RedPill78 @realjusthuman @truestormyjoe @prayingmedic @TruePatriotAU
There are few people I’ve studied that have a darker and provable history than Jimmy Saville. I hadn’t researched much about him until I noticed his deep connection with the now King Charles and thought I’d look around. And boy, is there a lot to uncover. This is a man who lived under constant media scrutiny. His fans followed him around showering him with adoration and praise. He was regaled as a man of the people. His public persona was that of a man who loved the people, who gave back through public service and foundations, who made the people smile and laugh, but behind the scenes laid a myriad of dark secrets so perverse that it makes one shudder just to think about. Jimmy Saville is a prime example of how the corrupt freemason Luciferians love to deceive the people and give hints publicly about who they really are. Getting off on the thrill of getting away with it. We are talking about a spree of mass pedophilia, murder, and necrophilia. And the worse part is that the mainstream media knew all about it, the cops knew, then adored Royal family knew, and no one did a thing.
They were all complicit.
If you ever want to red pill a friend or family member, Jimmy Saville is an excellent and disturbing place to start. There is no mistaking the evil emanating from this man and by the end of this this thread you will have a hard time looking at elites or the royal family the same way again.
For the seasoned anon/truther: This is just par for the course.
But I will tell you, Jimmy is one of the worst I’ve ever seen.
Nov 21, 2023 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
Lara Logan on January 6th:
Thread 1/4:
"Somehow nobody questioned (Ray Epps) about what he said about storming the capitol. If you understand information warfare, Ray Epps was using the language of the narrative. That was the narrative the next day, that people "stormed the capitol." But yet he was using that language before it even happened.. It is a strong indication when you have people saying the same thing and in advance of an event happening. There is some degree of planning and manipulation behind it. We live in an age of fifth generation warfare. It doesn't matter what the truth is because if the narrative prevails, the truth gets lost. They want you to give up on finding the truth. If you want to find the truth, you might lose your job, you might never get a job, you're going to pay a heavy price, you might have the FBI coming after you, you might have people in your family who don't want anything to do with you, you might lose friends.
A false narrative is like a lie. You have to create legs. The truth stands on it's own. You can perceive it differently but you can't change it. False narrative is a lot of work.. (They) need to tell another lie and another lie..."
Lara Logan eviscerates the seeming pansy Special Operations cop that was having a meltdown on January 6th:
"This guy Glover....If i was in combat with a guy like that.. He's screaming in the radio like a person in a state of absolute panic. You're in the Special Operations division which faces violence on a daily basis, some of the most hardened cops in this country. You've gone up against everything from Antifa... And we're supposed to believe that the head of the special operations division was running around like a little girl in a panic, screaming like a banshee. I've been in combat. I never once heard a low level soldier, let alone a commander, screaming into a radio the way that guy was screaming. For me, the red flag goes up. And I have to look into whether there's something theatrics there. These are experienced police officers. All you need for chaos to ensue and for people to be set up is for some key people with placement and access to let them down. And they let down those police officers that day."
Nov 20, 2023 • 27 tweets • 12 min read
Thread 🚨
The Untimely Death of Princess Diana
Princess Diana was a thorn in the flesh of the royal family and she knew it. It is not a conspiracy theory to admit that she openly talked about how someone was planning on killing her. In fact, she said her own husband was a culprit. Not only this, but she wrote multiple notes proclaiming that she would be killed via car accident. And that is exactly what happened. The French police hid this note from investigations and they appeared to even cover up for a fiat car that changed its paint after the crash.
This is a story that even contains the classic Clintoncide death of “accidental suicide.”
Jeffrey Epstein would be proud.
Let's dig into it.
She was loved and adored around the world and there’s a strong case to be made that the crown/MI6/Cabal assassinated her. She wouldn’t “go away quietly,” in her own words, and so they shut her up for good.
"I was a problem. Full stop. Never happened before. What do we do with her? She won't go quietly. That's the problem. She'll fight to the end. I believe I have a role to fulfill."
Nov 19, 2023 • 19 tweets • 12 min read
Thread 🚨
Playboy Mansion and Epstein Island
How the Playboy Mansion and Epstein Island used a playbook of sex, hidden cameras, tunnels, and blackmail to put the world under the thumb of a hidden cabal.
Many don't realize that the CIA has been in the business of blackmail for far longer than Epstein Island. In the wake of P Diddy’s recent assault allegations, I decided to dig up what we found on him many months ago and the dark web of celebrities caught in the mix.
Let's dig in.
Hefner's Valet:
"Hefner taped everything in his bedroom and many men and stars and athletes and had sex with these girls. Most of the time Hefner never participated. He thought of himself as a film director. He didn't want to be on the tapes. He wanted these girls and the stars. Can you imagine after he had all these tapes what power he had over these men?"
Ex-Playboy Bunny:
"He had tapes on everybody."
Nov 14, 2023 • 32 tweets • 17 min read
The Ultimate Peter Nygard Thread: The Canadian Jeffrey Epstein's quest for immortality and his crimes against women and children.
He was impregnating minors, making them have abortions and then injecting himself with his own aborted children in an attempt to live forever.
Controlling politicians, blackmail, ra*e, threat of murder, and much more.
And this week, he was found guilty of four counts of sexual assault.
Buckle up as we expose just how evil this man truly was.
As many of you know, the elites have an unhealthy obsession with living forever. This is not an exception but the rule. We are dealing with people who gained power through corrupt means and retain it in the same way. When they feel that they have nothing left to gain, this is when they reach for—immortality.
They feel as though they are above the law. They create laws, then pay off cops and government officials. With such great power, they even seek to supplant God himself.
Such is the way of the old guard; the oligarchs of society who often engage in pedophilia. It's important to understand who these people are at their core.
When it comes to Peter Nygard he is a blatant red pill. You could put him side by side with many of the people who had a controlling stake in our old system and have difficulty distinguishing any differences. Someone who is not aware of how corrupt the system is would do well to learn from his life. This same scenario played out over and over. The scenery may change, but the foundation is still there. Peter Nygard bought out politicians, loomed over any opposition with the threat of death or an “accident,” sought immortality off the blood of children, and sexually raped women and children. Long-time researchers and anons know how often this has happened. In past years, they lived in relative comfort, committing their crimes in the shadows. But the rise of social media and independent media, the free-thinking anon, has severely hampered their chances of not being exposed to the light. People are waking up at a speed unheard of. So grab a bin of popcorn, and let’s go through the life of Peter Nygard, the Canadian Jeffrey Epstein who was attempting to live forever by any means possible. A tale of corruption and man’s hubris as plain as day.
Peter Nygard rose to power through the modeling industry just like Les Wexner, Epstein’s money man, and Mossad asset. I find it very interesting (though not surprising) that the modeling industry was such a breeding ground for blackmail and abuse. If you are an anon researcher, then you might be aware of Rachel Chandler and her foray into the modeling world, her search for children and victims for Epstein to prey on. Not only her but Jean Luc-Brunel who “suicided” himself in a French jail not long ago.
Peter himself came from a poverty-stricken background. He then proceeded to target a different type of woman for his clothing line. This gave him great success. A pretty basic story line in the beginning, but what he would do with that success is what the reader will find horrifying and shocking. Although for someone who has been living and breathing elite corruption and working to expose their crimes, I doubt anons will be too surprised.
Nov 6, 2023 • 9 tweets • 6 min read
Important Thread 🚨
Soros, Les Wexner (Epstein associate), and Swiss Billionaire attempting to Enshrine Abortion in Ohio's State Constitution
This Tuesday, the Democrat machine has its sights set on enshrining abortion rights into Ohio's state constitution.
After a strong counter blow with the fall of Roe V Wade after Trump's judges came through in the clutch, the cabal have picked themselves off the mat, gathered their forces, and are attempting to use Ohio as a bellwether to further the genocide of our most precious children.
Oct 6, 2023 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Breaking Marina Abramovic, the spirit cooker, confirms from her own mouth that Zelensky has made her the ambassador for children in Ukraine as she goes on to makes jokes about Putin killing his generals. Continue reading this thread to get a feel for her latest "art" and you tell me if it's a good idea to put this woman near children.
Marina Abramovic's latest display includes a very normal and not creepy at all screens of people slapping and screaming ominously at each other. Watch this and tell me that you aren't disturbed down to your soul.
This is like something out of a horror movie.
What is wrong with these people?