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Legal/Justice reporter @huffpost. Find me in bluer pastures!

Sep 15, 2023, 8 tweets

Nothing on the recusal req from Trump for Judge Chutkan yet. But she has filed an order granting special counsel's request to unseal a record (with the proper ID redactions) that could possibly tie Donald Trump to witness intimidation efforts.

Related: Govt asks Chutkan to set narrow limits on what Trump can say about the case due to concerns about prejudicing jury pool.

Special Counsel notes the attacks Trump had made on the special counsels office, and notes lies he has told about the investigation, evidence etc:

Got wanted a narrow wall defined restriction on what Trump can say about the case in DC so he doesn't scare off jurors:

Special Counsel wants the order to also prohibit any contact Trumps defense has with the people of DC for jury surveying without first going through the court for review:

And there is a request for some limits on Trump's attorneys too, though prosecutors note they have behaved of late when speaking to press.

Sorry earlier tweet should say "govt wanted a well defined..."

@threadreaderapp unroll please

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