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Sep 19, 2023, 14 tweets

Checklist of 13 Psychological tricks to increase Conversion Rate (with examples)

A must have for all Ecom Stores and Agencies

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1/ Urgency and Scarcity

- Limited time offers induce FOMO.
- Limited stock notifications trigger action.
- Display countdown timers for flash sales.

2/ Social Proof

- Showcase customer reviews and ratings.
- Highlight product popularity with "Best Seller" labels.
- Encourage user-generated content.

3/ Simplify Navigation

- Implement clear and intuitive website navigation.
- Use breadcrumbs to guide users.
- Minimize distractions on the checkout page.

4/ Visual Hierarchy

- Direct attention with contrasting colors and sizes.
- Use visual cues like arrows to guide users.
- Ensure the "Add to Cart" button stands out.

5/ Personalization

- Tailor product recommendations based on user behavior.
- Use dynamic content to greet returning customers.
- Employ personalized email marketing.

6/ Trust Signals

- Showcase trust badges and security icons.
- Provide transparent shipping and return policies.
- Display any certifications or awards you have received.

8/ Price Anchoring

- Show the original price alongside the discounted price.
- Offer tiered pricing options to highlight value.
- Highlight price drops.

9/ Storytelling

- Share the brand's story and mission.
- Explain the benefits and origins of products.
- Use emotional appeals to connect with customers.

10/ Social Sharing

- Encourage customers to share purchases on social media.
- Run referral programs with incentives.
- Utilize user-generated content in your marketing.

11/ A/B Testing

- Continuously test different elements (CTA buttons, images, headlines).
- Use data to refine and optimize your website.
- Avoid making assumptions—let data guide decisions.

12/ Gamification

- Implement loyalty programs with rewards.
- Use quizzes and contests to engage users.
- Create interactive product finders.

13/ Cross-Selling and Upselling:

- Suggest related products on product pages.
- Use bundling to increase average order value.
- Offer discounts for upsells during checkout.

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