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Sep 20, 2023, 27 tweets

10 Potent Tools to 10x Your Mitochondria


Mitochondrial dysfunction is at the core of EVERY disease

After all, your mitochondria produce 90% of your body's energy

Why would you not want them firing on all cylinders?

So without further adu, let's jump in

As always, consult a doctor before using anything...


Urolithin A is the next big thing in the biohacking & longevity space

It's one of the few potent inducers of MITOPHAGY

It supercharges natural energy production by cleaning up and recycling damaged mitochondria

Only 40% of people can produce it naturally

Urolithin A isn't just marketing hype

It actually has a ton of evidence suggesting it can improve:

- Alzheimer's & Parkinson's
- Muscle Endurance/Strength
- Cardiovascular Health

The therapeutic applications of Urolithin A are endless

Great addition if you can afford it


I've been using Shilajit extensively over the past 9 months

It's been a game-changer for natural energy & willpower

It's one of the few supplements you can really "feel"

But these benefits aren't solely because of its fulvic acid & mineral content...

Shilajit contains mitochondrial stimulants called dibenzo-a-pyrones (DBPs)

These miracle molecules work in tandem with CoQ10 to enhance ATP energy output

While simultaneously reducing oxidative damage to your mitochondria

Shilajit is great for:

- Vitality/libido/willpower/testosterone
- Anti-fatigue
- Physical training

But you need to buy Shilajit w/o mycotoxins & heavy metals

I recommend & personally use @BasedSupps by @erikjasperkier

Third-party tested & verified…

@BasedSupps @erikjasperkier 3) METHYLENE BLUE

MB is the #1 anti-aging drug

At low doses, MB turbocharges your mitochondria

It acts as an electron donor, which enhances energy output & reduces oxidative damage

I wouldn't use much more than 5mg orally

@BasedSupps @erikjasperkier MB is especially useful for cognitive health

Besides acting as an electron donor, it also increases acetylcholine & monoamines

Thanks to these 3 mechanisms, it holds promise in preventing neurodegeneration

And even improves memory even in healthy adults

@BasedSupps @erikjasperkier Ensuring purity is crucial when using MB

Even pharmaceutical-grade MB often contains heavy metals

That's why I use Meraki Blu from @VanceE which is USP-grade MB and lab tested for impurities

Don't use MB with serotonergic antidepressants

@BasedSupps @erikjasperkier @VanceE 4) MITOQ

MitoQ = CoQ10 on steroids

MitoQ is simply a smaller version of CoQ10 with a positive charge

And thus it can easily cross the mitochondrial membrane and work its magic

(unlike CoQ10)

Once inside replenishes CoQ10 & enhances ATP production as its an electron donor

@BasedSupps @erikjasperkier @VanceE If you can afford it, I'd use MitoQ over CoQ10 or Ubiquinol

- 19 human clinical trials
- 750+ peer-reviewed scientific papers
- $60mm+ of independent studies

& has been shown in humans to improve:

- Cardiovascular function
- Kidney health
- Athletic performance
- & more

@BasedSupps @erikjasperkier @VanceE 5) PQQ

PQQ = CoQ10's cousin

PQQ works a bit differently though

Rather than protecting & enhancing existing mitochondria...

PQQ actually increases the formation of NEW mitochondria

(aka mitochondrial biogenesis)

@BasedSupps @erikjasperkier @VanceE As seen below, PQQ is proven to increase mitochondrial biogenesis in humans

(via the PGC-1a & CREB pathways)

PQQ also:

- 100x more antioxidant than Vit C
- Lowers CRP by 45% in 3 weeks
- May improve sleep/cognition

PQQ is decent, but I much prefer the next one

@BasedSupps @erikjasperkier @VanceE 6) SALIDROSIDE

Salidroside = Rhodiola's key bioactive

It's like miracle grow for your dopaminergic system

(via enhancing GDNF, CDNF, & tyrosine hydroxylase)

And like PQQ, it also increases the formation of new mitochondria

@BasedSupps @erikjasperkier @VanceE Because of its mitochondrial-enhancing & neurogenic properties, salidroside (LK-01) has been shown to:

- Improve mood
- Reduce mental fatigue
- Enhance athletic performance
- Enhance physical endurance

Salidroside works best when held under the tongue & consumed sublingually

@BasedSupps @erikjasperkier @VanceE 7) RESVERATROL

PQQ/Salidroside = mitochondrial biogenesis

Resveratrol = mitochondrial fission/fusion

Mitochondrial fusion is when mitochondria merge to form larger, more efficient mitochondria

Fission = 1 mitochondrion splitting into multiple (usually for quality control)

@BasedSupps @erikjasperkier @VanceE Fission/Fusion can dilute out damaged components, improving overall function and reducing the need for mitophagy

Larger mitochondria are also more efficient in energy production

If you have cardiovascular issues, I would absolutely consider Resveratrol

@BasedSupps @erikjasperkier @VanceE 8) MOTS-c

Now onto the fun stuff

MOTS-c is my favorite compound in this thread

And belongs to the mitochondrial-derived peptide (MDP) class

You can think of MDPs as mitochondrial hormones

MDPs are encoded by mitochondrial DNA

Normal peptides are encoded by nuclear DNA

@BasedSupps @erikjasperkier @VanceE This means MDPs are especially good at regulating mitochondrial processes

But not all MDPs do the same thing

MOTS-c in particular is akin to "exercise in a bottle"

- Fat loss
- Physical performance/endurance
- Anti-fatigue
- Longevity

In fact, MOTS-c levels are low in CFS

@BasedSupps @erikjasperkier @VanceE 9) HUMANIN

Humanin is an MDP like MOTS-c

But whereas MOTS-c = metabolic MDP...

Humanin = neurological MDP

If you want to prevent & even reverse dementia, Humanin is your guy

In fact, it was named Humanin because it restored the “humanity” of patients with Alzheimer’s

@BasedSupps @erikjasperkier @VanceE Humanin enhances mitochondria by:

- Reducing mitochondrial ROS
- Inhibiting cytochrome C release
- Enhancing ATP output
- Inducing mitochondrial biogenesis
- Preventing cell death

It's like growth hormone for your mitochondria

But interestingly, actual GH use lowers Humanin

@BasedSupps @erikjasperkier @VanceE As mentioned, Humanin is especially useful for brain health

It even binds directly to the Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor (CNTF) receptor

(CNTF is like BDNF on steroids)


- Inhibits brain insulin resistance (T3D)
- Reverses memory loss
- Reduces neuroinflammation

@BasedSupps @erikjasperkier @VanceE 10) SS-31

Last but not least is SS-31

This is the MDP for mitochondrial integrity

SS-31 binds to something called cardiolipin in the inner mitochondrial membrane

This essentially optimizes the electron transport chain

And increases ATP energy output & protects mitochondria

@BasedSupps @erikjasperkier @VanceE SS-31 has been studied extensively with about 140 studies published since 2005

According to this research, SS-31 may be able to

- Reverse/halt neurodegeneration
- Improve physical performance
- Reduce fatigue
- Reduce Type 2 Diabetes

Useful in severe mitochondrial dysfunction

@BasedSupps @erikjasperkier @VanceE Recap:

Urolithin A = mitophagy
Shilajit = enhances CoQ10
Methylene Blue = electron donor
MitoQ = electron donor
PQQ = mitochondrial biogenesis
Salidroside = also biogenesis
Resveratrol = mito fusion
MOTS-c = metabolic MDP
Humanin = neurological MDP
SS-31 = mito integrity MDP

@BasedSupps @erikjasperkier @VanceE If you found this helpful, toss me a RT & like on the original tweet for the algo

Will also be answering any questions related to this thread in the comments

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