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Host of @historic_ly ...

Sep 30, 2023, 19 tweets

Feinstein Is dead! like I did with Other dead people, I need to stop anyone from white washig her legacy...

So here we go:

As mayor of San Francisco, she fought to keep the confederate flag flying

She vetoed a rent control provision in 1986.

She was pretty anti-gay too

On April 19, 1993, she fearmongers about immigration... and later praises nafta

A pretty ghoulish lady!

She criticizes a ballot proposal for not deporting "aliens" (as she called it)

This is her Republican opponent. Like Albright, Feinstein thought it was worth it.

Another one falls victim to the Assad curse

She supported sanctions against dprk

Supported Airstrikes and a ground war against Serbia.

Jesus Christ. Random ww2 speeches is why we must teach about ww2

Her views on Iraq war protests awful.

She was in charge of the Senate intelligence committee and knew better but lied!

Her husband won a contract for a high-speed rail that was never built

Cc @WIshinwelmantra

She enacted all spying measures…

Holy crap! She threatened the university to get pro-palestine students expelled permanently.


Her husband would always profit from the wars she supported…

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