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🇦🇺 Writer. Journalist. Activist. Libertarian. You can support my work here YouTube, Rumble: @actualalexjames

Sep 30, 2023, 13 tweets

The migration crisis:
The end of the West.
A thread 🧵

She was supposed to protect Europe. But the island of Lampedusa has fallen. And Italy soon with it. Within only a few hours 25 boats arrived with 1,500 illegal immigrants on board. In just 9 months Giorgia Meloni has allowed over 105,000 illegal immigrants to invade Italy, around 400 every single day.

But the apocalyptic scenes don’t end there. Over the Atlantic Ocean, Elon Musk travels to the US border to bring light to the fact that the US is also under invasion, with flags even being planted on US soil of foreign nations. This is a massive step up in the crisis, as now that it has become clear that politicians cannot stop the invasion, business tycoons and magnates have begun sacrificing their time and resources to step in where our corrupt governments can’t, much like Donald Trump stepped up to help the people with his presidency and the building of the great US-Mexico wall, which the democrats are now sabotaging.

And this is the essence of the crisis. Corruption. Our politicians all over the west could put a stop to this instantly. Just one jot of the pen and the military could solve the issue. Yet it continues. Why? Because the people who control us do not have our best interests in mind.

They are more concerned with their corporate international personal standings, with their place in the United Nations, with their position in the world economic forum, that they would gladly sacrifice western civilization for their personal pleasure and riches.

As what comes with the success of the British, French, Spain, and American empires comes the jealousy and envy of others. Now those others would gladly pay to see the west fall for their own sick pleasure.

Because the current leader of Italy, as she tweaks out on stage, much like Jacinta does, did not have the Italian or western people in mind when she took power. Otherwise, she would expose what is happening to the public, even if it cost her life.

A wolf in sheep’s clothing.

And NATO, even though it is expanding rapidly, is not passing on its success to the nations it brings into the fold. It spreads like a disease. The sick man of Europe. Capturing vulnerable nations like Finland and Ukraine and exporting in its wake degeneracy unfettered.

In Sweden there has been, in a very short time frame, 130 bomb attacks, 283 shootings, and 300 migrant gangs formed. This is not what migrants would do if they loved the country they were moving to, but it is what an invasion force would do.

Because genuine migration exists, and these people migrate out of love for the nation and opportunity to be apart of that nation. Yet these modern migrants that we see invading Europe do not assimilate. Abandoning their wives and children.

Multiculturalism will be the downfall of the West. Tolerance and sweet words won’t save people from the inevitable balkanization.

And so, we are at a crossroads. Do you roll over and take it? Or do you stand up for yourself. For what Julius Caesar dreamed of, what Charles Martel defended, what Charlemagne reinvented, what Queen Isabella expanded, what George Washington culminated.

What we need is a Julius Caesar to take back the reigns of the west. Because ideologies die. And modern politics too will die. But Rome is eternal, and Romes’s essence is eternal. Most people have seen the recent trend, where women ask their husbands or boyfriends how often they think about the Roman Empire, and people are shocked that most western men think about Rome nearly daily.

This is the essence of who we are, it is our history, it is our eternal culture.

This is what we need to keep at the forefront of our minds. To look at the world and everything in it through the lens of empire, progress, and sheer determination.

There are people out there currently who are beginning to see clearly through this lens, such as Victor Orban, Le Pen and Donald Trump. But there needs to be more.

Stop thinking about what you’re going to do. I’m talking directly to you. Get out there and do what must be done.

Alex James.
(thread continues…)

1. Where are the women and children? This is Lampedusa, it originally had a population of 6000 people. Now it has more than doubled its population, with Italian Authorities becoming completely overwhelmed.

2. Is this what peaceful migration looks like? How can people honesty think that these are genuine refugees.

Where are their families?

These are all military aged males.

3. Blaming Germany for funding the migration crisis (This was obvious) DOES NOT SOLVE IT.

Meloni, If you cant fix it, then expose the situation to the public and explain exactly why you are being stopped and WHO is stopping you.

Either that or just keep tweaking.

4. Again, No families. ALL MEN. All of them. Funded by international organizations hell bent on the destruction of the West for their profit. But where’s the proof? Let me show you some…

5. Here is a video of a Haitian so called “refugee” in Tapachula, Mexico complaining that the UN didn’t pay him and now his UN funded card is empty.

Yes, a United Nations funded debit card.

6. Military aged male migrants placed this Venezuelan flag on US soil. US personnel had to then - embarrassingly - go and take it down.

This is not what peaceful migrants do. This is what invaders do.

7. Are there sleeper cells in the United States? If the US doesn’t do something now, then internal sabotage is just around the corner. The US is in a severe struggle between the Dems and rhinos, vs the American people.

The border crisis is out of hand.

8. Yesterday Elon Musk travelled to the border to expose the situation live on X for the whole world to see.

Some billionaires who have the people’s best interests in mind are now taking a stand. Trump and Elon.

9. Yet the severe migrant crisis and invasion is being played down by those who are against the people. Are these politicians in on it or do they just have a lukewarm IQ?

10. “Hungary cannot meet the demands of the Brussels bureaucrats” Victor Orban shows that he is a defender of Europe. Poetic really. As the Hungarians are one of the only nations in Europe who are descendants of foreign invaders themselves.

11. Poland is quickly rising to become one of the strongest nations in Europe. It even holds most of the old Prussian homelands. And this strength is not being wasted.

Poland will not submit.

12. If there is one thing to take away from this thread, it's that there is hope. Hope for a better future.

This is not the end. You are the future.

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