🇦🇺 Writer. Citizen journalist.
All my articles are on my website https://t.co/TL3Ujr393Z
TikTok, YouTube, Rumble: @actualalexjames
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Feb 9 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Kevin Rudd needs to be fired ASAP.
A thread 🧵
In light of the USAID scandal, look at this.
$984,222. Why?
Sep 9, 2024 • 15 tweets • 8 min read
In a break from my usual content, here is my take on the theory of devolution.
What you're about to read is a tale of an endless wasteland of horror and decay, undeniably terrifying and chaotic. Yet the ending will shock you... 👇🧵1/
The theory of evolution is not actually a fact. On a micro level, I can see how it can be proven to be fact. But on a macro level, it is still largely unproven.
But there are some who would say that evolution on all levels is false, and point towards the opposite being the case.
I would assume the default dog could be used to argue that point.
Jul 14, 2024 • 16 tweets • 6 min read
Trump Assassination attempt. 🇺🇸
What we know so far...
A thread 🧵 1/151. Donald Trump was shot at today by an alleged local man and leftist who stationed himself on a rooftop in plain sight of spectators. I also have the video of the man who saw him and warned authorities before the attack.
Mar 5, 2024 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
Yuri Bezmenov tried to warn us.
Communist subversion, the downfall of the West.
A thread 1/9 🧵
Yuri Bezmenov was a communist propagandist and "co-opted" KGB agent working for the Soviet Union during the cold war. He was instrumental in propagating communist subversion and expanding the communist movement in India, including subverting Western intellectuals and Hollywood personalities.
Sometime during the cold war, he realized that communism had nothing of value to offer the people, and that his privileged position within the communist upper class was not enough to keep him from realizing the horror of the communist slavery system that he was imposing on people.
He then defected to the United States.
Once he defected to the U.S, the ex-KGB propagandist began to tell the American public the truth about the subversion of their country and the whole world at the hands of the communists.
This system didn’t die with the Soviet Union. It simply changed its appearance and spread across every nation on earth. Which puts into perspective why people like Candice Owens are currently under heavy fire in America for pointing out that many of the leading communist elite from the soviet union simply moved operations to America after the cold war.
Communism is a system, a beast, a monster.
It is not one person. It is a system that was set in motion over 100 years ago, and is still in motion today, more so than ever before. That sucks in those who wish to gain personally at the expense of others.
Communism as a system is fluid and changes shape and form. Most people know it as the WEF or UN. Or as the Democrat party, the Australian major party's, or as social justice and race-based movements.
All of these groups and systems are communist by nature and the roots of their ideologies and/or actions can be traced back to Karl Marx. It is hard to identify the key players who cause all the problems in our world because the key players are actually the systems and ideologies they operate within.
If one bad guy is removed or dies, someone else will take his place because these people are owned by an overarching system, the original rogue A.I.
Yuri Bezmenov explains all this perfectly. All you have to do is simply watch the full video, which I’ll post some short clips and then the full one in this thread, and you will fully understand what’s going on.
The solution? Patriotism, as he explains, and as I and the longform lads have been explaining day in day out. Nationalism and Religion are the kryptonite of the communist system.
That is why the mainstream HATES Nationalism and HATES Religion.
They can’t control you if they can’t control your mind.
If your values are rooted in the laws that God commanded, then you won't care for the laws that man commands. If you love your people above all others, then you will defend them when you see them being oppressed and subverted by systems and crooks.
This is why we don’t get distracted. Because we can see with eyes wide open, the pieces in front of us.
And it is people like Yuri that allow us to see these issues for what they really are in the first place.
Alex James.
2/9. “these people will be lined up against a wall and shot” all the woke virtue signaling that we see around us means nothing to those who pull the strings. Nothing. They are being used as a means to an end.
Nov 20, 2023 • 13 tweets • 6 min read
Javier Melei becomes President with over 55% of the vote.
What does this mean for the world?
A video thread 🧵
Millions upon millions of people around the world are rejecting socialism, the globalist scourge that is ripping away the rights of the people and replacing it with the chains of slavery. Javier Melei has won the presidency in Argentina. A self-described anarcho-capitalist, who’s aim it is to make the US dollar the currency of Argentina destroyed his opponents, taking over 55% of the vote.
This comes as the trend within western nations is to reject their socialist overlords who oppress them. The spark that has woke many people up is the vaccines. As millions upon millions of people in western nations absolutely detest the fact that they were locked down on mass, like cattle, and then forced to take a vaccine that was not properly tested.
On top of this. Mass migration has sent France, Spain, and many other European countries into social and sometimes economic chaos. The US southern border has been inundated with wave after wave of illegal migrants, using loopholes within US law to easily enter the country.
It seems very clear that our leaders are not on our side.
There are now, largely amassing on X, thousands of videos showing the full scale of the migrant barbarian invasion all across Europe. Showing mainly military aged male migrants in large groups and on packed boats essentially invading the continent, with the European media stabbing its people in the back, and hiding the truth.
This is what our world has come to. This is the international Marxist order, the globalist infiltration of all our nations. Socialisms end goal.
Now is not the time to relax, but rather, to ramp up our actions. Because a victory in Argentina obviously does not guarantee victories elsewhere. Whilst a great battle has been won on the side of the free market, liberty and our timeless values of freedom, the war still rages on.
Because peace and complacency got us into the mess that we’re in. It’s only via sheer determination and effort can we get out of it.
I see a day where our problems are solved. Where liberty is returned to the people. And we will look back on this time period as simply a test, a bump in the road.
This is not the end, this is only the beginning.
Alex James.
(thread continues...) ⬇️ 1. Here is a longer, High definition version of Javier Melei’s iconic interview. If you haven't seen this one by now, it's well worth a watch.
Nov 10, 2023 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
🚨Happening now. 🚨
Spain riots against socialist takeover.
Video thread ⬇️
Spain has erupted into furious and violent riots as nationalist protestors clash with the government. Recently the socialist government has signaled its intent to wipe Catalonian debt to garner the support of the Catalan separatists in order to form government and avoid and essentially buy an election.
This is not unprecedented however, as most western nations are firmly under the specter of socialism.
Socialism has one goal. To lull the people into complacency in order to control them. But lions don’t crave safety, they crave freedom.
And so the Spanish people have had enough and scenes are erupting all over showing that socialism has no place in Spanish society, and in fact, has no place anywhere else in the world.
Supplementary to this, Right-wing nationalists all over Europe are being targeted and assassination attempts have been made. With Spain’s Vox party official being shot in the face.
“The shooting came just hours after the politician tweeted his opinion on the agreement between the PSOE and the Junts party, which paved the way for caretaker prime minister Pedro Sanchez to enjoy another term.”
When will all our nations wake up?
Our two-party system here in Australia is filled to the brim with socialists who aim to destroy our nation through immigration and an inflated housing crisis. Liberal and labor are both to blame, there is no differences between them.
In Spain the nationalists have declared that the people must be in a “permanent state of mobilization”. With mass protests that are now following from this. What we can now clearly see is that the Spanish people are nationalizing and are openly defying socialism, amnesty for Catalan rebels, and what is essentially, the purchasing of an election victory through taxpayer burdened debt wiping.
So when will Australians stand up against socialism?
Alex James. 1. Spanish nationalists want Pedro Sanchez arrested. This is clear. Socialism has no place in Spain and should have no place in any other nation. What will it take before Australians and Americans wake up to this dystopian nightmare?
Nov 8, 2023 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
Migration Crisis.
The system has failed. Deportations now.
A thread. 🧵
“Diversity is our strength!” a slogan heard far to often several years ago as millions of migrants poured into Europe, the U.S, Australia and Canada. The intentions of the naive masses meant absolutely nothing, as wave after wave of military aged male migrants smashed through Hungarian and Slavic border defenses.
Symbolic and surreal was it, that eastern Europe was trying to warn and save Western Europe.
Because the people in the old lands of the Austrian and Ottoman empires know a thing or two about forcing people of radically different belief systems and cultures into the same house. They know what that leads too.
But what was presented to the West was even worse than this. And now people are starting to see the violence and carnage pour out onto their streets. This was not just forced mass migration…
This was a forced invasion of mostly fighting age men.
Many years ago several of us where spreading around the video of a line up of migrants in a French town. The designated lines where labeled as male and female,
There was no one in the female line.
We tried to warn everyone, and only some listened. Now I see people are coming out in droves waking up to this disaster unfolding in front of our eyes and in our cities. And I am glad, as I knew that the more I stick to the truth regardless of what anyone thinks, the more you will all recognize what I have been saying all this time.
It no longer matters whether you're left or right, nationalist or dim-witted, political or a-political. Now what matters is that you take a stand for your people, for your history, for your future.
Because it is not over.
We have been invaded by the Huns, and we won.
We were invaded by the Mongols and we won.
We were invaded by the Moors and the Turks and again we won.
This time we will win again. As what is known by history, is that when Europa is under siege, Europa fights back, and Europa remains as always Triumphant. So too will the U.S, Australia, Canada and New Zealand fight back.
Now is the time to ramp up our actions. Don’t ever tolerate anyone who says it is over. Tolerance is what led us to this mess in the first place. Getting caught up in the Palestine vs. Israel war is a distraction from our internal issues that need to be addressed first.
Long term vision is the only way to see the world.
Alex James.
(thread continues…)
You can listen to this article on my website 🦅🇦🇺
Oct 19, 2023 • 10 tweets • 6 min read
Understanding the Misinformation and Disinformation bill.
A Thread 🧵
Albanese and many politicians have been dealt a major defeat, and one of their reasons behind why they have lost seems to be because of misinformation and disinformation. It looks like as if they have been working on a plan B all along to get a win out of their defeat. That win for them would be in regulating online content in Australia.
At the moment, Australia does not have complete freedom of speech and no bill of rights. So therefore, to have our speech, particularly our digital speech regulated, would make it clear that this is no longer a free speech country. The government will ultimately be the ones to decide, no matter how many in-between organizations they have, what is determined as misinformation or disinformation. Yet as stated in the bill, which I’ll show excerpts from in the thread below, misinformation and disinformation will not apply to Australian governments, foreign governments in some instances, and professional media organizations.
The submissions for this bill ended in September last month. The submission period was in the heat of the voice campaigning. Now I would call this a very unreasonable time to hold submissions for the bill, as everyone was completely distracted. A better time to hold the submissions should have been end of this year or early next year.
It seems that the government knows very well what it is doing and why it is doing it. And with labor control in basically every part of the country, it falls heavily onto the shoulders of labor politicians to be the ones to bring this bill into fruition.
This means that you, regardless of your party affiliation, should contact your local politician and voice very clearly your disgust for the destruction of what’s left of Australian free speech. Regardless of if they will be the ones voting on the Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill 2023 or not. As it is not misinfo or dis-info that is the problem itself, but instead, how that is defined and especially, how that could be defined in future.
For instance, any debate on Australian history, if truth telling ministries are fully enshrined, could lead you into posting misinfo if you post opposing ideas or facts that are no longer recognized.
Even worse, is that if another COVID-19 situation happens again in Australia, you might not be able to post vaccine death statistics compared to COVID-19 death statistics and then extrapolate on that. Or maybe, you may not be able to post information that implies that COVID-19 was actually the flu, as shown by a chart that shows flu numbers at near zero levels at the peak of the pandemic. These things could potentially be considered misinformation or disinformation.
Some online debates and posting about climate change could also begin to become trouble territory. It would be interesting to see if saying that an increase in carbon emissions leads to an increase in forest growth, meaning more oxygen production and natural carbon consumption, would be considered misinfo or dis-info. I’m not even saying that all these things are 100% true or not, that’s not the point, but what I am saying is that if its not true then the best way to combat it is to allow debate and discussion on it, not silence, delete or prevent it from being posted.
As silencing topics is the same as fixing prices on products. It creates a black-market and the topic will grow in isolation and adapt to that isolation. A topic that is hidden now can continue to grow in the underground and potentially become real misinfo or dis-info if not publicly addressed.
And so, to summarize, this is clearly a very dangerous bill, with very serious and harmful consequences. The people, when allowed to explore easily for themselves, topics that are potentially misinfo or dis-info, are perfectly capable of discerning what is truth, what is the closest thing we have to truth, and what is false or mostly false.
The key to combatting misinformation and disinformation is the freedom to access any information one so chooses too, and then to respond to that information freely and unhindered, regardless of whether it is true or false.
If you are listening to the audio track of this article on my website, click the hyperlink to go to the thread so you can see the bill highlights.
Alex James.
#NoMisDisBill 1. Content is mentioned a lot throughout the bill, and this content can mean text, data, speech, images, music and/or a combination of these.
Oct 13, 2023 • 10 tweets • 6 min read
Was importing millions of military aged male migrants into the West a bad idea?
A thread 🧵
People are finally understanding that virtue signaling is in fact, one of the most horrible things anyone has ever done for our civilization. Pretending to care, people threw up banners all throughout Europe, the US and Australia, “refugees welcome!” they said. All for social media clout and to stroke the egos of selfish, soft, and narcissistic people.
This has always been an invasion. And many of us have been explaining this since the start. But the naivety of the modern westerner was too strong to process this information. Instead, they preferred to virtue signal and show off how good of a person they were by sacrificing their time and effort for an ideal. And it was only an ideal, as an example, there was a video not long ago of a journalist going through a “refugees welcome” rally and asking everyone if they would be willing to bring a refugee into their house.
Every single one of them said no.
They only cared about refugees up until the point where positive attention on them was removed, and actual commitment was required.
Faking piety for attention. Pure selfishness.
If they were genuine refugees, why would they go across the world in order to end up in Europe, the US or Australia. Why Ireland? why Sweden? Those are very specific destination choices…
If they were genuine refugees, where are the women? Where are the children?
Now we have sleeper cells in the United States that are ready to spring into action. In Vienna I’ve already seen massive protests, where all the military aged male migrants were swamping riot police with the police being completely surrounded.
Virtue signaling will not save you now.
The only thing that can be done to solve this crisis is to deport everyone who engages in aggressive protests, and place on watch lists everyone who could potentially cause future issues. Anyone who commits any crime should be deported. Problem borders must be completely locked down. Authorities must heavily vet every single person that applies for visas and citizenship.
On top of this, reduce the number of migrants to near zero, only beneficial migrants are to get through. And only give citizenship if they are truly assimilated to that nations culture. Simultaneously, embark on a national program towards increasing the population through childbirth. This is the healthiest and safest way for nations to grow, which then meets future economic demand.
Just recently there were protestors vandalizing European monuments. This is not what genuine migrants do. This has gone on far too long, and many people are waking up to it. For some people, they will only understand that a snake is dangerous when it bites them. Unfortunate. They should have listened to us.
But they still can. Everyone needs to snap out of this dream they have been living in for the past several decades. Peace is not obtained peacefully. The crisis between Israel and Palestine is foreshadowing. Hamas and Hezbollah are symptoms. Work needs to be done at all levels of society to solve this crisis properly.
The time for games is over. It's time for you to step up as a leader, and help get us out of this mess.
It can be done.
Alex James. 1. Okay, so I found a video showing that the people who openly encouraged mass migration were completely hypocritical. They only supported this in order to virtue signal and get social media clout.
Oct 7, 2023 • 22 tweets • 7 min read
Footage Thread 🧵⬇️
The Iron Dome has failed to stop many of the 5000 missiles that are currently bombarding Israel. Israel has declared a "state of war" in retaliation. What will this mean for the region? Tensions were already high enough as it was. What about the settlers? Will this escalate into a full blown war? How will the surrounding nations react?
Already truckloads of soldiers are pouring across the border and have taken multiple key checkpoints. They are also flying in, using motor propelled gliders.
One boat has even been seen engaging an Israeli warship.
Will the US step in to help Israel?
Or have they spent everything on Ukraine… 1. A Hamas rocket lands in an Israeli, reportedly over 5000 rockets have been fired already as troops begin pouring across the border.
Oct 3, 2023 • 9 tweets • 6 min read
The Voice exposed:
You will own nothing, and you will be happy.
A thread 🧵
“It’s just an advisory body!” and yet if it were just an advisory body it could be legislated without constitutional change. But constitutional change is the primary objective for the voice and the backers of the voice. Because Voice = Treaty = Truth, as they say.
The Voice itself is based on the Uluru statement from the heart. In the Uluru statement it is explained that “Any Voice to Parliament should be designed so that it could support and promote a treaty-making process” pg.17. Yet Prime Minister Albanese told the Australian public that the voice had nothing to do with a treaty. He also told the public that the Uluru Statement was only one page. However, the Uluru statement is a 26 page document labeled document 14 FOI/2223/016. And pages in this document were referred to as the Uluru Statement in the Official Referendum Report.
So, what does the Uluru statement say about treaty? “Treaty would be the vehicle to achieve self-determination, autonomy and self-government” pg. 19. Self-determination, as outlined by Geoff McDonald in Red over Black, is codeword for Marxist control and the removal of effective policing in land rights areas.
But what about autonomy and self-governance? The catch phrase of many "indigenous" movements is “sovereignty never ceded.” And especially since my deep dive into the video Red over Black, which the thread will be in this thread, we know that they want to create their own nation. And this new successor state will not be run by the aboriginals themselves, no, they are being used as pawns by organizations and political groups that claim to be protecting them. A new nation with land rights now officially over 50.6% of Australia is, as Geoff McDonald perfectly described it “A defense matter”.
But property rights for true aboriginals in native title areas are few and far between, with some even deeming that Aboriginals have no rights at all to property on native title, and instead are forced to rely on government hand outs by design. One journalist wrote, “the barrier to secure housing is the absence of secure title, that is, of ninety – nine-year leases” he would later go on to explain that, because of rights roadblocks like this, private property ownership in native title areas is practically zero.
And yet many of these groups claim sovereignty over all of Australia. Already native title claims are expanding to 80% of the continent.
You will own nothing, and you will be happy.
“If the voice wins, I might as well just identify as aboriginal and everyone else should do the same!” - One lukewarm IQ No voter stated.
Here is the potential trap that is laid out for you: Come declare yourself as a fake Aboriginal and we will give you benefits, and in return, and without your knowledge, we will be signing you up for future communist ownership. You are signing your life over for utterly selfish and disingenuous reasons. If anything in our current society is truly racist, it is the abuse of the Aboriginal people as political pawns in order to gain power and control over others. By people lying and pretending to be so called "Indigenous" for money, you are falling into this trap.
All one has to do is look at how the real Aboriginal people are treated in remote communities. They have nothing. The government gives them only depreciating goods and fiat, that is if they actually get anything.
This new nation which treaty is aiming to create, is a serious defense matter.
First nations = New nation.
We only have a few days left until the referendum. You have to inform others. Arm yourself with knowledge, with evidence, and with patience, as many people will be new to the seriousness of the situation.
Remember to write no, It must be written in letters or it is invalid. #VoteNo
Alex James.
(thread continues…)
You can listen to this article while reading this thread at alexjames.blog
Sep 30, 2023 • 13 tweets • 7 min read
The migration crisis:
The end of the West.
A thread 🧵
She was supposed to protect Europe. But the island of Lampedusa has fallen. And Italy soon with it. Within only a few hours 25 boats arrived with 1,500 illegal immigrants on board. In just 9 months Giorgia Meloni has allowed over 105,000 illegal immigrants to invade Italy, around 400 every single day.
But the apocalyptic scenes don’t end there. Over the Atlantic Ocean, Elon Musk travels to the US border to bring light to the fact that the US is also under invasion, with flags even being planted on US soil of foreign nations. This is a massive step up in the crisis, as now that it has become clear that politicians cannot stop the invasion, business tycoons and magnates have begun sacrificing their time and resources to step in where our corrupt governments can’t, much like Donald Trump stepped up to help the people with his presidency and the building of the great US-Mexico wall, which the democrats are now sabotaging.
And this is the essence of the crisis. Corruption. Our politicians all over the west could put a stop to this instantly. Just one jot of the pen and the military could solve the issue. Yet it continues. Why? Because the people who control us do not have our best interests in mind.
They are more concerned with their corporate international personal standings, with their place in the United Nations, with their position in the world economic forum, that they would gladly sacrifice western civilization for their personal pleasure and riches.
As what comes with the success of the British, French, Spain, and American empires comes the jealousy and envy of others. Now those others would gladly pay to see the west fall for their own sick pleasure.
Because the current leader of Italy, as she tweaks out on stage, much like Jacinta does, did not have the Italian or western people in mind when she took power. Otherwise, she would expose what is happening to the public, even if it cost her life.
A wolf in sheep’s clothing.
And NATO, even though it is expanding rapidly, is not passing on its success to the nations it brings into the fold. It spreads like a disease. The sick man of Europe. Capturing vulnerable nations like Finland and Ukraine and exporting in its wake degeneracy unfettered.
In Sweden there has been, in a very short time frame, 130 bomb attacks, 283 shootings, and 300 migrant gangs formed. This is not what migrants would do if they loved the country they were moving to, but it is what an invasion force would do.
Because genuine migration exists, and these people migrate out of love for the nation and opportunity to be apart of that nation. Yet these modern migrants that we see invading Europe do not assimilate. Abandoning their wives and children.
Multiculturalism will be the downfall of the West. Tolerance and sweet words won’t save people from the inevitable balkanization.
And so, we are at a crossroads. Do you roll over and take it? Or do you stand up for yourself. For what Julius Caesar dreamed of, what Charles Martel defended, what Charlemagne reinvented, what Queen Isabella expanded, what George Washington culminated.
What we need is a Julius Caesar to take back the reigns of the west. Because ideologies die. And modern politics too will die. But Rome is eternal, and Romes’s essence is eternal. Most people have seen the recent trend, where women ask their husbands or boyfriends how often they think about the Roman Empire, and people are shocked that most western men think about Rome nearly daily.
This is the essence of who we are, it is our history, it is our eternal culture.
This is what we need to keep at the forefront of our minds. To look at the world and everything in it through the lens of empire, progress, and sheer determination.
There are people out there currently who are beginning to see clearly through this lens, such as Victor Orban, Le Pen and Donald Trump. But there needs to be more.
Stop thinking about what you’re going to do. I’m talking directly to you. Get out there and do what must be done.
Alex James.
(thread continues…) 1. Where are the women and children? This is Lampedusa, it originally had a population of 6000 people. Now it has more than doubled its population, with Italian Authorities becoming completely overwhelmed.
Sep 25, 2023 • 17 tweets • 10 min read
The Geoff McDonald files:
The Voice/Native title proven to be a communist takeover.
A thread 🧵
In 1984, Geoff McDonald, A former Australian Communist for 13 years, outlined a communist plot to takeover Australia using the Aboriginal people as scapegoats. A plot that he was taught in detail. This plot involved using the communist concept of land rights, which Geoff claims has nothing to do with individual land rights. Rather, it has the goal of creating a break away state, a secession from the Australian nation, with legal recognition under the UN.
This break away state, as he explains, would have its own army to fight against the Australian people. And that army would not be full of aboriginals, as they are simply their scapegoat and are too small in number, but rather its ranks would be full of military aged male migrants. He explained all this in the 80’s by the way, yet it sounds so very familiar. As the same situations the west is facing now, is not much different than 50 years ago. As he explains, all of these tactics were taught by “lecturers and tutors” who would go to Soviet Russia and Maoist China for their own teaching and then return to Australia.
As you will see, for those reading on twitter/X or listening to this on my website, the videos I’m about to show you, explained in detail by this former Australian Communist, are very shocking and surreal, considering that the same problems beginning back then, are now much larger and more serious now.
This man is Australia’s Yuri Bezmenov. As both were essentially communist agents and card holders, who later defected to rational western ideals of freedom and independence. Whilst Yuri knew the whole time that what he was doing was misleading the people and that all the supporters of these socialist movements would eventually be executed, Geoff did not. It took him 10 years after being expelled from the Australian communist movement to finally wake up to the fact that he had been “brainwashed”.
What woke him up to the fact that the communists did not have the best interests of the proletariat in mind, was that he saw in the news that aboriginal land rights were becoming mainstream and imbedded in Australian law. This was a shock to him, as he had only ever heard of that theory whilst a member of the communists in the 50’s. This sparked a fire in his heart as he realized everyone in the country was being duped into thinking that the land rights movement was a genuine and peaceful movement. Instead, as he explains, the land rights movement is simply a vehicle for some organizations and groups to take control of all the land in Australia.
He also points out, that after this he travelled around Australia telling everyone that what they were witnessing was a highly orchestrated rebel movement aimed at the overthrow of the country and the stripping of land rights away from all Australians.
His efforts fell mostly of deaf ears, as back then, the people largely believed and followed the media. But some politicians, including the longest serving premier of Queensland, Joh Bjelke-Peterson, and many Christian missionaries groups operating in remote communities did take in what Geoff was telling them, and then helped support his claims.
In travelling to remote communities in Western Australia he discovered that his former communist comrades where highly active in the land rights areas (now native title), In these areas he said that the only white people allowed free reign into these now exclusive zones where white communist activists and white “anthropologists”, although he believes that term is a misleading term, as he says they are people who go there with the communists to teach the aborigines their “own” history and to reject Australian culture.
Another thing he pointed out was that Christian aboriginals at the time were numerous and were being heavily persecuted by the communist influenced aboriginals for their acceptance of a united Australia where all the races were equal.
He later left in 1985 to travel to New Zealand to explain to them the same story, as New Zealand was, and still is, suffering from the same Marxist issues. In 2003 he passed away.
He wrote several books, most notably “Red over Black”, A book that explains everything that he says in his video in detail, and a book called “the evidence” which shows that all of his claims are true, with each claim being backed up with various communist writings as his sources.
Make no doubt, the segregation and division of the Australian races and lands stems from Stalinist and Maoist Marxist philosophy and tactics. Divide and conquer.
And the voice? Well just read all 26 pages of the Uluru statement to see that it directly relates to everything he tried to warn us about.
An advisory body does not need to be recognized in the constitution to be legislated.
The voice is the pathway to treaty, a treaty with a “sovereign nation”, A nation that has the land rights to at least 50.6% of Australia as I proved in my most recent article. This is, as Geoff McDonald put it, “A defense matter”.
Well that defense matter is now becoming out of hand. And it falls on every Australians' shoulders to get the message out and defend our country from communist revolution. Because communism means that all the people will be equal… As slaves.
But we are not slaves.
Take the time to watch these videos and share them. Share this thread. Save the videos. I edited the videos of Geoff McDonald so that they are easy to view and short.
One country, One people, One Future.
Alex James.
(Thread continues…) 1. “Some of the people you would see speaking on the TV (about land rights) were people that you’d grown up with in the communist party” sounds very familiar…
Sep 6, 2023 • 12 tweets • 8 min read
The Land grab exposed:
Nearly 50% of Australia under Native title.
A thread 🧵
On the National Indigenous Australians Agency website, they claim that “Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ rights and interests in land are formally recognized over around 50 per cent of Australia’s land mass.” Recently a supporter of Native title claims admitted to me that 30% is directly controlled. Leaving the remaining 20% being either claimed or under direct influence. This, quite obviously, is devastating to the Australian people. And these “native lands” although being under the guise of aboriginal control, is actually influenced to an extreme extent by the “United Nations declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples”. And many of the laws and claims regarding “first nations peoples” cite this, as seen in the justifications in document 14 – the Uluru statement.
This cannot be brushed aside as a lovely and peaceful way of protecting the “indigenous” people, as it is currently portrayed now. Our first clue straight up that something is wrong is that they refer to aboriginals as “indigenous”, which is a misleading use of the term indigenous. The term indigenous means someone who was born on the land. Most Australians today were born on the land, and regardless of race, that means they are technically indigenous to Australia.
I received a direct message from @OutbackAussie5 who has been doing some excellent research into the matter, “Out with the old and in with the new. I found this out today and put this new map together. We need to get this out, look at my states’ tribe” The map shows, which I’ll post in the thread below, that the new distinctions between the first nations tribes are not the same whatsoever as the original tribal area’s before settlement.
So how can these land grabs be about returning “stolen” land to the indigenous first nations' people, yet that stolen land is outside of their current borders? Or even conflicts with another tribes’ borders? It doesn’t add up.
But it does add up if you understand that this has nothing to do with true aboriginals, this instead has much more to do with those elites and rich institutions which want to take as much land as possible under the false pretense of anti-racism and righting wrongs.
But the aboriginals themselves, the ones I’ve spoken to and the ones that message me online, also see this as a vehicle for institutional and/or globalist control. They see themselves as Australians first. Much in the same way as a Celt, an Italian, or an Englishmen all see themselves today as clearly Australian, even though they are of different races.
Because to be a true Australian means to pledge allegiance to one another. To be there for each other when times are hard. And right now, times are definitely hard. And the brave men and women of Australia, even with such extreme political and media driven pressure, have banded together under harsh circumstances and increasing persecution, to call out this globalist takeover, and refuse to take part in the division of our great nation.
But to many Australians, if you were to ask them what percentage of the continent is exclusive first nations’ peoples’ only land, they might say 5-10%. But as I’ve showed. The actual number is much closer to 50%. Even the NIAA admits that ATSI people have formally recognized rights and interests to about 50% of Australia.
This is something we do have to get out there and expose. Because what are the aboriginals suppose to do with 50% of Australia when they are only 3% of the population? Wouldn’t it be smarter if we all saw ourselves as equals and improved on 100% of the land together as 100% of the people? This would help Australia progress. Banning white and Asian people from entering at least 30% of land in the country is economically and socially devastating.
But to the 1% that get access to this land, it is very economically and politically profitable. So let us expose this land grab. Get the facts, save the facts, spread the facts. It falls to all of us to save our nation.
Alex James.
(thread continues…)
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Aug 16, 2023 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
The Uluru Statement exposed:
Apartheid and segregation.
A thread 🧵
What the Uluru Statement explains, in the pages that you are told not to read, Is an apartheid-like solution to their perceived race problem. They want a racially defined government with its own constitution, and they want our current constitution to recognize that. This racially defined government is also not required to undergo DNA tests by the way. And this is not simply a ceremonial government or an institution of recognition either. “A minimalist approach, that provides preambular recognition, removes section 25 and moderates the races power [section 51(xxvi)], does not go far enough” - pg. 9. Every quote in this article is in the pages of the Uluru statement that were referred to as the statement by the Official Referendum report. But this is apparently not important, and you should just forget about that…
What the people behind the Uluru statement from the heart want is a separate nation within Australia, with total rights to the land that has apparently never been ceded. Which, as many of you know, claims to be the entirety of Australia. As even the city of Melbourne, land which was bought off of the native Aboriginal tribe there, is now being renamed to Na'arm, and an “indigenous” governmental body is being set up there. “Australia was not a settlement and was not a discovery, it was an invasion” – pg. 3. This statement completely goes against Melbourne’s settlement and the settlement of English and Irish prisoners across Australia in lands entirely uninhabited.
“It (Australian Constitution) would have to acknowledge the “Tjukurrpa” – “our own Constitution””. – pg.7
The PM has recently said that he hasn’t read the full Uluru statement. I doubt that. If the PM has not been informed of the above quote, then all of his staff should be sacked on the spot. This is basically treasonous and seditious. There should only be recognition of the Australian constitution and Australian laws. Make no mistake; This is an apartheid-like solution to the problem of elites wanting sole land rights over all the lands in Australia, with its own government and constitution. This has nothing to do with aboriginality, as clearly many of them are white skinned and DNA tests are frowned upon. It is communism in its purest form. Less than 1% of the population will own all the land, and you will be happy. “we have achieved some hard-won gains and recovered control over some of our lands.” - Pg 7. Key word here is “SOME”.
Whilst the Yes vote is being smashed in the polls, it is still our duty to spread as much awareness about this problem as possible in order to make sure the No vote definitely wins, and to collect further evidence if… mysteriously… the Yes vote wins and the voice gets passed. So do what you can to make sure everyone reads what is actually in the Uluru Statement from the heart. I’ll link a thread that has every page and important highlights.
This is seeming to be a revolution, not a revolution of the masses, but a revolution of the elites against the people. Stand up for your rights and stand up for your freedom.
Uluru Statement exposed:
Standing up against the lies.
A thread 🧵
It’s a Q-anon conspiracy theory! It’s a right-wing conspiracy! The Uluru statement is not 26 pages long! Look! It’s only one page! What absolutely lies. And the proof ill attach to this… https://t.co/iQgN5g622dtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
You can support my work at 🇦🇺buymeacoffee.com/alexjames
Aug 10, 2023 • 26 tweets • 11 min read
The FULL 26 page Uluru Statement from the heart:
Every page.
A thread 🧵
After a lot of searching and asking around I now have in my possession the elusive and complete 26-page Uluru statement. This is document 14 of FOI/2223/016. It starts at page number 87,… https://t.co/XARYMK8U61twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Pg. 1
This is the Uluru Statement from the Heart page that everyone is familiar with. This is what was recently claimed as the full document, but this is not true as you’ll see. The most interesting part I highlighted in green. Spiritual sovereignty, and the fact that the ATSI… https://t.co/UjT59SohXbtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Aug 2, 2023 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
World War Africa.
Quick thread🧵
Its looking like a huge proxy war between US/France and Russia/BRICS is about to start in west Africa, about 14 countries could be involved plus Algeria, which has a large Mediterranean coast opposite France.
By now you would have figured out that what is happening in France will also happen here. This is unavoidable as the underlying causes of their problems are also present here as well. An unwarranted fanaticism for… https://t.co/PKHvNoTYtOtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
You can support my work at 🇦🇺buymeacoffee.com/alexjames