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"The most canceled scientist." PhD in Biotechnology. Science Journalist. Polyglot. From the Spectrum. CEO @sunfluencer. Contact: simon@sunfluencer.com 🐓

Oct 2, 2023, 12 tweets

🧵THREAD: The Krassenstein twins not only admitted to being paid by "higher ups" to manipulate public opinion, but they’ve also bought Twitter accounts and converted tween fan pages—with massive followings—into their private accounts.

But let’s take things one step at a time.⬇️

#1 Ponzi Scheme: Before Brian (@krassenstein) and Ed (@EdKrassen) became Twitter phenomena, the left-wing brothers allegedly ran Ponzi schemes and online financial 'scams'. In 2017, law enforcement seized nearly half a million dollars from them, contending it was derived from wire fraud.

Although they deny this, court records back me up! Their history already shows they've duped people by promoting multi-level marketing programs (MLMs) and high-yield investment programs (HYIPs). The latter is a type of Ponzi scheme, a scam that promises unrealistic high returns on investment by paying previous investors with the funds from the new ones. This seems to be their M.O.: deceiving people on a grand scale to line their own pockets.

#2 Making Money with Facebook: Around the same time, the Krassensteins ran several Facebook pages designed to play on people's emotions to accumulate followers. Consider this one as an example. They exploited Facebook's design to make a ludicrous promise: get me to a million followers and, somehow, I'll accomplish something completely out of my control.

Then, in January 2010, the Krassensteins saw disaster as an opportunity just like their idol Hillary Clinton. They launched three groups related to the Haitian catastrophe, all to amass a substantial following. Here you see the first group, discussing the second one. I'll discuss the third group in the follow-up post below.

#3 Absurd Facebook Group: This third Facebook group is the most outrageous of them all. The Krassensteins promised to empty their bank account if they reached 10 million fans on that Facebook page, which is frankly unattainable. They claimed that the 'bank account' being emptied would only amount to $2,450 if (!!!) they ever achieved their ridiculous fan target.

Then, after accumulating a significant following, they utilized the group to disseminate posts about their own ventures and websites—like their @KrassenCast podcasts or articles on their numerous websites. I wonder if any of the Krassensteins can demonstrate that they made donations to the victims of the 2010 Haitian earthquake. I have my doubts.

#4 Buying Social Media Accounts: Around this time, starting in 2010, Brian (@krassenstein) and Ed (@EdKrassen) have been actively purchasing social media accounts. Even though the twins assert they have never bought any social media accounts, the evidence is more than just overwhelming. It appears that they bought Twitter accounts on a large scale to self-promote through retweets, follow recommendations, and so forth.

However, the charge looming over them is the mass buying and selling of Twitter accounts, as evidenced by the attached screenshots, and consequently breaking the rules of this platform.

Ed + Brian equals Edbri, and ed@ay.com is clearly linked to @EdKrassen. He has already acknowledged the planned operation of the social network AY in his post, and the connection to OUYA is illustrated in my following tweet. Why would someone else pen these posts in their names, as they claim, given that they were practically unknown back then?

By the way, it seems that @EdKrassen's account was formerly @bieberfanclubs (LOL!!!) with 250K followers, and @krassenstein's account was @JONASBROTHERS5 with 22K followers.

#5 The case ‘OUYA’: The Justin Bieber and the Jonas Brothers Twitter profiles are just two examples targeting naive teenagers. The Krassenstein brothers have consistently utilized the same strategy, monitoring trending topics as potential catalysts for building traction and engagement.

In one instance, they identified a product that experienced a remarkable $8.5 million launch on Kickstarter: "OUYA," a video game console. They proceeded to acquire several domains and establish forums. This was supplemented with numerous social media accounts from which they would spam their messages.

#6 Follow-Unfollow-Script: Their primary OUYA account quickly amassed a suspiciously high number of followers, and it's evident that the follower count aligns with the following count. Everything indicates the use of a follow-unfollow script, which automatically followed a large number of accounts daily, retracting follows in the event of no reciprocation (which is also against the community guildines, by the way).

Currently, both of them are following 506.3K people but deny ever running follow-unfollow scripts. To follow that many people manually would take 60 whole days. Considering that they didn’t only follow people but also unfollowed those who did not reciprocate, reaching this point must have taken years of work. And I doubt that both of them were sitting at the computer for that long just to follow (and unfollow) that many people.

So, why should we trust individuals who:
▪️Firstly, purchase Twitter accounts, likely to boost each other’s engagement;
▪️Secondly, accumulate tween followers fond of Justin Bieber and the Jonas Brothers;
▪️Thirdly, execute fully automated follow-unfollow scripts to augment their follower base;
▪️Lastly, rename the accounts to their names, making it appear as if they personally achieved these follower numbers through their content?

#7 DNC Propaganda: They honestly claim that they are independent political journalists, but they are not critical towards the ‘current thing’ at all. For instance, @krassenstein publicly stated that it was okay for random people to be naked in front of kids, and @EdKrassen claimed that the unvaccinated had a 100 times higher chance to get myocarditis.

#8 More wrong claims: In this video, for example, @krassenstein claims that the C0vid gəne therapy would have prevented both infəctions and transmissions. When he was then critically addressed on his misinformation, he became snippy with his valley girls voice and stuck to his DNC-loyal line. And now, imagine two of them in an @X space against you? That's their strategy. That's most likely how they make a living.

#9 Blackmailing Becky: Naturally, the Krassensteins will now claim that the video in my first post was a parody or was made merely to illustrate how quickly misinformation spreads. Incidentally, they did the same when I asked them why they had deleted a tweet in which they apparently attempted to blackmail @RebeccaSeetahal from the DNC. They stated that they posted and immediately deleted it to demonstrate how swiftly conspiracy theories propagate on the internet. However, by posting it, it ceased to be a mere conspiracy theory. Most likely, @krassenstein confused submitting a tweet with submitting a DM. Admit mistakes? No chance.

#10 Conclusion: In conclusion, the Krassensteins seem to maneuver their way out of every situation and deny any and all criticism, no matter how overwhelming it might be. Moreover, their paired appearances mean that criticizing one immediately brings the annoyance of dealing with both. However, one must give credit where it's due; they have mastered the algorithm of the platform to trigger people, farming engagement, which together possibly earns them between $30-50k USD per month. This is aided, not least, by the support of Elon Musk, who frequently reacts to their posts, thus endorsing their agenda.

Doubts about the integrity of these twins persist. Rumors circulate that they are working for a Middle Eastern state; others claim they are on the DNC payroll. What is certain is that they fully endorse and defend the DNC party agenda in an unwavering manner. If any scandals arise, they are conveniently swept under the rug. Neutral reporting is nowhere to be seen. For instance, they've labeled Trump as a horrific and 'demented human being,' while remaining conspicuously silent on Biden, who displays all the signs of advanced dementia.

Ultimately, the right to freedom of speech and opinion also applies to these twins, which I greatly value on this platform, but everyone here should be aware of their past and present to properly contextualize their content.

Dr. Simon (@goddeketal)

#11 About Me: If you are new to my content, please check out the pinned tweet on my profile to learn more about me and to understand why I am speaking out against governmental misinformation. Feel free to also follow my Vitamin D information account, @sunfluencer.

Thank you! 🌞

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