Pekka Kallioniemi Profile picture
Creator of #vatniksoup and The Soup Central. Inquiries to

Oct 9, 2023, 7 tweets

In today's #vatniksoup, I'll provide my predictions on what will happen next:

1) Russia will promote themselves as mediator in the Israel-Palestine conflict, and also start spreading propaganda about how they've wanted peace in Ukraine but the West has prevented this.


2) Spread of fake news and disinformation will absolutely explode, and most of this material will be taken out of context. Old videos from Syria, Palestine, etc. will go viral, and simpletons like @NickGriffinBU will share content from video games.

Do follow @Shayan86!


3) MAGA gang and other political movements based on lies and grifting will use the disinformation to promote their agenda, and once they're exposed, they will move on to the next lie. There will be absolutely no accountability.


4) This same group will also try to tie the situation in Israel to the war in Ukraine. This has already started by people claiming that the weapons intended to Ukraine were actually sold to Hamas. Community Notes will appear too late to have any real impact.


These accounts will be then amplified by Russian troll farms, and their ultimate goal is to reduce the humanitarian and military aid to Ukraine and also to move the focus away from the Russo-Ukrainian War. One should remember, that Russia has been actively destabilizing...


...the situation in the Middle East, and they've also collaborated with Hezbollah in Syria and met with Hamas leaders several times in the last year. Hezbollah is also closely tied to Iran, a country that's sending Shahed drones to Russia to support their invasion in Ukraine.

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