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Practically all news on enemy countries in the western MSM is fake news. I bring you another view. Fluent in Chinese, English, French and Italian.

Oct 12, 2023, 13 tweets

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The background leading up to the desperate Hamas Operation/
Israel's final solution for the Palestinians.

There is a bug in modern international law, that is, intentionally causing people in other countries to starve to death does not constitute a violation of human rights, nor does it constitute massacre.

This creepy anti-humanity BUG was developed by Israel with great pains.

Do you know that the inventor of modern terrorism is Israel? It's not without reason that we associate Mossad with assassinations and terror attacks. It's in their DNA.

In the 10 years before Israel was created, from 1937 to 1947, Israel launched at least 50 major terrorist attacks, blowing up 814 civilian aircrafts, two trains, one ship, and razing 385 Arab villages to the ground. Note that the above are only "major" terrorist attacks.

Between 1947 and 1949, Israel attacked major Palestinian cities, destroying some 530 villages and killing some 15,000 Palestinians in a series of mass atrocities, including dozens of massacres.

On April 9, 1948, Zionist forces carried out one of the most notorious massacres of the war in the village of Deir Yassin, on the western outskirts of Jerusalem, where more than 110 men, women, and children were killed by the Zionist militia of the Irgun and Stern Gang.

During this period, 750.000 Palestinians were driven from their homes and became refugees in their own ancestral land.

Refugees have the right under international law to return to their displaced homes and to recover their property. So Israel's current occupation of Israel is illegal.

If you feel that these cold numbers are meaningless, let's look at more detailed descriptions and look at some "small terrorist attacks" that are "insignificant".

On December 11, 1947, Israeli terrorists threw bombs into a bus full of Arabs from a truck, killing six Arab civilians on the spot and injuring more than 30 people.

This kind of terrorist act was carried out on a daily basis by Israeli terrorists at that time, "insignificant" trivial incidents randomly picked out from historical records. Bombing Arab buses was as casual as eating and drinking. Only bombing planes, trains and ships can be called "Big Terrorist Attack". Israel is the father of modern terrorism. Later, all terrorists were inspired by examples set by Israelis.

With this forceful means of expressing "protest", Israel's demand for statehood was finally met by the United Nations, and the Israel state was successfully established in 1948. It was assumed that Israelis would stop such terrorist attacks once they are given a state.

Before the founding of the Israel state, 14 passenger planes were bombed, but those were all planes parked at the airport, so not much of a challenge for the Israelis.

The first terrorist attack in human history to hijack a civilian airliner was invented by Israel. In December 1954, Israeli terrorists hijacked a civilian airliner in Syria and this form of terrorism was born. However due to the systematic suppression of unsavoury terrorist acts carried out by Israel, these acts are now associated with Islamists. It's very likely that Mossad organized the "brilliant" 911 in cooperation with CIA.

Only after strong condemnation from the international community and having won several Middle East wars with the support of the United States and having gained numerous advantages (US military aid, hundreds of billions of USD worth's compensation from Germany) did Israel begin to become more "respectable" and endeavored to cultivate its image. Israel's genetic impulse to engage in terrorist attacks was temporarily put on hold for a while. After all, Israel has become a strong power from a once weak ethnic group. The PR cost for terrorist attacks was too high. (Thread will be continued)

Video: Gaza after Israeli bombings

In order to quell the terrorist attacks launched by Israel in the Middle East, the United Nations announced the partition plan for Palestine and Israel, allowing Palestine and Israel to establish separate states.

According to the 1947 United Nations resolution, the Israelis, who constitute the minority, were allocated 57% of the most fertile, the most strategic part (coast etc) of the land in Palestine. Whereas the Palestinians, who constitute the majority, were allocated 43% of the poorest part of the land of Palestine. One can only say that the Israeli lobby combined with Israeli terrorism was powerful and effective.

This land distribution plan was already very unfair, but the Israelis were not satisfied. Over the years, they have invaded almost the whole Palestine step by step through encroachment. As you can see on the maps of Israeli expansion between 1946-2000, it's spreading like a virus. Now almost the entire Palestinian area has turned white, like the White Lung disease, the organ being completely infected by a virus.

How have the Israelis managed to grab more than 90% of Palestinian land in the past half century?

Believe me it's not through democracy, love and justice, but through violence and massacre/genocide.

Israel has massacred countless Palestinian civilians over the years. Violent beatings and killings are commonplace, and there have been many cases of openly shooting Palestinian women and children on the streets.

These Palestinians are all massacred by Israelis. The Bucha massacre in Ukraine is fake, but these massacres are real and well recorded and have happened again and again.

Protected by western governments and media, Israelis gained a moral pass to mass killings with perfect impunity.

This habit of killing Palestinians culminated in the killing orgy of the Beirut Massacre in September 1982. The Israeli army blocked the Beirut refugee camp and carried out a horrific massacre that lasted 40 hours. A large number of women were raped and executed, and many boys were castrated and executed. Some Palestinians' scalps were peeled off, and some corpses were carved with crosses.

These atrocities triggered strong protests in many countries around the world.

On December 16, 1982, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution, condemning the massacre and characterized it as ethnic cleansing.

Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon claimed responsibility for the massacre and resigned from his post.

Thanks to Israelis' twisted values, Sharon became a national hero because of this massacre, and was elected as Prime Minister of Israel in 2001. So Israel had a mass murderer as their prime minister and are proud of it. So in order to succeed in Israeli politics, one must kill Palestinians. Israeli prime ministers who don't want to kill Palestinians will be assassinated.

Today Israeli settlements are whitewashed and beautified into these pastoral outposts in the desert. In reality, they are Israeli invasion strongholds, all of which were force taken from the Palestinians by armed troops without spending a penny, and then retired soldiers were allowed to live in them as a reward for their services.

All Israelis are soldiers, and all adult men and women have been trained in gun shootings. They are also allowed to legally hold guns, and weapons and ammunition can be purchased at will. Those who are serving are responsible for driving tanks around to grab land, while those who are retired are responsible for actually living in a house full of rifles and settling on the stolen land, and are responsible for driving away Palestinians who want to go home, forming a perfect closed loop.

So in the end, every Israeli has a stake in killing and making disappear Palestinians. They are living on stolen land and homes. If Palestinians come back, they lose everything. Remember, every adult Israeli is a soldier entitled to kill Palestinians with total disregard of international law.

However, Sharon's forced resignation shocked Israel greatly. From that day on, Israel restrained itself a little bit and reduced frequencies of extreme violence/massacres to suppress the Palestinians. Israel began to pay attention to "international perspectives" and engaged in international Israeli beautification campaign on a large scale. The famous Israeli "publicity fees" to improve their image began at that time.

Since 1982, Israel's direct massacres of Palestinians began to decrease rapidly. Since 2008, only 150,000 Palestinians have been killed or injured by Israel, of which only 33,000 were Children NO sarcasm is intended here. These figures are far smaller than those prior to 1982.

But Israel’s uncontrollable thirst for Palestinian lands is not quenched. And conquering more land means conflict and killings.

In the end, Israel has managed to occupy almost all of Palestine's land, and there's not much place left for Israel to invade. Israelis intend to replicate the model of the first European settlers on the American continent. In the end, 95% of native Americans were killed and the remaining 5% live on "reserves". This is the end scenario awaiting the Palestinians.

The major problem is how to permanently drive the Palestinians away. Israel's desire is to retain the land but get rid of the population as the European settlers did on the American continent,

Israel is no doubt the aggressor. Palestinians are entitled to armed resistance. Unfortunately, Palestinian resistance movement has already failed. Israel has de facto taken full possession of nearly all the Palestinian land.

If Israel had treated Palestinians with decency, most Palestinians would have resigned to their fate and aspire to a peaceful coexistence.

But Israel doesn't want the Palestinians, much less the Palestinians to vote, otherwise the Palestinians, who are the majority population, would outvote the Jews.

Israeli law explicitly states that Israel is an exclusively Jewish state, and that is the underlying tenet of all Israeli laws.

Palestinians are not Jews and cannot become Israeli citizens. If they can't be assimilated, they will be a danger to Israel sooner or later. However the Palestinians who have survived the past massacres can't be openly mass-murdered, so what can Israel do?

Many Palestinians continue to stay in their ancestral homeland even after everything has been destroyed, in the hope of regaining their former homes one day. War torn Middle East has given rise to refugees entering Europe massively creating multiple waves of refugee crises, but Palestinians are not among these fleeing refugees to the great annoyance and disappointment of Israelis.

In order to completely expel the Palestinians, Israelis forcefully herded a large number of Palestinians into the Gaza Strip, a small strip of 350 km2 around which they built a 10-meter-high fence and then sent Israeli soldiers to patrol it day and night.

The population density of the Gaza Strip is already three times that of the city of Beijing, and Israel continues to send in new Palestinians, so many that it is impossible for them to produce enough food on their own through agriculture on that small piece of land, and there is no industry. The Israeli army has sealed off the entrances and exits of the Gaza Strip, restricting the entry of goods. Not satisfied with turning the Gaza Strip into a prison camp, Israelis bomb Gaza from time to time to destroy Palestinians' confidence in building up its economy.

Later, to justify Israeli bombings of Gaza and other atrocities, Israel helped to create Hamas.

The tiny Gaza Strip had become a de facto Nazi concentration camp. There's no way that Israel will let Palestine become an independent country.

To prevent the Palestinians from getting enough food, Israel had even used warships to blockade the Gaza coast and limit the extent of Palestinian fishing.

Then Israel left a wide opening in Gaza leading to Egypt, enticing encouraging the starving Palestinians to flee to Egypt as hunger refugees.

This is the "strategy" that Israeli think tank has come up with after studying international law to forcibly remove Palestinians legally.

Starving a human being to death is not a human rights violation, nor is it a massacre, let alone starving a person to death while humanitarianly allowing the person to flee.

In 2022, the United Nations launched a vote on the proposal "Food as a basic human right".

It may seem strange to the casual observer that having food to eat is not a basic human right. Is it necessary to organize such vote at the United Nations? What a strange resolution!

When you see Politicians haggling over seemingly pointless concepts, please suspect that every move is meaningful.

This seemingly boring vote is designed against Israel because Israel is forcing Palestinians to flee out of Gaza by mass starving them to death. If the UN passes the "basic human right to food" resolution, then Israel's attempt to starve the Palestinians to death will be qualified as a human rights violation. Starvation can no longer be used to "legally" eliminate Palestinians. Forcing Palestinian to flee out of hunger will be human rights violation.

#Israel is not stupid, and saw at once that this proposal was aimed at Israel's final solution for Palestinians.

However, it was obvious that if such a proposal was justified to the extent that no sane human being could possibly oppose it, the number of those who will vote for it was bound to be overwhelming. It was useless for Israel to oppose it alone. As usual, in time of crisis, Israel immediately seeked the help of the United States, its protector forever at its beck and call. As can be expected, the US killed the proposal by using the US right of veto.

The final result of the vote was 186 votes in favor, 5 abstentions and 2 votes against (US &Israel).

Why, I'd like to ask the U.S. and Israel, isn't the right to food a basic human right?

After having obtained the negative vote of the United States, Israel, in a state of euphoria, decided to intensify its efforts to starve the Palestinians out of Palestine before it was too late.

Further, Israel had come up with a new tactic. They declared that Palestinian wells used to irrigate agricultural land were illegal constituting thefts of Israeli water resources and must be sealed off immediately.

Israel then resorted to violence and forcefully filled the Palestinians' wells with cement one by one in order to minimize the Palestinian food production.

On October 7, 2023, following the launching of rockets, Hamas death squad members passed through the Israeli ground blockade line by means of improvised paragliders, drifted into the rear of Israeli bases armed only with light weapons and attacked.

If they lose, they will not be able to escape, and if they win, it will be very difficult for them to escape either. Death awaits them.

This is the Israeli home front, the blockade lines are overlapping, you have to paraglide to get in. Hamas does not have the ability to hide them afterwards, . and when they land, they are surrounded by Israelis who are all soldiers. Every family has plenty of weapons and ammunition, and there is a military stronghold every few kilometers.

So after a wave of attacks it was a matter of survival for a few hours or days, and it was almost impossible to get out of there alive.

Why do so many Hamas operatives enter Israeli territory knowing full well that they will almost certainly die?

It's because of that little (looks undernourished) Palestinian girl whose home was destroyed. This little girl was saying in the video that when she grows up, she will trample the Jews under her feet and kill all of them. If you call this Palestinian little girl a terrorist, then what word do you use to call the Israelis?

These Hamas operatives are her brothers who have grown up.

It seems the Israelis and the whole West have forgotten to ask themselves the basic question, why do Palestinians hate Israelis?

They hate Israelis because the latter treated Palestinians as the Nazis treated Jews.

For the Hamas, there's no future in the Gaza Strip, but sacrificing your life for your family is not a terrible thing. It gives meaning to your life.

It's time to declare that any Israeli occupation of Palestinian land contrary to the borders of the 1947 United Nations resolution is illegal.

According to the UN resolution, the Palestinians have the right to armed resistance to fight aggression. Palestinians should have the right to food,
they have the right not to be massacred and imprisoned. They have the right to regain their lands and homes.

The guiding principle of the Israelis is the same as that of the Nazis.

Netanyahu wrote:
"The weak crumble, are slaughtered and are erased from history while the strong, for good or for ill, survive. The strong are respected, and alliances are made with the strong, and in the end peace is made with the strong."

This is might is right. Yes, Israel and the US and the western zionists elite who dominate the west are mightier than anyone for the last 70 years. Their combined forces seem to be invincible. However China is coming. Once the US hegemony is toppled, without the support of the US, Israel won't be able to push through their final solution for Palestinians. Maybe that's why they "allowed" Hamas to launch a massive attack on Israel to create a pretext to eliminate Gaza?

Remember the Gaza Strip is a prison under tight surveillance, thousands of missiles can't be moved into the prison without being noticed.

That's why the western zionists ruling class is scared shitless of the rising of China. They should be.

Maybe there's hope for Palestinians.

@CarlZha @MadamMiaow @JerrysTakeChina @for_ma @thinking_panda @goto_matthew @shaunrein @Glenn_Diesen @RnaudBertrand

Hello friends, would you please repost my thread above? X now drastically limits my views. Thanks. My above thread is a rough translation of a Zhihu (Chinese Quora) article and confirmed by resources on Internet and YouTube videos of an Israeli. Comments are welcome.

@CarlZha @MadamMiaow @JerrysTakeChina @for_ma @thinking_panda @goto_matthew @shaunrein @Glenn_Diesen @RnaudBertrand @Partisangirl @SyrCoalition @Palestine_UN @palestine @NiMingda_GG @luo_yuehan

Please repost. Thanks!

@mariocavolo @johnnjenga
@RobertsonJohn88 @xwarreport
@swilkinsonbc @sahouraxo @apocalypseos

Hello friends. Please repost. Thanks!

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