Kareem Rifai 🌐 Profile picture
anti-authoritarian advocate | syrian-circassian | currently @aei + m.a. @georgetowncss | contributor @centerclipaudio | alum @umich | #freesyria

Oct 13, 2023, 7 tweets

FIGHT DISINFORMATION: Comprehensive ongoing list of the most prevalent viral imagery of Syria falsely attributed to the Israel-Gaza war.

This image is of child victims of the Assad regime's gas attack against Eastern Ghouta a decade ago, not Israeli or Gazan victims of war.

This is a video of children in the Assad-besieged Yarmouk, Syria from a Syrian documentary called "Little Palestine" from nearly a decade ago.

Though these children are mostly of Palestinian descent, this is Syria, not Gaza.

This viral image is from the ruins of the Omari Mosque in Daraa, Syria from a decade ago. The mosque was attacked by Assad regime forces.

This is not a mosque in Gaza.

This video (very distressing) is of a Syria Civil Defenseman saving a baby in the aftermath of this year's earthquake in northern Syria.

This is in Aleppo Governorate, not the result of missile strikes in Gaza.

This is a video of a Syrian child whose relatives died in the Assad regime's siege of Aleppo a decade ago.

This is not a video from Gaza and is nearly 10 years old.

This is a video from early this week of the Assad regime indiscriminately using Russian-provided heavy artillery on the town of Ariha in northern Syria.

This is not imagery from Gaza nor Israel.

This is a video from 2016 of Assad regime soldiers in Aleppo being targeted by Syrian resistance fighters.

This is not a recent video of Israeli soldiers being attacked by Hamas, and vice versa.

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