Kareem Rifai 🌐 Profile picture
anti-authoritarian advocate | syrian-circassian | currently @aei + m.a. @georgetowncss | contributor @centerclipaudio | alum @umich | #freesyria
Jul 13 4 tweets 2 min read
2016 GOP platform mentions of Taiwan: 9
2024 GOP platform mentions of Taiwan: 0

2016 GOP platform mentions of Ukraine: 4
2024 GOP platform mentions of Ukraine: 0

2016 GOP platform mentions of Syria: 2
2024 GOP platform mentions of Syria: 0
2016 GOP platform: "We salute the people of Taiwan, with whom we share the values of democracy, human rights, a free market economy, and the rule of law."

2024 GOP platform: N/A Image
Jun 16 4 tweets 2 min read
This 18 year-old NYU freshman just indirectly stole $51k worth of luxury goods from a Putin and Maduro-connected Russian mining magnate.

Kaitlyn Fung was just arrested for stealing from her Russian oligarch nepobaby roommate, Aurora Agapov.
Agapov, pictured on the left here with Kaitlyn, is the daughter and granddaughter of Russian mining oligarchs Andre Agapov and Vladimir Agapov, worth tens of millions.

Andre is the President and Vladimir is the Chairman of Rusoro Mining. Image
Jun 9 5 tweets 3 min read
"The mass slaughter in Srebrenica, for example, is certainly a horror story and major crime, but to call it 'genocide' so cheapens the word."

Noam Chomsky on the Srebrenica Massacre, which left 8,000+ Bosniak Muslims dead.
"Russia is fighting more humanely than the US did in Iraq."

Noam Chomsky on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Apr 18 10 tweets 4 min read
Matt Gaetz's constituents produce Javelins.

Jim Jordan's constituents produce Strykers.

Anna Luna's constituents produce HIMARS.

Scott Perry's constituents produce Bradleys.

Yet all four oppose the Ukraine aid that funded those projects — and they're not the only ones.

New research from AEI shows that the majority of Ukraine aid is going to 122 defense production lines across 65 congressional districts to support Ukraine's defense effort.

However, several of the representatives benefitting are vocal opponents of aid. Image
Apr 18 7 tweets 3 min read
Marjorie Taylor-Greene's amendments to the foreign aid bills:

1. Members who vote for Ukraine aid must conscript in the Ukrainian Army

2. Israel aid will be used for the development of "space laser technology" on the Southern border
No, I did not make this up, she's this insane:

Israel aid: ..

Ukraine aid: ..amendments-rules.house.gov/amendments/GRE…
Feb 16 6 tweets 2 min read
VERY strong message from Edward Snowden on the murder of Alexei Navalny.

How's life as a Russian citizen? Free speech paradise as expected?

Oh. Image A thread of Edward Snowden's mask-off gems —

Exhibit A:

Feb 6 7 tweets 2 min read
This post made a lot of people angry, but the reply section is a fascinating dive into the most prevalent anti-Ukraine talking points:

• "Our taxes shouldn't go to foreigners"
• "US aid is money laundering"

Neither are particularly compelling, a thread. Image "Our taxes shouldn't go to foreigners"

Good news, they're not!

Of the $68 billion in military and related assistance Congress has approved since Russia invaded Ukraine, almost 90% is going to Americans. Image
Jan 30 5 tweets 2 min read
CODEPINK is an explicitly pro-Assad, pro-Putin, and pro-CCP organization partially bankrolled by a pro-CCP millionaire, which the New York Times recently reported.

Pelosi was obviously referring to the New York Times report + the protesters were all white women. Be serious. I don't think people understand that Pelosi (and many other members of Congress) are very aware of CODEPINK mostly by force because CODEPINK has been shoving themselves in members' faces for decades at this point.
Dec 31, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read

I've thrown together a list of top tweets for every month of 2023. Vote for the best by replying with your favorite tweet of the month below.

Starting off strong with this all-time banger from January: Image February:

When everybody clapped for Nina Turner in East Palestine. Image
Dec 30, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Flushing a decade of Muslim and Arab integration into the Democratic coalition down the toilet for a lose-lose gamble — all to accomplish nothing.

This is idiotic, and you don't have to be a Muslim or a Democrat to see that. The website cites the leader of CAIR Minnesota saying "we don’t have two options. We have many options. And we’re going to exercise that."

Who are these mystery "other options?" What have we deluded ourselves into believing here?
Oct 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
A decade ago, an Assad regime tank blew up my grandparents' home while they were still inside.

The misuse of Syria videos in the Israel-Palestine information war spits on their memory.

It must stop. My words for @Telegraph.

telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/10/1… British influencer Sulaiman Ahmed posted an image of Syrian children who were gassed to death by the Assad regime.

He said it was a video of Palestinian children killed by the IDF. Ilhan Omar retweeted it. It went viral. Image
Oct 13, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
FIGHT DISINFORMATION: Comprehensive ongoing list of the most prevalent viral imagery of Syria falsely attributed to the Israel-Gaza war.

This image is of child victims of the Assad regime's gas attack against Eastern Ghouta a decade ago, not Israeli or Gazan victims of war. Image This is a video of children in the Assad-besieged Yarmouk, Syria from a Syrian documentary called "Little Palestine" from nearly a decade ago.

Though these children are mostly of Palestinian descent, this is Syria, not Gaza.
Jan 8, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The student who complained was warned multiple times, including right before the viewing, where the professor invited anyone who was uncomfortable to step out.

She stayed anyways and got the lecturer fired. My opinion as a Muslim college student? INSANE conduct by the student. Image The lecturer was extremely mindful and respectful. The painting is one of the most important in Islamic art. Who are we to enforce a belief (not even shared by all Muslims, including myself) on other students who are trying to be educated? These people are absolutely insane. Image
Oct 6, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
A few weeks ago, I was conducting interviews for a student society I'm on the board of and I had a super intelligent applicant who was born and raised in Iran.

We had a long conversation on Iran and the Middle East, and not shockingly, we had multiple disagreements. We disagreed fundamentally about Iran's role in the Middle East, especially Syria, the JCPOA, the virtues of figures like Zarif, Suleimani, etc.

He wasn't an apologist by any means and was definitely less than lukewarm about the regime, but nevertheless, we had split opinions.
Oct 1, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
⚡️ After a months-long investigation ordered by Congress, the State Department has validated both the OAS and EU accounts that the 2019 Bolivian election conducted by Evo Morales faced multiple irregularities that made it impossible to verify the legitimate outcome. Image "The first quick count of the Preliminary Results Transmission Center (TREP) showed that Morales had not achieved a victory in the first round, obtaining 45 percent of the total votes and only 8 percent more than his closest rival. However, Morales claimed to have triumphed."
Sep 26, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
My grandparents were both one of the few surgeons of their specialties in Northern Syria before they died.

Their home, an apartment in the hospital they operated, was blown up by a regime tank while they were inside, sharing iftar with hospital staff.

These people are sick. Image My grandpa on my dad's side died in his sleep in the early stages of the war. I could not go to Syria for his funeral.

My grandmother on my dad's side died not knowing where she was, in a middle of a war-zone, from dementia. I could not go to Syria for her funeral.
Sep 25, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
BREAKING: The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has determined that the Bolivian gov. of Evo Morales ordered the extrajudicial massacre and torture of multiple foreign nationals at the Las Americas Hotel.

This may lead to a trial against Morales or the Bolivian State. Image In 2009, at the Las Americas Hotel in Santa Cruz, the IACHR determined that a police operation ordered by Morales entered the hotel and gunned down multiple foreign nationals from behind.

They note that one victim was shot multiple times in the back while on the ground dying.
Sep 1, 2022 10 tweets 1 min read
THREAD: Who REALLY started the war in Ukraine?

1/10 Vladimir Putin

Jul 5, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: A new TikTok account from a North Korean tour guide turned-influencer has cropped up, with three extremely viral videos just in the past week.

I'm going to show you how foreign dictatorships use covert influence campaigns to propagandize Western youth. Strap in. Who is Zoe? She's a British citizen who works for a group called Koryo Tours, a Beijing-based tour company, appointed as a travel specialist by a branch of the North Korean Government.

Zoe's employer is only mandated to exist in the DPRK because of this government sponsorship.
Jul 5, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Absolutely weeping at the not one, not two, but NINE sources discussing how Rania is a prolific dictator supporter. "Why are people saying I'm an Assadist???"

*shows wikipedia page with nine different sources showing how she's an Assadist*
May 21, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: Today is the Circassian Day of Mourning, remembering the victims of the Circassian genocide perpetuated by the Russian Empire, which killed and displaced upwards of 97% of the indigenous Circassian population.

My ancestors, like many others, were deported to Syria. During the Russo-Circassian War in the 19th century, the Russian army employed ethnic cleansing as their primary tactic of war.

Circassian villages were starved and burnt down, with any survivors immediately massacred.