anti-authoritarian advocate | syrian-circassian | currently @aei + m.a. @georgetowncss | contributor @centerclipaudio | alum @umich | all opinions my own
Mar 6 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
TRUMP: "We have an interesting deal with Japan, that we have to protect them, but they don't have to protect us.... who makes these deals?"
The United States! After we literally wrote in a pacifist clause into the Japanese Constitution and neutered their military!
Someone close to Trump is now railing against the US-Japan Security Treaty.
The security treaty guarantees the US basing rights for tens of thousands of our troops on China, DPRK, and Russia's doorstep.
This is beyond the pale. I can't imagine this won't make Tokyo panic.
Feb 11 • 15 tweets • 7 min read
Tonight, the Senate votes on Tulsi Gabbard's nomination to become Director of National Intelligence.
Here's a quick thread recap of who exactly Tulsi is.
In November, after Tulsi's nomination was publicized, Russian state media immediately began loudly lobbying in her favor.
Feb 3 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
JUST-RELEASED: In further written questioning, Sen. Warner asks Tulsi if she was aware that the foundation that paid $20000 for her trip to Italy is chaired by Pierre Louvrier, a Russian oligarch-connected businessman.
Tulsi says she doesn't recall.
Warner follows up by saying Louvrier's assets in Russia are literally on his Wikipedia page.
Tulsi says she doesn't recall.
Sen. Heinrich confronts Tulsi for lying to him in the public hearing that she was unaware that the pro-Assad Grand Mufti in Syria she met in 2017 had threatened to unleash suicide bombers on the US.
Tulsi says she doesn't recall.
Jan 30 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
LANKFORD: Was Edward Snowden a traitor?
Gabbard doesn’t answer the question.
LANKFORD: Was he a traitor the time that he took America’s secrets, released them in public, and then ran to China and became a Russian citizen?
Gabbard doesn’t answer the question, again.
BENNET: Was Edward Snowden a traitor to the United States of America?
Gabbard refuses to answer the question for a third time.
Bennet asks again.
Gabbard refuses to answer the question for a fourth time.
Jan 28 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
JUST NOW: Shortly after Tulsi's 2017 Assad tryst, the US intercepted a call between two Hezbollah members discussing her visit to Syria.
The Hezbollah members say Tulsi met "the big guy," which some US intel officials assume is a senior Hezbollah official.
Remember when Tulsi went on a public rampage over temporarily being placed on the TSA Quiet Skies list?
It was because she went on a trip to the Vatican in 2024 organized by a businessman on a watch list maintained by the FBI Terrorist Screening Center.
Jan 14 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Incredibly bizarre: Tulsi told Sen. Capito that her infamous 2017 trip to visit Assad in Damascus was actually scheduled for Lebanon, but she ended up in Syria by accident.
Sen. Kelly calls BS here and then politely eviscerates Tulsi for obviously lying.
To be clear, the idea that Tulsi's Syria Nazi Party-sponsored trip was supposed to go to Lebanon and not Syria is the most ridiculous and transparent lie she's spewed yet.
From my recent piece on her connections to the Assad regime:
Dec 31, 2024 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
Back by popular demand, I've thrown together a list of the top tweets from the extremes for every month of 2024. Reply with your favorite month below.
Starting off strong in January:
Posted within the same hour.
Dec 25, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Iran wants nothing more than a Syria embattled in rank sectarian violence — and they will do anything to achieve it.
"The Syrian youth have nothing to lose" except their newly-found freedom from Iran's reign of terror.
Importantly — Iran's attempts to destabilize Syria this evening in no way absolves any use of excessive force by new Syrian security forces.
Resorting to violence is exactly what Tehran wants. Syria needs reconciliation and order — not shows of might.
Dec 8, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
To the international leaders sincerely congratulating the Syrian people, thank you.
But it's not over: Syrians want to vote for their own leaders and live equally under the law.
Your role is to facilitate as needed and stop regional actors from abusing Syrians further.
Don't condemn the future of Syria before doing anything to safeguard the Syrian desire for a democratic transition.
Things are going to be messy after the fall of a half a century of tyranny.
Don't abandon Syrians now.
Nov 30, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
JUST NOW: The Syrian opposition has reached Kafranbel, the Syrian town in Idlib famous for their protest banners.
"Putin! Get your soldiers back safe, otherwise we send them to you in coffins."
Nov 15, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
From Putin to Maduro to Assad, there's few enemies of the United States that Tulsi Gabbard doesn't have a bizarre affinity for.
Amid a sea of controversial cabinet picks, she is by far the most dangerous to our national security.
My words in The Hill.…
Just weeks after Tulsi's visit to Damascus, Assad unleashed a deadly chemical attack on Khan Shaykhun.
Iran is a revisionist state. In the past decade it has aggressively and violently expanded its influence, not only in the region from Damascus to Baghdad to Beirut to Sanaa, but across the globe. It is seeking a nuclear weapon.
This is not political commentary. This is a fact.
A fact that is frequently ignored by pundits and commentators who insist on painting Iran as a victim, and the status quos of misery it has created across the region as normal and peaceful.
Iran has agency, and it has exercised it forcefully.
Sep 19, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Can any of these viral posts claiming that hospital-issue pagers were being blown up provide any actual evidence, because the viral "civilian health worker" who was confirmed dead from a pager explosion just had his funeral.
I really do not understand where this claim originated from, considering that not even Hezbollah / Iran state media are reporting explosions of hospital-issue pagers.
Random civilians are not carrying pagers in Beirut in the year of our lord 2024. Can we be serious please.
Regardless of what you think about the attack morally — even pro Hezbollah media is not making this claim.
Hezb members openly use pagers to communicate. The viral claim that hospital pagers were targeted is obviously false. See video below about the "new pagers" Hezb recieved.
JUST NOW: Shocking documents from the Justice Department release on Russian election influence.
One of the docs below describes a redacted US political party as having a "relatively pro-Russian agenda," with a plan to create a Twitter sockpuppet network to promote said party.
For clarity: the documents above and below are translated from Russian, with redactions made by the DOJ.
Here's another excerpt from a different evidence document.
Very simple context clues here on who exactly "Party A" and "Party B" are.
Aug 28, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr.'s first campaign manager, Dennis Kucinich, are part of the same cohort who secretly visited Assad in Damascus on the dime of a shell organization of the Syrian Nazi Party.
Gabbard and Kucinich went on a "fact-finding trip" to Syria with two affiliates of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party.
Does their logo on the right look oddly familiar?
Aug 20, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
I compared the most critical passages on Russia from the 2012 vs. 2024 official Dem. party platforms and... just wow.
Mind-boggling just how wrong the Obama-adjacent foreign policy thought was and how much of a 180° it's taken — to full blown "new axis of evil" style rhetoric.
Takeaways you should notice:
1. 2012 platform touts cooperation with RUSSIA to stop... Iran and North Korea... two countries we know are cooperating with Russian adventurism
2. 2024 platform promotes NATO and ally cooperation to stop network of authoritarianism
Jul 13, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
2016 GOP platform mentions of Taiwan: 9
2024 GOP platform mentions of Taiwan: 0
2016 GOP platform mentions of Ukraine: 4
2024 GOP platform mentions of Ukraine: 0
2016 GOP platform mentions of Syria: 2
2024 GOP platform mentions of Syria: 0
2016 GOP platform: "We salute the people of Taiwan, with whom we share the values of democracy, human rights, a free market economy, and the rule of law."
2024 GOP platform: N/A
Jun 16, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
This 18 year-old NYU freshman just indirectly stole $51k worth of luxury goods from a Putin and Maduro-connected Russian mining magnate.
Kaitlyn Fung was just arrested for stealing from her Russian oligarch nepobaby roommate, Aurora Agapov.
Agapov, pictured on the left here with Kaitlyn, is the daughter and granddaughter of Russian mining oligarchs Andre Agapov and Vladimir Agapov, worth tens of millions.
Andre is the President and Vladimir is the Chairman of Rusoro Mining.
Jun 9, 2024 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
"The mass slaughter in Srebrenica, for example, is certainly a horror story and major crime, but to call it 'genocide' so cheapens the word."
Noam Chomsky on the Srebrenica Massacre, which left 8,000+ Bosniak Muslims dead.
"Russia is fighting more humanely than the US did in Iraq."
Noam Chomsky on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Apr 18, 2024 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Matt Gaetz's constituents produce Javelins.
Jim Jordan's constituents produce Strykers.
Anna Luna's constituents produce HIMARS.
Scott Perry's constituents produce Bradleys.
Yet all four oppose the Ukraine aid that funded those projects — and they're not the only ones.
New research from AEI shows that the majority of Ukraine aid is going to 122 defense production lines across 65 congressional districts to support Ukraine's defense effort.
However, several of the representatives benefitting are vocal opponents of aid.